1994-1995 Academic Catalog

~ 1al:e a ~. 1an• ••e . .. ~ are al~ • \·era~e of to ID! ~d ID Ct ,Faculty Charles Allport , Director of Engineering Programs; Associate Professor ofMechanical Engineering. Education : B.S., United States Air Force Academy, 1962; M.A. , George Washington University, 1963; M.S.E., Arizona State University, 1965; Registered Professional Engineer, 1970. At Cedarville since 1990. La\vrence Zavodney, Chairman; Associate Professor of Me– chanical Engineering. Education: B.S.M.E., The University of Akron, 1974; M.S .M.E ., The University of Akron, 1977; Ph.D ., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1987. At Cedarville since 1992. Phil Bruce, Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering . Education : B.S.E.S., United States Air Force Academy, 1966; M.S.A.E ., Air Force Institute of Technology , 1972. At Cedarville since 1993. Robert Chasnov, Associate Profes or of Mechanical Engineer– I ing. Education: B.S., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute , 1978; M.S., University of Illinois, 1980; Ph .D ., University of Illinois, 1983. Al Cedarville since 1991. Keith Francis, Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering . Education: B.S.E.E. , United States Air Force Academy , 1976; M.Eng.E., Cornell University, 1984; ABD, University of Dayton. At Cedarville since 1991 . Garth Frazier, Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering . Educarion: B.S.E. E., Mississippi State University 1986; M.S.E.E., Mississippi State University, 1989; Ph .D ., Ohio niversiry, 1993. At Cedarville since 1994. Harwood Hegna, Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineer– ing. Educarion: B.S.A.E., University of Minnesota, 1969; M.S.A.E., Universi ty of Minnesota, 1971; M.S.M.E., University of Minnesota, 1973; Ph .D ., Air Force Inst itute of Technology, 1981; Registered Professional Engineer, 1990. At Cedarvi lie ince 1992. I ... Engineering 97 Clint ~ohJ , Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering . Education : B.S.E.E., South Dakota State University. 1988: M.S .E.E., University of North Dakota , 1990; Ph .D. , Iowa Stace University, 1992. At Cedarville since 1994. Robe~ Laramore, Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering. Educallon: B.S.E.E., University of Mis ouri at Rolla, 1973: M.S .E.E.. University of Missouri at Rolla , 1975; Registered Professional Engineer, 1978. At Cedarville since 1992. Rolan Polsdorfer , Instructor of Electrical Engineering. Educa– tion: B.S.E.E., Univer ity of Toledo, 1960. At Cedarville ince 1992. Sam SanGregory, A sistant Professor of Electrical Engineering. Education : B.S.E. Wright State University, 1988; M.S.C.E. Air Force Institute of Technology. J 992. At Cedarville since 1993 . Technical Support Staff David Denlinger , Mechanical Engineering Technician . At Cedarville since 1993 . J onathan Gain, Electrical Engineering Technician . Education : B.S.E.T ., LeTourneau University, 1968; E.1.T., 1969. Ac Cedarvi lle since 1992. Career Opportunities Engineer are found in leader hip po ition in a variety of settings. They work at all stage of develop– ing ideas into product : re earch, development, design, construction, producti on, operation , market– ing ale , and management. In thi era of rapid technological change an engineering education erve our ociety well. In the decade ahead. ociety need and problems--such a fo ii fuel depletion and alterna– tive energy ource , tran porcation, manufacturing. re earch, pollution , pre ervation of the environment. and world hunger--will call for engineering contribu– tion on a cale not previou ly experienced. Del 1g,1 co111pe1111011.> po11; nee/ b, S E J,11e,11a11onnl chal/e,1 e ~1tule111; 10 tHf e11g111eer111g kill!, J.Jf, r.f) l.Ll\ 'Odlle\, ch ur of 11te £ 11 •111ee1111g J)epar1111e111, ll p1c111r,etl he,e ,,uh the 1994 SAE c;uper1111/ea ' 11 de.Hgll ,e, 1111