1994-1995 Academic Catalog

• EDUC-394 Clinical Experience 3 hours An introduction co the objectives, skills, and strategies of instruction with a linguistic emphasis, and teaching aids, and resource materials. and implementation in field experience in the teaching of reading and language art . Prerequisite: Admission to the Teacher Education Program. (Fee: $30) EDUC-400 Independent Study in Education 1-5 hours Investigation of contemporary topics in education through reading, writing, or creative projects. Prerequisite: 15 quarter hours in education. EDUC-440 Special Student Teaching 5-12 hours Occasionally, unusual si ruations arise which entail special provisions: e.g., summer chool student teaching for exper ienced teachers, repeated experiences, etc. ED C-450 Supervised Teaching and Seminar 15-16 hours Mose directed teaching is done in nearby schools. Opportunities for placement on the mission field are available. One quarter must be reserved. The seminar includes a study of contemporary topics in education. Prerequisite: All requi red education courses. (Fee : $120) • IIJ"§ 11t"nR Special Education ·c ~1- EDSP-102 Education of Exceptional Children 2 hours ((.5. Explores the implications of P.L. 94-142 and 101-476 wit11 an emphasis on the definitions and characteri stics of exceptionalities 3~ under this law. Mainstreaming crategies are both di scussed and ~ observed. Jr, '.!:'c ED P-223 Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities 3 hours Overview of the theories, re earch, and practices related to the education of individuals with mental retardation or developmental dtsabilities. Emphasis on causal factors, assessn1ent, facets, and , n management of students with MR or DD. Prerequi ite : EDSP-102 . 1 · Education of Exceptional Children or concurrent enrollment or by · concent of instructor. ED P-224 Survey of evere Emotional Di abilitie 3 hours Overview of the theories. research, and practices related to the education of individuals with severe emotional di sabi lities. JM'J!i Emphasis on the causal factors , assessment, facets, and manage– ment of students exhibiting evere emotional disabilitie . Prereq- uisite · EDSP- 102 Education of Exceptional Children or concurrent t! ~ enrollment or by concent of instructor. ED P-225 Survey of Learning Disabilitie 3 hour Overview of theories, research, and practice related to the education of individuals with specific learning di sabilitie . Empha– sis on casual factors, asses&ment, facets, and management of ; ul1 students with specific learning disabiliues. Prerequisite : EDSP- 102 Education of Exceptional Children or concurrent enrollment or by consent of instructor 'ED P-321 areer ducation and Occupational Training for xceptional Individuals 2 hour Role of oc.cupational training in the curriculun1: relationships with Lhe world of work ; problems of organizing and administering: rnethods and techniques used in developing occupational interest5 and abilities at various levels F1cld/clinical experience required ~I). P-333 Instructional 1otivation and Beha, ior Managen1ent of x.ceptional Individuals 3 hour · Learning theo1 y, rnotivacion, and behavioral approac.he to n1anagen1ent of the social and acaden1ic behavior of technique for exceptional individual . J>rerequisite : Admission to teacher education p1 ogran1 or consent of instructor. ED P-421 are r ducatlo11 a11d Occupational Training for c ptional t1ildre11 3 hours oleo ccupational training in the curriculurn; relationships with 11 the \\Orld ot \\'Ork; problem of organizing and administering: 1netbod and techni4ues u ed in developing o cupational interests and abilities at various le\ els. Field/chnical experiences requiied. ~D "P· 1 s essn1ent of "J cptional hlldren 4 hours our e \\ ill aid student in learning to ad1nini te1 and interp1 et forn1al and infor:n1al educati nal a e tnent and conm1unicate this as n1en1 data to parenls and colleague . Prerequi ite: P)' 11- 4 l ; P's' 11-363. Education 95 EDSP-432 Communication and Collaboration kill for SpeciaJ Education 2 hour Techniques of collaboration, consultation needed to enhance communication with exceptional individual . parent , educational team members, and other profes ionals. Prerequi ite : EDSP--+31; or concurrent enrollment. EDSP-451 Special Education Student Teaching 15 hour Directed teaching in area school 111 specific lean1ing di ab1lny. severe behavioral handicapped, and de\elopmentall} handicapped sett ing . Ten full week required for one or l\\ O specializauon Prerequisite: All required special education cour e . EDSP-465 Adaptive Curriculum, lethods and :\lateriaJ for Exceptional Students 3 hour Introduction to the curriculum and intervention cracegie · and type of in tructional material<, and educational cechnolog} u ed with rudent with mild to moderate hand1capp1ng condition . Prerequisite: Completion of Method I and II. a ~ • =- - : • : - - - • • • • • • • • • • Education gnu/t({l/e\ ui.e their te 1ch111~ lAtl/, aroun I rhe \\'Orld Den, e Uhl, a 1993 English ed11ca11011 ~raduate, tau~hr 111 outh J:..orea