1996-1997 Academic Catalog
Elementary Methods 11-A,W,Sp 14 hours EDUC-371 Methods and Materials for Mathematics 5 hours EDUC-372 Science Methods 3 hours EDUC-373 Social Studies Methods 3 hours EDUC-375 Clinical Experience 3 hours An introduction to the objectives, skills, instructional strategies, teaching aids, and resource materials for teaching mathematics, science, and social studies in the elementary schools. Clinical field experiences provide theory-driven application. Corequisite: Elementa1y Methods II. Prerequisite: admission to teacher education program. (Fee: $30) EDUC-380 Reading: Diagnostic and Remediation Techniques 5 hours Experience in the use offormal and informal testing to diagnose various types of developmental and remedial reading problems. Emphasis upon individual assessment techniques in identifica– tion, testing, and causation ofreading difficulty. Experience in the techniques of tutoring pupils having reading problems. Develop– ment ofinstructional strategies ofdiagnostic teaching. Prerequisite: EDUC-350 Reading in the Content Area, EDUC-352 Develop– mental Reading, or EDUC-391 Reading Methods. Elementary School Methods I-A,W,Sp 14 hours EDUC-391 Reading Methods 7 hours EDUC-393 Language Arts Methods 4 hours An introduction to the objectives, skills, teaching aids, instruc– tional strategies, and resource materials for the teaching ofreading and language arts. Prerequisite: admission to the teacher education program. (Fee $30) EDUC-394 Clinical Experience 3 hours An introduction to the objectives, skills, strategies of instruction teaching aids, and resource materials, and implementation in field experience in the teaching ofreading and language arts. Prerequisite: admission to the teacher education program. (Fee: $30) EDUC-400 Independent Study in Education 1-4 hours Investigation of contemporary topics in education through reading, writing, or creative projects. Prerequisite: 15 quarter hours in education. EDUC-440 Special Student Teaching 5-12 hours Occasionally, unusual situations arise which entail special provisions: e.g., summer school student teaching for experienced teachers, repeated experiences, etc. EDUC-450 Supervised Teaching and Seminar-A,W,Sp 15-16 hours Most directed teaching is done in nearby schools. Opportunities for placement on the mission field are available. One quarter must be reserved. The seminar includes a study of contemporaty topics in education. Prerequisite: all required education courses. (Fee: $70) Special Education EDSP-102 Education of Exceptional Children-A,W,Sp 2 hours Explores the implications of P.L. 94-142 and 101-476 with an emphasis on the definitions and characteristics of exceptionalities under this law. Mainstreaming strategies are discussed and observed. Corequisite: EDUC-JOO Introduction to Education; EDUC-101 Field Experience. Education EDSP-223 Mental Retardation and Developmental Disabilities 3 hours Overview of the theories, research, and practices related to the education of individuals with mental retardation or developmental disabilities. Emphasis on causal factors, assessment, and management of students mental retardation or developmental disabilities. Prerequisite: EDSP-102 Education ofExceptional Children or concurrent enrollment or by permission of instructor. (odd years) EDSP-224 Survey of Severe Behavior Handicapped 3 hours Overview of the theories, research, and practices related to the education of individuals with severe emotional disabilities. Emphasis on the causal factors, assessment, facets, and management of students exhibiting severe emotional disabilities. Prerequisite: EDSP-102 Education ofExceptional Children or concutTent enrollment or by permission of instructor. EDSP-225 Survey of Learning Disabilities 3 hours Overview of theories, research, and practices related to the education of individuals with specific learning disabilities. Emphasis on casual factors, assessment, facets, and management of students with specific learning disabilities. Prerequisite: EDSP-102 Education ofExceptional Children, concurrent enrollment, or permission of instructor. EDSP-321 Career Education and Occupational Training for Exceptional Individuals 2 hours Role of occupational training in the curriculum; relationships with the world of work; problems of organizing and administering; methods and techniques used in developing occupational interests and abilities at various levels. EDSP-333 Instructional Motivation and Behavior Management of Exceptional Individuals 3 hours Learning theoty, motivation, and behavioral approaches to management of the social and academic behavior of technique for exceptional individuals. Prerequisite: admission to teacher education program or permission of instrnctor. EDSP-400 Independent Study in Education 1-4 Hours See course description of EDUC-400 Independent Study in Education. EDSP-431 Assessment of Exceptional Children 4 hours Course will aid students in learning to administer and interpret formal and informal educational assessment and communicate this assessment data to parents and colleagues. Prerequisite: PYCH-363 Psychological Assessment; PYCH-261 Psychological Statistics. EDSP-432 Communication and Collaboration Skills for Special Education 2 hours Techniques of collaboration, consultation needed to enhance communication with exceptional individuals, parents, educational team members, and other professionals. Prerequisite: EDSP-431 Assessment of Exceptional Children or concurrent enrollment. EDSP-451 Special Education Student Teachiug-A,W,Sp 15 hours Directed teaching in area schools in specific learning disability, severe behavioral handicapped, and developmentally handicapped settings. Ten full weeks required for one or two specializations. Prerequisite: all required special education courses. (Fee: $120) EDSP-465 Adaptive Curriculum, Methods and Materials for Exceptional Students 3 hours Introduction to the cutTiculum, intervention strategies, types of insh11ctional materials, and educational technology used with students having mild to moderate handicapping conditions. Prerequisite: Elementaty Methods I and II.
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