1996-1997 Academic Catalog

Engineering CourseDescriptions ENGR-101 Introduction to Engineering Design-A 3 hours Introduction to the basic concepts and skills necessary for effective functioning as a Christian engineer in a diverse society; participation in group activities and field trips; design problems introducing the profession and hist01y of engineering; introduction to ethical and moral issues in the application of engineering principles; computer applications including word processing, spreadsheets, TK Solver, and Working Model. Three lectures and one 90-minute laborato1y per week. Design project required. (Fee: $25) ENGR-171 Introduction to Engineering Graphics-A,W,Sp 3 hours Use and operation of a microcomputer system with commercial software; basic techniques of drawing, editing, dimensioning, multiple views, sectioning, multiview projections, pictorial views, two- and three-dimensional modeling. One-hour lecture and a three-hour laborat01y per week. (Fee: $20) ENGR-191 Digital Logic Design-W,Sp 4 hours Fundamentals of digital logic design, number systems, Boolean Algebra, Karnaugh maps, computer minimization and simulation tools, combinational network design, flip flops, counters, state machines, sequential networks; circuits are designed in class and bread-boarded and evaluated in the laboratory. Three lectures and one two-hour laborato1y per week. (Fee: $20) ENGR-221 FORTRAN Programming-Sp 2 hours Introduction to computer programming techniques using FOR– TRAN 77, application to science and engineering problems. Prerequisite: familiarity with algebraic expressions. ENGR-250 Numerical Methods in Engineering-Sp 4 hours Computational methods for solving transcendental equations, ordina1y differential equations, integration, and linear algebra; introduction to finite-difference, approximations, and least-squares curve fits. Corequisite: ENGR-221 FORTRAN Programming or permission of instrnctor. Prerequisite: MATH-388 Advanced Calculus I; MATH-387 Differential Equations. ENGR-274 Mechanics I - Statics-A,W 4 hours Analysis of forces in isolated and connected rigid body systems, forces, moments, resultants, two- and three-dimensional equilibrium, centroids, moment of inertia, friction, trusses, frames, and machines. Design project required. Three lectures and one problem-solving session per week. Prerequisite: ENGR-171 Introduction to Engineer– ing Graphics; PHYS-271 General Physics I; MATH-282 Analytical Geometry and Calculus II. (Fee: $10) ~ Well-equipped laboratories extensive electronic support enable students to complete complex engineering projects. ENGR-275 Mechanics II - Dynamics-W 5 hours Kinematic and kinetic analysis of particles, systems of particles, and rigid bodies; position, velocity, acceleration, frames ofreference; Newton's laws, work, energy, impulse, momentum; conservative and non-conservative systems; vibration ofsingle-degree-of-freedom systems. Design project required. Prerequisite: ENGR-274 Mechanics I. (Fee: $10) ENGR-276 Mechanics III - Strength of Materials-Sp 4 hours Theoretical and experimental analysis of deformable bodies to applied loads; normal and shearing stress and strain, energy, torsion, flexure, deflection, combined stress, failure theories, and columns. Three lectures and one two-hour laborat01y per week. Design project required. Prerequisite: ENGR-274 Mechanics I. (Fee: $5) ENGR-280 "C" Programming-Sp 3 hours Introduction to the "C" programming language; algorithms, data structures, unique capabilities, application to science and engineer– ing problems. ENGR-290 Engineering Economy-Sp 2 hours Economic decision making in engineering; industrial management, cost, taxes, financing, ethics, alternative comparison, replacement, and uncertainty. ENGR-302 Circuits I-Sp 4 hours Basic circuit analysis using Ohm's law, Kirchoffs laws, indepen– dent sources, dependent sources, Thevenin and Norton equivalency, and source transformations, resistor, capacitor and inductor responses in RC, RL, and RLC circuits; brief introduction to AC circuits; computer simulations and bread-board circuits are designed and tested. Three lectures and one two-hour laboratory per week. Design project required. Prerequisite: PHYS-272 General Physics II; MATH-387 Differential Equations. (Fee: $20) ENGR-303 Circuits II-A 4 hours Phasor analysis of RLC circuits, sinusoidal steady state, mutual inductance, frequency response of operational amplifier circuits, Fourier and Laplace Transforms, and introduction to transfer functions. Computer simulations and bread-board circuits are constrncted and evaluated in the laboratory. Design project required. Three lectures and one two-hour laboratmy per week. Prerequisite: ENGR-302 Circuits I. (Fee: $30) ENGR-310 Electronics and Instrumentation-A 4 hours Fundamentals of harmonic signals, voltmeters, analog and digital oscilloscopes, integrated circuits, operational amplifiers, characteris– tics of amplifiers, characteristics of active and passive filters, PC– based data acquisition, and transducers and conditioning circuits to measure acceleration, velocity, displacement, temperature, and strain. Three lectures and one three-hour laboratory per week. Prerequisite: ENGR-275 Mechanics II-Dynamics; ENGR-302 Circuits I. (Fee: $20) ENGR-311 Electronics 1-W 5 hours Introduction to semiconductor electronics: diodes, bipolar and unipolar transistors. Five lectures per week. Prerequisite: ENGR-303 Circuits II. Corequisite: ENGR-321 Electronics Laborat01y I. ENGR-312 Electronics II-Sp 5 hours Integration of physics of solid-state electronic devices and basic electronic circuits; frequency response of low-level signal amplifi– ers, power amplifiers, multi-stage amplifiers, feedback, power supplies, filters, and oscillators. Prerequisite: ENGR-311 Electronics I. Corequisite: ENGR-322 Electronics Laborat01y II. ENGR-315 Power Electronics-Sp 3 hours Fundamentals of power electronics including characteristics and application of semiconductor switches and device applications. Design project required. Prerequisite: ENGR-311 Electronics I; ENGR-321 Electronics Laboratory I. (Fee: $15) (odd years) ENGR-316Microprocessors-A 4 hours Microprocessor characteristics, assembly language, mem01y layouts, peripheral devices, microcomputer strnctures, interface design, control and data communications. Three lectures and one two-hour laboratory per week. Design project required. Prerequisite: ENGR- 191 Digital Logic Design. (Fee: $30) ENGR-318 Linear Systems-W 5 hours Introduction to linear time-invariant analysis of continuous and discrete time systems, Fourier, Laplace, and Z transforms, and state variable representations. Prerequisite: ENGR-303 Circuits II.