1996-1997 Academic Catalog

RTV-331 Broadcast Advertising and Sales-Sp 4 hours The sales structure of broadcasting is explored. Emphasis is on developing an understanding of the the01y and techniques of broadcast sales. Working sales executives work with the class to develop technique, copywriting, and presentation skills. Prerequisite: RTV-301 Broadcast Research Systems. (Fee: $30) RTV-341 Issues and Ethics in Electronic Media-W 3 hours Examines ethical issues in the wide range of electronic media. After the establishment of a biblical ethical base, current criticisms of the role and performance of electronic media are evaluated. Topics include program content, advertising, privacy, and intellec– tual property. RTV-361 Advanced Broadcast Clinic-A,W,Sp 2 hours An advanced workshop in audio production which, may be repeated with others to a total of six hours. Prerequisite: RTV-310 Advanced Audio Production. Credit/no credit. (Fee: $30) RTV-363 Television Camera Clinic-A,W,Sp 2 hours "Hands-on" training with television equipment is designed to orient the student to most of the equipment normally used for video production. Six hours per week of work at assigned tasks are required. Prerequisite: RTV-320 Television Production. (Fee: $30) RTV-364 Advanced Clinic in TV Production-W,Sp 2 hours An advanced workshop in TV/video production which may be repeated with others to a total of six hours. Prerequisite: RTV-321 Electronic Field Production. Credit/no credit. (Fee: $30) RTV-401 Mass Media Law and Regulation-A 4 hours Development of First Amendment protections and present legal requirements for media are studied. Emphasis is placed upon court decisions helping to define First Amendment freedoms for those in the electronic media, as well as regulations imposed upon the broadcaster. RTV-402 Seminar in Religious Broadcasting-W 3 hours Intensive study in religious broadcasting. Prerequisite: permission of instrnctor. RTV-407 Internship in Broadcasting-A,W,Sp,Su RTV-408 Independent Study in Broadcasting Prerequisite: permission of instructor. 5-15 hours 1-4 hours RTV-431 Broadcast Management-Sp 3 hours Acquaints the student with the concerns facing the management of a broadcast station including legal requirements of the FCC, personnel management, and implementation of programming. Prerequisite: RTV-301 Broadcast Research Systems. RTV-464 Special Topics 3 hours Available to advanced students who desire intense study in special areas of media. (Fee: $30) RTV-482 Senior Project I Broadcasting 3 hours RTV-483 Senior Project II Broadcasting 3 hours Each student selects a topic of interest and prepares a major research paper, which discusses their findings or a major project. Taken for two quarters and overseen by an individual faculty mentor. Capstone course. Prerequisite: COM-205 Communication Theory; COM-222 Research Research in Communications; senior status. Communication Arts COM-110 Fundamentals of Speech-A,W,Sp 5 hours Usually a prerequisite for other courses in speech, the fundamental course offers theory and practice in basic speech skills for extempo– raneous speaking and the use of voice and delive1y in oral interpretation of prose and poetry. Students gain extensive training in public speaking as an art. COM-112 Honors Speech-A 5 hours Course will expose the student to and prepare the student for competition in the three general areas of intercollegiate forensic competition: oral interpretation (prose, poetry, dramatic-duo), public speaking (persuasion, informative, communication analysis), and limited preparation events (impromptu and extemporaneous speaking). Prerequisite: audition; permission of instructor. Co Arts 77 COM-123 Voice and Diction-W 3 hours Designed to assist the student in strengthening and maintaining the speaking voice. Areas of study include voice physiology, effective breathing for speaking, voice quality, and articulation. A brief examination of major vocal problems is also given. COM-141 Introduction to Dramatic Art-Sp 4 hours Involves study of the history and development of theater. Dramatic literature is considered as a reflection of man and culture during various periods, dealing with philosophy, religion, and socio– political thought. A brief look at acting skills is also offered. COM-146 Dramatic Participation 1 hour Students who perform in a communication arts directed play may receive one hour of credit to be applied to the quarter immediately following the specified production. Requests for credit must be made to the director at the beginning of rehearsals for the produc– tion. Credit/no credit. Repeatable up to four hours. COM-200 Persuasive Theory-W 5 hours Methods of applying contemporary communication theories on attitudes, involvement, and change are combined with classical positions on the principles and methods of persuasive communica– tions. Attention is given to the study, analysis, and delivery of persuasive speeches in a free society. The student is given back– ground in the rhetorical criticism of logical, emotional, and ethical proofs. Interpersonal communication problems, methods, and theories are considered. COM-205 Communication Theory-A 3 hours An introduction and critical assesiment of the theories that underlie interpersonal, group, organizational, and mass communica– tion practice and research. COM-222 Research in Communications-W 4 hours Forms and methodology for research and writing in communication are studied using empirical, historical/critical, and specialized formats. Required for majors choosing a research project. COM-223 Group Discussion-W 3 hours Group interaction and principles of directing effective groups are studied in an attempt to develop individual understanding of group processes. Emphasis on the different aims of discussion situations. COM-232 Theories of Mass Media-Sp 5 hours Contempora1y mass media is surveyed with attention to the nature, role, structure, influence, operation, and problems of newspapers, magazines, radio, and television-journalistic activities. COM-240 Stagecraft-A,W,Sp 2 hours The theories and techniques of designing, building, painting, and lighting stage setting; organization and operation of production crews; theories and methods of makeup. Credit/no credit. COM-241 Fundamentals of Oral Interpretation-A 5 hours The study of literature through the medium of oral performance involves development in analysis and performance skills. Interpreta– tion theories and techniques are presented, dealing with poetry, prose, and dramatic literature. COM-243 Principles of Acting-W 3 hours Study in the principal theories of realistic acting is balanced with practice in experiencing character creation. Principles of physical and emotional character development are explored. COM-244 Advanced Forensics 3 hours Advanced training for intercollegiate forensic competition. Focuses on literary and rhetorical criticism, extemporaneous speaking, and writing of original oratory. Repeatable to six hours. COM-310 Advanced Public Speaking-W,Sp 5 hours Emphasizes the creative, logical, and audience-centered thinking needed for excellent public address. Students exhibit logical communication skills through writing and speaking assignments. COM-312 Argumentation and Debate-A 5 hours A study of principles and practices of debate. Course includes an overview of typical questions used in intercollegiate debate as well as the theory involved in logical preparation and refutation of a case. (Fee: $20) COM-313 Rhetorical Criticism-Sp 3 hours To understand symbols in film, music, talking, or speaking, rhetorical criticism searches for meaningful connections between message, context, and speaker. Theo1y and method of rhetorical criticism are taught as thinking and writing skills. (odd years)