1996-1997 Academic Catalog
Music Education EDMU-187 High Brass Methods-A 2 hours Historical background, pedagogical and perfonnance techniques of trumpet and French horn. (Fee: $15) (odd years) EDMU-188 Low Brass Methods-A 2 hours Historical background, pedagogical and performance techniques of trombone, baritone, and tuba. (Fee: $15) (even years) EDMU-190 Guitar Methods-W 2 hours A study of the historical background, pedagogical and performance techniques of the guitar. Required of music education majors pursuing the choral track. Open to other students by permission of instructor. (Fee: $15) EDMU-191 Woodwind Methods (single reed)-W 2 hours Historical background, pedagogical and performance techniques of clarinet, saxophone, and flute. (Fee: $15) (odd years) EDMU-192 Woodwind Methods (double reed)-W 2 hours Historical background, pedagogical and performance techniques oboe and bassoon. (Fee: $15) (even years) EDMU-193 High String Methods-Sp 2 hours Concentration on violin and viola performance techniques including traditional and Suzuki methods. (Fee: $15) (even years) EDMU-194 Low String Methods-Sp 2 hours Concentration on the methods and techniques used in playing the cello and string bass. (Fee: $15) (odd years) EDMU-195 Percussion Methods-A 2 hours Concentration in snare drum techniques and an introduction to tympani and tuned percussion methods. (Fee: $15) (odd years) Senior music major, Steve Estep, competed at the International Bartok– Kabalevsky piano competition in Radford, Virginia. Music EDMU-273 Wind and Percussion Methods-Sp 3 hours An overview of the history, pedagogy, and performance techniques of all band instruments. Required for the vocal major pursuing secondary music education or the B.M.E. degree; open to others by permission of the instructor. (Fee: $15) (even years) EDMU-370 Music for Elementary Teachers-A,W,Sp 2 hours Music literature and teaching aids for children, including basic music theory, development of skills on keyboard and classroom instruments and voice; music in the curriculum; teaching musical concepts. Prerequisite: elementary education major or permission of the instructor. (Fee: $15) EDMU-371 Music for Elementa1·y Teachers-A 4 hours For music majors only. Music literature and teaching aids for children, including basic music theory, development of skills on keyboard and classroom instruments and voice; music in the curriculum; teaching music concepts. Field and clinical experiences are a requirement of this course. Prerequisite: admission to the teacher education program or permission of the instrnctor. (Fee: $15) (even years) EDMU-372 Music for Secondary Teachers-W 4 hours The history of and basis for music in the secondary curriculum; administration of the music program; methods of teaching music in groups; sources of materials for instrnction. Field and clinical experience are a requirement of this course. (Fee: $15) EDMU-373 Vocal Pedagogy-A 3 hours Philosophy, objectives, and techniques of offering vocal instruction at all levels with emphasis on vocal production, pedagogical approaches, repertoire, and program building. Prerequisite: CLMU- 186 Voice Class, CLMU-286 Intermediate Voice Class, or comple- tion of sophomore vocal review. (odd years) EDMU-374 Music in the Middle School-Sp 2 hours A study of materials, methods of procedure, supervision, and psychological aspects of teaching music in the middle school. Field and clinical experience are a requirement of this course. (Fee: $15) (odd years) EDMU-375 Instrumental Pedagogy-W 4 hours The study of techniques and literature for the teaching of wind, percussion, brass, and string students in the private studio. Investi– gation of studio teaching through readings, interaction, and discus- sion. Prerequisite: PLMU 100 and 200 levels. (odd years) EDMU-377 Band Administration-A 2 hours A course designed to present the philosophy, learning processes, and organizational problems associated with beginning, intermediate and advanced bands. Corequisites: EDMU-378 Marching Band Practicum, EDMU-379 Instrument Repair. (even years) EDMU-378 Marching Band Practicum-A 1 hour A field experience designed to provide the instrumental music education major with an intensive practicum in marching band organization, repertoire, routines, and formation-charting, including a minimum of one-week band camp experience. To be taken concurrently with EDMU-377,379. (Fee: $15) (even years) EDMU-379 Instmment Repair-A 1 hour A laboratory session in the basic repair of band instruments. The course would involve instrument repair specialists and hands-on experience. To be taken concurrently with EDMU-377, 378. (Fee: $15) (even years) EDMU-499 Independent Study in Music Education-A,W,Sp,Su 1-4 hours Independent and intensive study in a particular area of music education for individual music education majors who demonstrate special interests and ability.
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