1997-1998 Academic Catalog

ENGR-427 Digital Signal Processing-Sp 3 hours Introduction to digital signal processing, review of continuous time– linear systems, application of Fourier series, spectral analysis, sampling theory, sampled spectrums, theory of discrete-time systems, realization of discrete-time systems, frequency response of discrete-time systems, design of FIR and IIR filters, and properties of the Fast Fourier Transform. Design project. Prerequisite: ENGR-318 Linear Systems; ENGR-221 FORTRAN or ENGR-280 "C" Programming. (even years) ENGR-432 Communications Theory-W 4 hours Introduction to communications theory, modulation techniques, and detection techniques. Probability and random processes are developed to facilitate noise analysis. Three lectures and one two-hour labora– tory per week. Design project required. Prerequisite: ENGR-303 Circuits II; ENGR-318 Linear Systems. (Fee: $20) ENGR-435 Power Systems-W 3 hours Principles of electrical power generation, transmission, and distribution, three-phase circuits, power system analysis, load flow, fault currents, system protection, and stability. Prerequisite: ENGR- 333 Electromagnetics. (Fee: $10) (even years) ENGR-437 Advanced Communications and Networks-Sp 3 hours Performance of analog and digital communication systems and networks in the presence of noise; M-ary signals, signal space concepts, othogonal signals; optimal receiver design; spread-spectrum communications; introduction to information theory. Corequisite: ENGR-320 Probability and Random Processes for Engineers. Prerequisite: ENGR-432 Communications Theory. (odd years) ENGR-441 Introduction to Fracture Mechanics 3 hours Study of failure modes due to both static and dynamic loading; brittle fracture criteria, elastic behavior, stress fields around cracks, fatigue failure, stress c01Tosion cracking, strain hardening mechanisms. Prerequisite: ENGR-341 Properties of Engineering Materials. ENGR-445 Introduction to Finite Element Analysis 3 hours Introduction of the basic components of the finite element method including element selection, shape functions, strain-displacement and stress-strain relations, formulation of the stiffness matrix, imposition of boundary conditions, interpretation of results; experience using a commercial code. Prerequisite: ENGR-221 FORTRAN or ENGR-280 "C" Programming; ENGR-276 Mechanics III Strength of Materials; ENGR-250 Numerical Methods. (Fee: $25) ENGR-447 Digital Control Systems-W 3 hours Analysis and design of discrete-time sampled-data control systems, signal sampling, AID and DIA conversion, quantization, z-domain transfer functions, transient response, frequency response, stability and performance of computer controlled systems, controller design. Prerequisite: ENGR-347 Feedback Control Systems. ENGR-451 Propulsion 3 hours Principles of thrust production and compressible flow; thermody– namics of jet propulsion systems. Prerequisite: ENGR-352 Thermo– dynamics II; ENGR-360 Fluid Mechanics. ENGR-460 Compressible Fluid Flow 3 hours Compressible flow of gases in engineering systems, isentropic flow in variable area passages, shock and expansion waves, flow with wall friction and heat transfer. Prerequisite: ENGR-250 Numerical Methods in Engineering; ENGR-351 Thermodynamics I; ENGR-360 Fluid Mechanics. ENGR-461 Senior Design I-W 5 hours Senior design project for engineers. Each student works on the project chosen in the previous fall quarter design class. Student teams work independently to find a solution consistent with the specifica– tions in the design proposal and acceptable to the faculty advisor and industrial sponsor. Mid-term design review and end-of-quarter oral presentation. Prerequisite-electrical engineering students: ENGR-421 Electrical Design and senior status engineering. (Fee: $45) ENGR-462 Senior Design II-Sp 5 hours A continuation of ENGR-461 emphasizing prototyping, trouble– shooting, design modifications, project finalization, reporting and oral presentation. Capstone course. Prerequisite: ENGR-461 Senior Design I. (Fee: $45) 09 ENGR-466 Radiation and Solar Energy-A 3 hours Fundamentals of radiation heat transfer including shape factors, wave length dependence, and material properties. Applications to solar energy engineering and design problems. Prerequisite: ENGR- 365 Heat Transfer. (even years) ENGR-471 Electrical Machines-A 4 hours Fundamentals of power circuits plus introduction to the principles of analysis and characteristics of AC and DC rotating machines, transformers, single- and three-phase motors and generators. Three lectures and one two-hour laboratory per week. Prerequisite: ENGR- 310 Electronics and Instrumentation. (Fee: $20) ENGR-474 Dynamics of Machines 3 hours Dynamic analysis of machines and mechanisms; Newton's Jaws of motion, energy methods, force analysis, shaking forces, static and dynamic balancing, engine dynamics, multi-cylinder engines, cam dynamics. Prerequisite: ENGR-374 Kinematics and Design of Machines. ENGR-476 Advanced Strength of Materials 3 hours Analysis of beams with non-symmetrical sections, non-circular torsion, beams on elastic foundations, failure theories, Mohr's circle for stress and strain, load-deflection analysis by energy methods. Prerequisite: ENGR-276 Mechanics III-Strength of Materials. ENGR-480 Professional Ethics-Sp 4 hours Professional conduct, engineer-client relations, product liability, legal problems, theories of morality, and the ethics code established by the engineering profession studied from a biblical perspective; students explore ethical problems encountered in the application of engineering practice. Prerequisite: senior status. ENGR-488 Random Vibration and Signature Analysis 3 hours Introduction to the vibration of discrete and continuous systems to random excitation; harmonic vibration, transient response, convolu– tion integral, Laplace and Fourier Transform, Discrete Fourier Transform and Fast Fourier Transform; random variables, coherence, correlation, auto- and cross-correlation, power spectral density, transfer function, and modal analysis. Prerequisite: ENGR-310 Electronics and Instrumentation; ENGR-488 Vibrations; ENGR-389 Vibrations Laboratory. Project required. (Fee: $30) ENGR-495 Senior Seminar-Sp 1 hour Required weekly meeting of senior engineering majors to address the transitions into the professional work environment; special topics, current issues, and socio-technical problems will be presented and analyzed. Prerequisite: senior status in engineering. Field trips give engineering students exposure to the real-l(fe world of engineering. Chris Melkonian, a 1996 Cedarville graduate, provided 011 in depth tour of the microelectronics research lab at the University of Toledo. As part of the tour, the engineering students pe1fonned several key processing steps on their own silicon wafers.