1994-1995 Academic Catalog
94 Education Course Descriptions EDl C-100 Int roduction to Education 2 hours ~\ n introduction to the n1aJor concepts of schooling. EDl 'C-101 Field Exper ience 2 hours A four-\vee~ field experience in n1ulticultural chools. (Fee: $45) EDl'C-182 .183 r\lathematics for Elementary Teachers 5 hours each quarter A course de igned to certif) Lhac the prospective elementary teacher has n1a~tered the arithmetic kills and concepts currently taught at the elen1entary chool level. Topics covered include: nun1ber propertie. . numeration sy ten1s, and informal geometry. Prerequi ite: Major in elementary education or permission of 1n true tor. Both clas es mu t be taken before the PPST tests. EDI:C-201 Preliminary Student Involvement O hours Each student arranges five full, con ecutive days in a Christian chool during which he observe and participate in classroom acti\ 1t1e . A follo\v-up report is required. EDl'C-230 Arts and Crafts in the Elementary School 2 hours Philo ophy. method , and n1alerials of art instruction. En1pha– ized creative work. using simple tools and inexpensive materials. Prerequi ite: Sophon1ore standing. EDUC-250 Early Childhood Education 4 hours A con ideracion of the function of preschool education in the total life of the child including a study of the research and theory of his physical. n1ental. emotional. and social growth. Discussion of current pre chool and primary programs. EDUC-251 Kindergarten Curriculum and Methods 5 hours A tud} of purposes, content, methods, and resources for teaching and learning in kinderganen. Field experience included. Prerequi– ite: EDUC-250 Early Childhood Education. EDUC-270 Audio Visual Methods 2 hours for elementary majors 1 hour for secondary majors An introduction to audio visual equipment. software. and operation with emphasi placed on operation. Effective selection and utilization i di cu sed co enhance the student' understanding of the "total" concept of media use. Seconday education majors must take with the Methods Block. EDUC-290 Handwriting O hours Instruction in manuscript and cursive on paper and the black– board. Includes principles of teaching handwriting lo elemenlary children. EDUC-300 Learner & the Learning Process 4 hours A tudy of (1) the nature of the learner from a measurement perspective, (2) the nature of Lhe learning process, includi ng theories of learning. principles of learning, diagnosis of learning needs. measurement and evaluation of learning, and (3) the interaction of teaching and learning. EDUC-301 Tutoring for Secondary Education I hour Twenty hours of tutoring in certification field(s) in area schools. Constitutes a transition experience between Introduction to Education field experience and Principles of Teaching practicum. Should be taken before EDUC-3 16,317 Principles of Teaching. Prerequisite: Admission to Teacher Education Program. EDUC-302 Teaching Thinking Skills 2 hours Teaches creative and critical thinking skills . Methods of instruc– tion for these skills will be developed for a variety of curricula and a diversity of age groups. Must be taken with Methods Blocks. Prerequisite: Admission to Teacher Education Program. EDUC-303 Introduction to Computers in Education 3 hours A general overview of hardware, software, and computer related information for classroom teachers. It is to equip pre-service teachers with the background necessary for the successful use of the computer as an instructional tool in the classroom. Prerequi ite: EDUC-300 Leamer and the Leaming Process. EDL'C-305 J unior Practicum S hours A ten-week field experience requi red of secondary music educanon students. The practicum must be completed prior to student teaching and is on a Credit/No Credit basis. Prerequisite: Adn1i\s1on to the Teacher Education Program and Methods of Teaching Music . EDUC-310 Supervised Field Experience 1-5 hours A one-to-five hour credit placemenl in an elementary or secondary classroom. The assignment is designed to give a transfer student or a student repeating other field experience an analogous experience to those for the existing teacher education classes. EDUC-316,317 Principles of Teaching 8 hours A combinat ion of methods of teaching, clinical experience, and field experience in secondary schools with attention to combining the theory and practice of teaching and learning in each of the teaching fields. Prerequisite: Admi ssion to the Teacher Education Program. (Fee: $50) EDUC-320 Children's Literature 3 hours A survey of the early history, major types, and modem trends of literature for children from preschool through grade eight. Social and personal value of li terature is studied. EDUC-321 Philosophy of Education 3 hours A critical analys is of educational philosophies and their impact on Christian educational philosophy. Prerequisite: Admission to Teacher Education Program, junior status, or permission of instructor. EDUC-331 Topics in Children's Literature--A 5 hours An overview of current topics and trends in children's literature. May be credited toward the language arts and literature concentra– tion areas for elementary education. Prerequisite: EDUC-320 Children's Literature. EDUC-350 Reading in the Content Ar ea 3 hours An introduction to the dimensions, strategies, and programs for learning and teaching the reading process , including the nature of the reading process, assessment techniques, and instructional strategies to provide increased comprehension of the textual material of the disciplines represented in this class . Prerequisite: Admission to the Teacher Education Program. EDUC-352 Developmental Reading 5 hours Includes basic philosophies, current practices, testing, and evaluation for reading disabilities and corrections; and materials and methods utilized in the teaching of reading in the secondary schools. Laboratory and fiel d experiences are included. EDUC-361 Linguistics Practicum 3 hours Independent teaching of ESL under general supervision of master teacher. Elementary Methods II 14 hours EDUC-371 Methods and Materials for Mathematics EDUC-372 Science Methods EDUC-373 Social Studies Methods EDUC-375 Clinical Experience 3 hours An introduction to the objectives, skills, instructional strategies, teaching aids, and resource materials for teaching mathematics, science, and social studies in the elementary schools. Clinical field experiences provide theory-driven application. Prerequisites: Admission to Teacher Education Program; EDUC-182, 183 Mathematics for the Elementary Teacher. (Fee: $30) EDUC-380 Reading: Diagnostic and Remediation Techniques 5 hours Experience in the use of formal and informal testing to diagnose various types of developmental and remedial reading problems. Emphasis upon individual assessment techniques in identification, testing, and causation of reading difficulty. Experience in the techniques of tutoring pupil s having reading problems. Develop– ment of instructional strategies of diagnostic teaching. Prerequisite: EDUC-350 Reading in the Content Area; or EDUC-352 Develop– mental Reading; or EDUC-391 Reading Methods. Elementary School Methods I 14 hours EDUC-391 Reading Methods EDUC-393 Language Arts Methods An introduction to the objectives, skills, teaching aids, and resource materials for the teaching of reading and language arts. Implementation of skills required in a field experience . Prerequi- . site: Admission to the teacher education program. (Fee $30.00) •
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