1997-1998 Academic Catalog
Business Administration 71 Software Requirements ................................................. 20 BCT-100 Word Processing Concepts and Applications .......................................................... 4 BCT-101 Presentation Graphics Concepts and Applications .......................................................... 4 BCT-200 Spreadsheet Concept and Applications .......... 4 BCT-201 Records Management/Database Concepts and Applications .......................................................... 4 OTEC-100 Keyboarding ................................................ 2 OTEC-101 Formatting/Speedbuilding ........................... 2 Software requirements may be waived by passing departmental software exams. No academic credit is given for passing the exams, which are given once per quarter. Other business courses should be taken in place of any of the above software requirements that are waived by passing the exams. Office Technology Course Descriptions BCT-100 Word Processing Concepts and Applications-A,W 4 hours Designed to develop a working knowledge of word processing sof~ware and hardwar~ c~mponents and to apply these concepts to vanous software apphcat10ns. The student will create format edit store, retrieve, and print different types of documents 'as well 'as ' apply advanced features of the software to expand basic documents. Also an overview of the current operating system. BCT-101 Presentation Graphics Concepts and Applications- W,Sp 4 hours De~ign~d to ex~lain basic concepts of graphics software, give detailed mformation about the types of graphics that are available and when to use each type, demonstrate how to create each of the major types of graphics, and to learn basic design concepts. (Fee: $10) BCT-200 Spreadsheet Concepts and Applications-A 4 hours Designed to identify concepts and terminology used with electronic spreadsheets and to identify tasks that can be accomplished with spreadsheet software. The students will be able to use the computer to create, format, edit, store, retrieve, and print worksheets, graphs, and charts. BCT-201 Records Management/Database Concepts and Applications-Sp 4 hours Designed to introduce the student to database management systems. Fundamentals of database management concepts will be cov~red ~si~g a microcompu!er database application package. Tc;ip1cs w1ll m.clude table des1g~, query, maintenance, and reports. It will also provide an understandmg of the field of records informa– tion ~anagement with emphasis on the application of management techniques needed to control recorded information in an organiza– tion. Emphasis will also be placed on using the standard ARMA filing rules. BCT-210 Business Communications-A 4 hours Instruction for writing business letters, memos, and business reports. Oral business presentations, small group communication and the communication process in general are also discussed. ' Prerequisite: ENG-140 English Composition II. BCT-300 End-User Information Systems and Technologies-W 4 hours Highlights emerging technologies for office systems and end-user COf!!PU.ters stre~sing the social and technical approach to explaining office mformat10n systems. The behavioral aspects-the human factors that intertwine with the technical factors-are as important as the technology. Both are considered in the light of the business processes of the organizations that they support. Prerequisite: BCT- 100 Wor~ Processing Concepts and Applications; BCT-101 Presentat10n Graphics Concepts and Applications; BCT-200 Spreadsheet Concepts and Applications; BCT-201 Records Manage– ment/Database Concepts and Applications. (Fee: $10) BCT-301 Planning, Implementing, and Evaluating End-User Information Systems-Sp 4 hours . Exa~in~s planning for information systems development through mv.est1g~t10n ~f procedures and systems used in various types of ~ffices, mcludmg a study of work flow, the processing of informa– tton, and employee and work group interactions. Topics will detail information systems from the perspective of the end-users by planning, implementing, and evaluating software and hardware systems. Prerequisite: BCT-300 End-User Information Systems and Technology. BCT-400 Trends, Issues, and Cases in End-User Information Systems-Sp 3 hours Designed to explore special topics related to the role of informa– tion. systems in the various functional areas of contemporary busmess, t~ assist !he stud~nt to envision and evaluate computer– b~sed. solut10ns to mforf!lat10n systems problems by studying the h1stoncal and technological developments, and to provide the student with concepts for understanding information systems in the futur~. Capstone cour.se. Prerequisite: BCT-301 Planning, Imple– mentmg, and Evaluatmg End-User Information Systems. BCT-401 End-User Information Systems Internship-Sp 1-5 hours Each. stud~1.1t.will gain .work experience in a business/industry work site u!Ihzmg the skills related to the student's academic prowam and c~reer objectives. The student will perform duties and services as assigned. by the work supervisor and internship coordina– tor. .Reports. and ass1gni;n~nts are required of the students completing the mte~·nsh1p. Prerequisite: BCT-301 Planning, Implementing, and Evaluatmg End-User Informations Systems OTEC-100 Keyboarding-A 2 hours Designed for .the student to bec.ome more efficient in operating computer termmals and electromc keyboards. Focuses on developing speed, accuracy, and proofreading skills. Credit/no credit. (Fee: $10) OTEC-101 Formatting/Speedbuilding-A 2 hours Instruction and practice in typing forms of office communication. Emphas.is is placed upon developing production, speed, accuracy, composmg, and proofreading skills. Prerequisite: OTEC-100 Keyboarding or 40 words per minute. OTEC-102 Speedwriting-Sp 4 hours J?esigned to assist students to increase their speed in making !eg1ble notes, .to teach note taking skills and study skills, and to improve spellmg, vocabulary, and punctuation skills. Prerequisite: OTEC-100 Keyboarding or 40 words per minute. OTEC-200 Desktop Publishing-W,Sp 3 hours Writing, assembling, and designing publications commonly found i!1 businesse~, sue~ as newsletters, brochures, reports, and promo– t10nal materials usmg PageMaker software. (Fee: $10) OTEC-201 Medical Terminology/Transcription-A,W 4 hours !nc11.1des l~arning and using medical terms and keying medical d1ctat1on usmg the transcriber. Comprised of activities most often performed by the medical administrative assistant. The assignments and terminology are based on actual medical cases. Introduces the student to the American Association for Medical Transcription's (AAMT) new code of ethics and model. (Fee: $20) OTEC-202 Legal Terminology/Transcription-A,W 4 hours Incl~des learnin& legal terms, typing legal dictation, and using the transcnber. Compnsed of the activities most often performed by the legal administrative assistant. The assignment and terminology are based on actual legal cases. (Fee: $20) OTEC-289 OTEC Internship-Sp,Su 1-5 hours P~actical business e~perience as an office employee; individually designed to meet the mterests of the student. Prerequisite: BCT-100 Word Processing Concepts and Applications; BCT 101 Presentation Graphics Concepts and Applications.
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