1997-1998 Academic Catalog
Specifically, we agree not to use alcoholic beverages, tobacco, or nonmedical drugs. We also agree not to participate in social dancing or gambling, use unwhole– some media materials, or hold membership in secret societies. We endeavor to dress appropriately and to have sincere respect for the Lord's Day. In all things we seek to serve Christ and avoid personal attitudes of distrust, dishonesty, selfishness, damaging criticism, racism, disrespect, unethical conduct, and irreverence. Those who choose to violate the lifestyle commitment may be dismissed. The violation of some policies such as those relating to stealing, visiting businesses such as bars-where the primary focus of the event or activity is in violation of the lifestyle commitment-immorality, using alcoholic beverages or illegal narcotics can result in immediate dismissal. The lifestyle commitment and other residence life guidelines are described in detail in the Cedarville College Student Handbook. Career Services The Career Services Office seeks to assist students in translating abilities, values, and aspirations into a plan of action for sound career decisions and employment. Career Services provides materials for exploring such topics as job search techniques, resume writing, interviewing, and gaining admission to graduate school. Interest inventory tests and a computer-assisted career development program are available to help students in determining majors and occupations. The office maintains a career library, and a home page on the Internet (http://www.cedarville.edu/dept/cpp/index.htm) with links to the very latest in network based job search programs, guides to major employers, and directories for graduate schools. Special events, such as Career Links Days organized according to a student's major and the Christian School Recruitment Conference, are held each year to provide an opportunity for prospective employers to meet with students on campus. Potential employers also visit the College for individual on-campus recruiting days. Through the Resume Expert program, students who register with the office are placed in a job-match data base program which enables Career Services to provide resumes to employers and publish them on the Internet. The office maintains credential files for all education majors and provides registered seniors and alumni with a reference/credential service. Existing employment oppor– tunities are listed in biweekly job bulletins. Career Services provides students with pertinent job opportunity information and contact names through the campus-wide computer network system. The College recognizes that most students solidify career goals during the collegiate experience. The Career Services Office endeavors to assist in this process by maintaining a library of pertinent information concerning career opportunities and providing computerized testing and personal career counseling through which students become acquainted with the career decision-making process. Counseling Services The Counseling Service provides a place where students can find understanding, encouragement, and counsel as they deal with personal, interpersonal, and spiritual concerns. Counselors are available to discuss personal problems, self-appraisal, decision-making, relationships, prepara– tion for marriage, spiritual growth, and a variety of other concerns. Support groups are formed as needed. This service, for which students pay no additional charge, is provided by appointment. In the case of a crisis, the service is provided as needed. In addition, the vice president for Christian ministries, faculty members, and staff members provide counsel and guidance to students. Faculty advisors are particu– larly prepared to assist students in program and course selection. Debate Students who enjoy competitive intellectual situations and possess good speaking abilities are encouraged to audition for the Debate Team. Cedarville teams compete successfully with a variety of teams throughout the eastern United States. Students anticipating leadership careers such as the ministry, law, education, business, or politics find the debate experience particularly helpful. Limited scholarships are available for outstanding debaters. Those interested should contact the debate coach. Students enjoy new friends and rich memories by becoming involved in one of the 50 student organizations.
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