1994-1995 Academic Catalog

88 Education Special Education Program Tl1e peciaJ education program prepare tudent to \ V r~ ~ .. pecial education teacher in public and Cl1r1 t1an cl1001 around the world. To provide a olid educational foundation and enable tudent to have a , ,ariety of profe ional option , the pecial education progra111 require that tudent complete the require– ment for certification in either elementary or econd– ar education along with the special education curricu– lum. The program offer three areas of pecial educa– tion pecialization: Developmentally Handicapped Severe Behavioral Handicapped Specific Learning Di ability Secondary education tudents must, in addition to the pecializat~on and psychology concentration require– ment outlined, take the following course : EDUC-371 Method and Material for Mathematics .. 5 EDUC-391 Reading Methods ........ . ..................... 7 All pecializations require a concentration in psychol– ogy . Elementary education major may use this as their concentration area. The psychology concentration ~equirements involve thirty-two quarter hours includ– ing: PYCH-160 General Psychology ...... ... .... . . . .. ...... . .. 5 PYCH-261 Psychological Statistics ........... . .. .. . . ..... 5 PYCH-270 Child Development ......... . ........ . .... ..... 4 PYCH-363 Psychological Measurement .... . ....... .. .. . 5 PYCH-365 Psychology of Learning . . . .. . ........... . ... . 4 PYCH-366 Fundamental of Counseling ... .. .. . . .... . .. 5 PYCH-376 Cognition and Perception . .. . ..... ... .. . . . . .. 4 Admission Requirement Students interested in the special education program must apply for admission to the teacher education program. A minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 is require? in all courses, including the teaching field and professional courses. All other requirements outlined for admis ion to the teacher education program are applicable to admission to the special education pro– gram. Graduation Requirements Completion requirements for the special education program are those of the teacher education program with two addition : 1. Students completing the special education program must complete the NTE core battery exam and NTE specialty exam as prescribed by the teacher education program and by the state of Ohio. In addition, they must complete the NTE specialty exam for each area of disability in which they desire certification. 2. Students completing the special education program must .also c_omplete the second student teaching experi– ence 1n their area(s) of pecialization. Students com– bining two specializations may divide their special education student teaching into two parts--one for each specialization. Special education ,najors use Chn"srian 1ninistries ro gain experience lvorking 1-virh handicapped studenrs.