1996-1997 Academic Catalog

Music Accomplished pianist Charles Clevenger chairs the department and teaches private piano. History and Literature HLMU-231 Introduction to Music Literature--A 4 hours Study of music ?Y genre and chronology: ~ocu~es upo~1 art . traditions in music. Students become familiar with a wide vanety of music literature and learn to listen analytically. Serves as the introductory music histo1y course for sophomore music majors. HLMU-235 American Music-W 5 hours A survey of musical development in America from early colonial times to the present. Attention will be given t? attempt.s to cr~ate an individual "American" musical style. Emphasis also will be given to the principle stylistic trends and the predominant musical attitudes in America since World War I. HLMU-300 Introduction to Music Historiography-Su 3 hours An introduction to the philosophy of music history, the history of historical writing, bibliography, and methods of research. Prerequi- site: HLMU-231 Introduction to Music Literature. (odd years) HLMU-331 Music History I - Medieval and Renaissance--A 3 hours A study of western civilization music traced from its primitive sources with special attention given to medieval and Renaissance music. HLMU-332 Music History II - Baroque and Classical-W 3 hours A study of the music of western civilization traced from 1580 through the early works of Beethoven with special attention given to the major musical forms in vocal and instrumental music as demonstrated in the works of Monteverdi, Schuetz, Lully, Corelli, Vivaldi, Rameau, J. S. Bach, Handel, Gluck, Haydn, and Mozart. HLMU-333 Music History III-Romantic and Modern-Sp 3 hours A study of the music of western civilization traced from the time of Beethoven to the present. HLMU-336 Black American Music-Sp 3 hours A hist01y of the musical activities of black Americans in the United States. Consideration will be given to the social, political, and economic forces in the development of Negro Music. Prerequisite: HLMU-231 Introduction to Music Literature; HLMU-235 American Music. HLMU-400 Directed Reading in Non-Western Music-Su 3 hours Selected reading designed to strengthen the student with a music history emphasis in the development of Non-Western music through the use of primary and secondary materials. Prerequisite: HLMY- 231 Introduction to Music Literature; HLMU-331,332,333 Music History I,II,III. HLMU-491,492,493 Senior Seminar I,11,III-A,W,Sp 2 hours each Each music hist01y emphasis student will prepare a research paper using a topic approved by the student's advisor and the seminar instructor. The paper will be presented and defended before members of the music faculty, music hist01y students, and other. interested music majors. Prerequisite: senior status and completion of other requirements in the music hist01y emphasis. HLMU-499 Independent Study in Music History-A,W,Sp,Su 1-4 hours Independent and intensive study in a particular area.of ?lusic history for individual students who demonstrat~ sp~cial mterests and ability. Prerequisite: HLMU-331,332,333 Music History I,II,III. Keyboard Pedagogy KPMU-201 Keyboard Pedagogy I-A 4 hours Study of techniques and literature for the teaching of beginning to intermediate piano students both in private and class settings. Includes study of graded teaching materials and participation in a supervised teaching setting. Prerequisites: THMU-122,123 Theory II, III; THMU-132,133 Aural Skills II,III. KPMU-202 Keyboard Pedagogy II-W 4 hours Discussion of pedagogical problems involving intermediate students· evaluations of piano literature and investigation of specific aspects ~f piano pedagogy through readings and discussion. Prerequisite: KPMU-201 Keyboard Pedagogy I. KPMU-203 Keyboard Pedagogy III-Sp . 4 hours A study of technique and literature for the ve1y young begmner and the older beginning student. Planning for musical and technical development, teaching strategies for individual and group lessons, and preparing students for festivals and competition. Prerequisite: KPMU-202 Keyboard Pedagogy II. KPMU-311,312,313 Directed Teaching-A,W,Sp 1 hour each Supervised teaching experience in a private or class format with beginning to intermediate level piano students. Prerequisite: KPMU-201,202,203 Keyboard Pedagogy Series. KPMU-401 Class Piano Pedagogy-Sp 1 hour Pedagogical methods and techniques using electronic studio in– class teaching. Prerequisites: KPMU-201,202,203 Keyboard Pedagogy I, II, III. KPMU-402 Studio Business Practice--W 1 hour Developing the piano studio as a small business. Aspects of . advertising, building and keeping clientel.e, taxes, reco_rd keepmg, and using a microcomputer as an accountmg and teachmg t?ol. Prerequisite: KPMU-201,202,203 Keyboard Pedagogy Senes. KPMU-403 Survey of Advanced Pre-College Literature--A 1 hour Survey of representative Bar~qu~ through. 20th. cen~my litera~ur~ for the advanced pre-college piamst. Teachmg h1stoncally styhsttc playing; selection of audition and contest lite~ature. Prerequisite: KPMU-201,202,203 Keyboard Pedagogy Senes. KPMU-411,412,413 Directed Teaching-A,W,Sp 1 hou~ each Supervised teaching experience in a private or class format with beginning to intermediate level piano students. Prerequisite: KPMU-201,202,203 Keyboard Pedagogy I,II,III.