1994-1995 Academic Catalog

Engineering, Nursing. Science Center Athletic Center Constructed in 1981 the paciou Athletic Center i one of the large t athletic facilitie found at any inde– pendent college in the Midwe t. Providing year-round recreation and training thi port center feature five full-length basketball court , a one-tenth mile indoor track, three volleyball court , two tenni s court , badminton court a batting cage, three racquetball court , a we ight room, and training room. It eat nearly 3,000 fan for ba ketball game and i large enough for indoor track meet complete with running, long jump, high jump, pole vault , and hot put event . Heritage Square and the Student Center are located on the second floor of the Athletic Center. Heritage Square, decorated with memorabilia from the earl y day of the College, remi nd tudent of Cedarvi lle rich heritage. The Student Center provide a comfort– able ' li ving room" atmo phere in which tudent n1 ay relax, socialize, and be enterta i11ed. Comfortable 5eating , a large- creen tel evi ion. pool table , tal)le– tenni table~, group meeting area, , and the Gavelyte Deli provide re ource that can enhance any ca. ual time. TJ1e second floor of the Athletic Center al o serves as the ho1nc of the Campu Ac tivitie Office. Tl11 departn1ent over~ee . tudent organi zations and coordinates the concerts and activitie 0n can1pu . Given cl1e location and Chri stian <)rientation of the ollege, can1pus-ba5ed acrivitie play a11 in1pc)rtan1 role in cc>llcge l i le at edarv1 I le and lead to ~0111e <>f tl1e greatest 111cl11ories of the collegiate ex1)erience. J 1ilner Ilall 011e11ed i11 tilt: fall of 1987 a11d f ealur1ng Ll1e late~t i1 in tructio11al tcc.hnolog) , chc Gec>rge M 1lner Bu~111c~\ Adn1i11i . Cration Buildi11g C<>nta111~ ge11eral c IH\\t <><)Ill\, the CPJet r ervices c>f1icc, a 111icrt>C<)111putcr centc1 , 11lu"i ot1iccs and cla sr<>on1s for the dcparc111enr ot l1u~111e\~ adn1i11i tratio11 . Desig11ed like a c.orpo1ate ce11ter a11d full)' co111pute1-supported , tl1i s facilit)' •~ <l~sig11ed to pr J)ate edar,,ille scud~nts for or11pctent er" iLe i11 the ~·orld of busi11ess . The Campus 9 Engineering, Nursing, Science Center Thi fac ility demon trate tl1e College' firm commit– ment to providing top-quality Chri tian education in the cience and feature 01e of the large t reflecting tele cope in the tate of Ohio. In addition to contain– ing office for cience department faculty, thi faci li ty contain eve ral general cla room . Thi 75,000 quare foot, 3- tory academic center contain 16 cla room including a 200- eat auditorium; l O indepe11dent tudy laboratorie ~ 5 conference room ; 36 di cipline- pec ific laboratorie ; 50 office ; and everal lounge . The building al o contain a 34- tation n1icrocomputer laboratory and feature video and data connectivity in all office , cla room , and laborato- rie . Special feature include a 25- tation computer– aided design laboratory, an audio-vi ual learning laboratory, a imulated ho pita] ward , an engine te t cell , and a greenhou e. Fine Arts Building Located two block outh of the main campu , chi tately tructure do11ated by Andrew Carnegie erve everal acaden1ic department . Faculty office co1n– pri e the fir t fl oor . Wenger oundproof module.. fi ll the lower level providing practici11g faci litie for mu ic tudent . I ooking narrlt at 1ht· C 011,,~, /10111 tht ai,