1995-1996 Academic Catalog

ENGR-319 Analog Filters--W 3 hours An introduction to the theory, design, and implementation ?~ . passive and active analog filters; ?asic filter.s~ruc~ur~s, .sens1t1V1ty, passive network synthesis, operational amp.hf1er lmutat10ns, . multiple-amplifier filters, and filter realizat10n methods. Prereqm- site· ENGR-318 Linear Systems. (odd years) ENGR-320 Probability and Random Processes for Engineers 5 hours Sample points, sample spaces, probability, random variables, random vectors, statistical averages, estimation, linear transforma– tions, spectral analysis and Gaussian process.es. Ma~ be used to meet the mathematics requirement for electncal engmeers. Prereq– uisite: MATH-283 Calculus III, ENGR-318 Linear Systems. ENGR-321 Electronics Laboratory I--W 1 hour Applications of the Electronics I .course; .solid-state .electronic . devices, emphasis on bread-boardmg, testmg, analysis, synthesis, and reporting. Design project required. Prer~quisite: ENGR-303 Circuits II. Corequisite: ENGR-311 Electromcs I. (Fee: $30) ENGR-322 Electronics Laboratory II--Sp 1 hour Applications of the Electronics II course; design, bread-~oard!ng, testing and analysis of circuit~ discuss~d i~ th.e lecture usmg bipolar junction and field effect transistors. Cll'cmts ~nclude low~l~vel signal amplifiers, power amplifiers, ~nd mult1-.stage amplifiers as well as circuits involving feedback, filters, oscillators, and power supplies. Design project required. Prerequisite:. ENGR-321 Elec– tronics I Lab. Corequisite: ENGR-312 Electromcs II. (Fee: $30) ENGR-333 Electromagnetics--A 5 hours Development of vector calcuh.~s, _Max:-vell' s equations, propagation of uniform plane waves, transmission .Imes, Snuth Chart, w~ve guides, Laplace's and Poisson's equ~t1o?s. Fo?r lectures with alternating 2-hour laboratory and rec1tat10n penods per week. Pre– requisite: MATH-387 Dif~e1:ential Equations, '."fA!H-388 Ad– vanced Calculus I. Coreqms1te: ENGR-303 Cll'cmts II. (Fee: $15) ENGR-337 Principles of Automatic Control--A 4 hours Theoretical and experimental analysis o! classical feedba~k control systems for mechanical engineers; modelmg, transfer funct10n formulation; frequency response, root locus, Bode plots, and servomechanisms. Three lectures and one 2-hour laboratory per week. Design project required. Prerequisite: ENGR-302 Circuits I. (Fee: $20) ENGR-341 Properties of Engineering Materials--A 4 hours Introduction to the properties of metallic, ceramic, polymer, and composite materials; plastic deformation, strengthenin_g.' f~acture, fatigue, corrosion, diffusion, equilibrium and non-eq~1hbnum . processes, phase diagrams, and electrical and magnetic properties; application to materials selection. Three lectures and o?e 3-hour laboratory per week. Prerequisite: ENGR-276 Mechamcs III· Strength of Materials. (Fee: $30) ENGR-342 Principles of Physical Metallurgy 3 hours Physical and mechanical properties of metals. and alloys;. crystal structure, phase equilibria, defects, strengthemng mech.amsms, and kinetics of reactions. Prerequisite: ENGR-341 Properties of Engineering Materials. ENGR-343 Manufacturing Processes--W 3 hours Contemporary materials processing: molding, casting, forming, machining, and hot and cold worldng; fundamentals of ma!l?factur– ing, inspection techniques and quality assurance. Prereqms1te: ENGR-341 Properties of Engineering Materials. ENGR-344 Plastic and Composite Materials 3 hours Properties and processing of plastics, resins, and adhesives. Rheology, creep-deformation history, and !njection n_iolding. Fiber– reinforced, carbon-carbon, and metal-matnx composites analyzed for strength, anisotropy, and applicability. Prerequisites: ENGR-341 Properties of Engineering Materials. ENGR-347 Feedback Control Systems--A 5 hours Analysis and design of continuous-time feedback control systems; modeling, transfer functions, state-variables; root-locus, frequency response, Bode plots, Nyquist criterion; stability robustness, compensator design for performance and robustness, PID, phase– lead, phase-lag, lead-lag, pole placement, state o~s~rvers. Four lectures and one two-hour lab per week. Prereqms1te: ENGR-318 Linear systems. (Fee: $20) Design competitions enable students to apply their design skills to real problems and interact with engineering s'.udents fr01~1 other s~hools. The 1995 Aero Design Team built the plane pictured t.o l(f/ a 111ax~1n11m car~o of twelve pounds at the SAE Intemational Aero Des1g11 Co111peflt1011 held 111 Daytona, Florida. ENGR-351 Thermodynamics 1--A 4 hours Introduction to engineering thermodynamics; properties of p~re substances work heat first and second laws of thermodynanucs, energy antl entropy. P;·erequisites: CH~M-158 Chemistry for Engineers and PHYS-272 General Physics II. ENGR-352 Thermodynamics II--W 4 hours Continuation of ENGR-351 with specific application to power, refdgeration cycles, and combustion processes. Prerequisite: ENGR-351 Thermodynamics I and MATH-388 Advanced Cale. I. ENGR-353 Internal Combustion Engines--Sp 3 hours Development and design of piston engines ai~d turbines, spec.ial design of combustion chambers, valve mecha~1sm, and ~ynanuc balancing. Prerequisites: ENGR-274 Mechamcs I - Statics, ENGR- 352 Thermodynamics II. ENGR-356 VHSIC Hardware Description Language--W 3 hours Design, testing, and verification of combinational logi~ c!rcuits and finite-state machines using the VHSIC Hardware Desc1:ipt~on . Language (VHDL); top-down design meth~dology, begmmng w1~h purely behavioral description decomposed mto a structural descnp– tion using basic logic gates. Three lec~m:es and ~-hour.laboratory per week. Prerequisite: ENGR-191 Digital Logic Design and ENGR-221 FORTRAN or ENGR-280 "C" Programming. (Fee: $15) (even years) ENGR-358 Advanced Digital Logic Design--A .. 3 hours Survey of logic families, arithmetic circuits, ~dvanced f1111te-state machine design and implementation, introduct10n to computer organization, controller implementations, jun_ip count~rs, branch. sequencers, and microprogramming; emphasis on rapid e~ectromc. prototyping and the effective use of adv~nced comp~ter aide? ?es1gn tools for minimization, simulation, and unplementat1on of d1g1tal circuits. Prerequisites: ENGR-191 Digital Logic Design, ENGR-302 Circuits I. ENGR-360 Fluid Mechanics--W 5 hours Basic concepts and fundamentals of subsonic fluid flows, in~r?duc­ tion to boundary layers and transition to turbulen.ce. Pr~reqms1te: MATH-388 Advanced Calculus I, MATH-387 D1fferent1al Equa– tions, ENGR-221 FORTRAN. ENGR-365 Heat Transfer--Sp 4 hours Introduction to conduction, convection, and radiati01.1 heat tr~nsfer; analytical and computational tech?iques. Design project reqmred. Prerequisites: ENGR-250 Numenc.al Method~, ENGR-351 Thermodynamics I, ENGR-360 Flmd Mechamcs.