1996-1997 Academic Catalog

NSG-440 through NSG-449 Special Topics in Nursing-A,W,Sp,Su 5 hours Selected topics of interest to faculty and students. Course titles to be announced when scheduled. Prerequisite: NSG-201 Theoretical and Technical Foundations of Nursing or permission of instructor. NSG-480 Independent Study in Nursing-A,W,Sp,Su 1-4 hours Independent learning to secure an extensive background in a specialized area of nursing. May be repeated once. Prerequisite: signed contract between student and instructor in which work to be completed is described. NSG-483 Theory in Nursing-W 3 hours Theories of nursing and borrowed theory are studied to demon– strate conceptual frameworks for nursing care used to restore balance of resources and demands. Students comparatively analyze a data set using Christian nursing theory and at least one other set of assumptions. Prerequisite: NSG-201 Theoretical and Technical Foundations of Nursing or permission of instructor. Nursing NSG-493 Research in Nursing-A 5 hours The research process is studied as an information management tool applied to the investigation of health balances and imbalances. Basic elements of the research process, including ethical issues, are discussed and applied to published nursing research and student proposals. Prerequisite: NSG-201 Theoretical and Technical Foundations of Nursing, PYCH 261 Psychological Statistics, or permission of instructor. NSG-495 Seminar in Nursing-Sp 3 hours Focuses on trends in professional nursing. Students are challenged to integrate a Christian philosophy of nursing as they adopt the role of professional nurse. The political, legal, economic, social, and ethical factors that disrupt the balance of resources and demands in health care are debated. Prerequisite: NSG-403 Nursing Care of Children and Adults II. More than a dozen health care agencies, including the Dayton Children's Hospital, serve as clinical nursing sites.