1996-1997 Academic Catalog
90 Social Sciences and History CRJU-433 Contemporary Issues in Criminal Justice--W5 hours An analysis of key issues currently influencing the criminal justice system. CRJU-460 Seminar in Criminal Justice 1-A,W 1 hour CRJU-461 Seminar in Criminal Justice II-Sp 4 hours Two-quarter experience for criminal justice majors that involves researching issues related to the administration of justice in the United States from a normative and/or empirical perspective. Findings research in CRJU-460 are presented and discussed in CRJU-461. Capstone course. Geography GE0-250 Introduction to Geography-A,Su, each year; W, even years 2 hours An introductory study of the discipline of geography and the major elements of the natural environment with particular emphasis on their effect upon man and his activities. GE0-321 Historical and Political Development of East Asia-A 4 hours See course description for HIST-321 Historical and Political Development of East Asia. GE0-322 The Middle East: History and Politics-Sp 4 hours See course description for HIST-322 the Middle East: Histoty and Politics. GE0-351 World Regional Geography--Western Hemisphere -W,Su 4 hours A spatial survey of various regions in the western hemisphere with an emphasis on the cultural, economic, and political developments in relation to the geographical environment. Prerequisite: GE0-250 Introduction to Geography or permission of instrnctor. GE0-352 World Regional Geography--Eastern Hemisphere -Sp 4 hours A survey of various regions in the eastern hemisphere with an emphasis on the cultural, economic, and political developments in relation to the geographical environment. Prerequisite: GE0-250 Introduction to Geography or permission of instrnctor. GE0-354 Geography of Africa-W 3 hours Investigates the historical legacies which help explain the diversity of the African continent. Physical, sociocultural, and economic patterns will also be studied to further understand Africa's signifi– cant diversity. Prerequisite: GE0-250 Introduction to Geography. (odd years) GE0-450 Research in International Studies-A,W,Sp 5 hours Students will demonstrate proficiency in researching and writing a formal monograph on a country or mini-region of the world. Research will include but not be limited to substantive material found in the course requirements for the major. Capstone course. Hist01y HIST-111,112 United States History-A,W 5 hours each quarter An analysis of the development of the United States from the colonial period to the present. Attention is given to the dominant Christian influences that have tended to mold the philosophy and ideology of our cultural, social, and political development. HIST-201,202,203 History of Civilization-A,W,Sp 4 hours each quarter This survey of human hist01y begins at the advent of civilized life in the ancient Near East and continues into the twentieth century. It presents the religious, social, political, and intellectual development of mankind from a Christian interpretive point of view. The three quarters may be taken in any sequence. HIST-300 Introduction to Historiography-W, odd yrs.; Sp, even yrs. 4 hours An introduction to the hist01y of historical writing, methods of research, and the philosophy of history. Required of histo1y majors. Should be taken in the junior year. HIST-301 Renaissance Europe--W, odd yrs; Sp, even yrs 4 hours A study of the cultural and intellectual movements of Italy and Northern Europe in the period 1300-1600. Emphasis is given to noted artists and scholars and their contributions to the modern world and life view. (even years) HIST-302 Reformation Europe--Sp 4 hours A concentrated investigation of the birth and early growth of Protestantism within the political context of Europe in the period 1500-1650. The role of the major reformers and their contributions to the development of the Christian faith are emphasized. HIST-303 History of Christianity: Pre-Reformation-A 4 hours A survey of ancient and medieval church history, with emphasis given to doctrinal and institutional developments. (even years) HIST-304 The British Empire and the Developing Non-Western World-A 4 hours A study of Great Britain in her role as the disseminator of Christian values and libertarian ideals and institutions to Africa, India, and Australia. (odd years) HIST-306 History of Modern Germany-A 4 hours A composite examination of the course of German unification under Prussia and Germany's rise to the status of a great world power. Emphasis is given to 19th and 20th centu1y political and intellectual movements. (odd years) HIST-308 Russia and the Soviet Union in the Twentieth Century-Sp 4 hours An in-depth analysis of the former Soviet Union and its impact upon the contemporaty world. The nature of Russian Communism is examined in detail. (odd years) HIST-311 Early American History-A 5 hours An analysis of the development of American civilization from colonization to 1820. Political, religious, social, economic, and cultural institutions will be examined. Prerequisite: HIST-111 United States History or permission of instrnctor. (odd years) HIST-312 History of Recent and Contemporary America-W 4 hours An intensive study of the domestic and foreign policies of the United States in the 20th century. Particular emphasis is given to the emergence of the nation as a world power, the progressive move– ment, World War I, prosperity decade, the great depression, the New Deal, World War II, and postwar problems. Prerequisite: HIST-112 United States Hist01y or permission of insh-i1ctor. (odd years) HIST-313 Civil War and Reconstruction-Sp 5 hours A study of the sectional crisis, the military and nonmilitary aspects of the Civil War, and the social and political phases ofReconstrnc– tion. Prerequisite: HIST-111,112 U.S. Hist01y. (even years) HIST-321 Historical and Political Development of East Asia-A 4 hours A study of the historical, political, geographical, social, and diplomatic developments of East Asia from the 18th century to the present. May be counted as either history, political science, or geography credit. HIST-322 The Middle East: History and Politics-Sp 4 hours An analysis of the major historical, political, geographical, and social forces, such as religion and nationalism, that have shaped the contemporary Middle Eastern states. May be counted as either history, political science, or geography credit. HIST-375 Social Movements-Sp 4 hours A study of the influence of ideas and institutions upon social movements in America. HIST-400,401,402 Research in History 5 hours HIST-400 Research in American History-Sp HIST-401 Research in European History-Su HIST-402 Research in Asian History-W All majors are required to take either HIST-400, HIST-401, or HIST-402. Each student will prepare a formal monograph. Prerequisite: major or minor in history. HIST-405 Great Power Diplomacy in the Modern World-W 4 hours An examination of international relations in the era of nationalism, colonialism, revolution, and ideological conflict. Emphasis is given to the origins and development of contemporary world crises. (Serves as an elective for history/political science majors.) (odd years)
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