1996-1997 Academic Catalog

Ac Information Course Numbers and Designations The course numbers are designed to be of help to the student in selecting courses at the appropriate level. The following system is used: 1. The first number indicates the year in which the course usually is taken. Freshmen normally take 100 level courses; sophomores, 100 level or 200 level courses· . . ' Jumors, 200 level or 300 level courses; and seniors, 300 level or 400 level courses. Courses beyond the student's classification should be taken with the consent of the instructor and academic advisor. 2. The alphabetical prefixes in the course designations indicate content divisions within academic depaitments. For example, the prefix "BETH" indicates that the course is a theology course in the Department ofBiblical Education. The quarter that the course is offered is shown in italic letters following the course title as follows: A-Autumn; W-Winter; Sp-Spring; and Su-Summer. The number to the right of the course title is the credit given in quaiter hours. The College reserves the right to offer or withhold any of the courses listed. Alternate Year Courses Some departments offer courses on alternate years. These are designated as "even years" or "odd years" based on the first school year number. Example: 1994-95 is an even year. Grading System A This grade is given in recognition of excellent achievement. It is indicative ofwork superior in quality and reveals a thorough mastery of the subject matter. The ~tudent receiving this grade should demonstrate enough mterest to do some independent investigation beyond the actual course requirements. B This grade indicates work and achievement that are well above average. The student receiving this grade should be capable of doing advanced work in this field. The quality of the work should be considered better than that achieved by the average student. C This grade indicates average achievement and a satisfactory meeting ofrequirements. D This grade reveals accomplishment that is inferior in quality and is generally unsatisfactory from the standpoint of course requirements. This is the lowest grade for which credit can be earned. F This is a failing grade. It indicates very unsatis- factory work. No course credit is earned. AU This mark is given when a course is audited. To receive this notation, the student must attend and partici– pate in the course. No credit is earned. CR The mark "CR" means that credit has been granted; it also applies to the "credit or no credit pro– gram" where credit is received for satisfact01y (average or above) performance in the course. Credit in which a "CR" has been earned counts toward the total graduation requirements but is not used in the computation of grade point averages. CE The mark "CE" signifies that credit for the course has been earned by an examination administered by the College or another recognized testing agency or program. I An "I" signifying "incomplete" is a temporary grade given when a student is unable to complete the work for a course on time because of extraordinary circumstances, such as illness, emergency, or other reasonable cause. This temporary grade does not influ– ence the student's grade point average. To be considered for an incomplete, the student must be passing the course and have completed the majority of the coursework. An in~omplete should not be given merely because a student rails to complete all the course requirements on time. The m~tructor givir,ig the inco.mplete will establish an appro– pnate complet10n date with the student. This date may ext~nd to the end of the quarter following the one in which the course was taken. If the work is not completed by the designated date, the incomplete will be changed to an "F" and will be calculated as such in the student's grade point average. INC This notation indicates a "permanent incom- plete,'' a grade assigned in special situations by the faculty member with the approval of the academic vice president. This permanent grade does not influence the ~tudent's grade point average. To receive a permanent mcomplete, the faculty member should submit the ~ppropri~te form to the academic vice president identify– mg the circumstances warranting this special grade. If a permanent incomplete is awarded, the grade may not be changed at a future date. To receive credit for the course the student must again register for the course and com- ' plete the course requirements. K The notation "K" signifies credit and accom- P.a~ies courses transferred from other colleges or univer– sities. It has no affect upon cumulative grade point average. NC The mark "NC" means that no credit has been earned. Credit hours for which an "NC" has been earned are not used in the computation of grade point averages. NP The mark "NP" is used to indicate that the student did not pass a course when credits do not count toward the graduation requirements. Basic English and Basic Mathematics are examples of such courses. P The mark "P" is used to indicate that the student passed a course whose credits do not count toward graduation, such as Basic English or Basic Mathematics. W The mark "W" is used to indicate that the student withdrew from the course during the second third or fourth week. ' '