1997-1998 Academic Catalog

Music Music students use any of the 20 soundproof Wenger modules to practice. Performance Private instrnction for credit in piano, voice, and orchestral and band instrnments is available to all music majors. Students other than music majors will need special approval from the Music De~artment. Private instruction for credit on any instrument available may be arranged with qualified professional teachers for all students in the program. Credit in performance lessons is based on a minimum of six hours of practice and one-half hour lesson per week for one hour of credit. ~n a.udition is require.d for initial registration. Continued registra– tion 1s based upon satisfactory progress as determined each quarter by the instructor. (Fee: $20) Private Study PLMU-100,200,300,400 Organ-A,W,Sp 1-2 hours PLMU-110,210,310,410 Piano-A,W,Sp 1-2 hours PLMU-120,220,320,420 Voice-A,W,Sp 1-2 hours PLMU-130,230,330,430 Tmmpet-A,W,Sp 1-2 hours PLMU-131,231,331,431 Trombone/Baritone Horn-A,W,Sp 1-2 hours PLMU-132,232,332,432 French Horn-A,W,Sp 1-2 hours PLMU-133,233,333,433 Tuba-A,W,Sp 1-2 hours PLMU-140,240,340,440 Clarinet-A,W,Sp 1-2 hours PLMU-141,241,341,441 Flute-A,W,Sp 1-2 hours PLMU-142,242,342,442 Saxophone-A,W,Sp 1-2 hours PLMU-143,243,343,443 Oboe-A,W,Sp 1-2 hours PLMU-144,244,344,444 Bassoon-A,W,Sp 1-2 hours PLMU-150,250,350,450 Violin-A,W,Sp 1-2 hours PLMU-151,251,351,451 Viola-A,W,Sp 1-2 hours PLMU-152,252,352,452 Cello-A,W,Sp 1-2 hours PLMU-153,253,353,453 Double Bass-A,W,Sp 1-2 hours PLMU-155,255,355-A,W,SP 1-2 hours PLMU-160,260,360,460Guitar-A,W,Sp 1-2 hours PLMU-170,270,370,470 Percussion-A,W,Sp 1-2 hours PLMU-390 Junior Recital-A,W,Sp 1 hour Music major-performance emphasis students should register for this course the quarter they are ready to present their junior recital. Program is presented in a half recital fo1mat. (Fee: $50) PLMU-490 Senior Recital-A,W,Sp 1 hour ~usic ~ajors should register for this course the quarter in which the1r recitals are to be presented. Capstone course. (Fee: $70) Performance Ministry PFMN-321 Jubilate-W,Sp 0-1 hourn . Ministry team of 4~ select voices; open to all students. Repertoire 1s s~l~cted from a wide spectrum of musical styles in evangelical trad1t10ns. Numerous concerts on campus and in churches with special application to weekend music ministry workshops and "event-oriented presentations." Meets twice a week. Annual tour Spring Quarter. Music Theory THMU-121 Theory I-A 3 hours An introduction to the basic materials and concepts of music. Fundamental harmonic progression and introduction to the piano key?oard. Eleme~tary ear traini~g an? dictation. Competency eqmvalency reqmred of all music majors, minors, and elementary education majors. Open to all stude)1ts. (Fee: $I 5) THMU-122 Theory U-W 3 hours Study of fundamental harmonies and tone relations used in musical coi_nposition: elem~ntary writt~~ and keyboard harmony, melody wntmg and analysis. Prereqws1te: THMU-121 Theory I or passing grade on placement examinations. (Fee: $15) THMU-123 Theory III-Sp 3 hours A study of the principles of diatonic harmony, including two-, three-, and four-part writing, analysis, keyboard harmony, and creative work. Prerequisite: THMU-122 Theory II. (Fee: $15) THMU-131 Aural Skills I-A 2 hours Basic technique of dictation, sight singing, and rhythmic reading. Corequisite: THMU-121 Theory I. Open to all students. (Fee: $15) THMU-132 Aural Skills U-W 2 hours Singing and writing of major and minor scales, intervals, triads, tonal and rhythmic groups, tonal melodies and canons. Corequisite: THMU-122 Theory II. Prerequisite: THMU-131 Aural Skills I or passing grade on placement examinations. (Fee: $15) THMU-133 Aural Skills III-Sp 2 hours Singing and writing of chromatic scales, tonal and rhythmic groups, more difficult tonal melodies, and two-part work. Corequisite: THMU-123 Theory III. Prerequisite: THMU-132 Aural Skills II. (Fee: $15) THMU-224 Theory IV-A 3 hours A coi_nprehensive review of Theory I, II, and III. Part writing, analysis, and creative work. Prerequisite: THMU-123 Theory III. THMU-225 Theory V-W 3 hours Critical study and analysis of the chromatic harmony and formal structure of I8th and 19th century music. Creative work in tradi– tional compositional forms. Prerequisite: THMU-224 Theory IV. THMU-226 Theory VI-Sp 3 hours A survey of contrapuntal techniques and analytical study of 20th century ~ompositional te~hniques, including impressionistic, serial, neoclassical, and electromc practices; creative work in contemporary styles. Prerequisite: THMU-225 Theory V. (Fee: $20) THMU-234 Aural Skills IV-A 1 hour Melodic, harmonic, and rhythmic dictation, singing and error detection. Melodic strnctural devices, chord identification, syncopa– tion and sub triplets. Corequisite: THMU-224 Theory IV. Prerequisite: THMU-133 Aural Skills III. THMU-235 Aural Skills V-W 1 hour Melodic, harmonic and rhythmic dictation, singing and enor detection. Modulation identification; phrase, key, cadence and harmonic relationships; super triplets, and more difficult rhythms. Corequisite: THMU-225 Theory V. Prerequisite: THMU-234 Aural Skills IV.