1998-1999 Academic Catalog
Field trips give students e.\posure to the real-life world of engineering. This group of students toured the microelectronics research lab of the University of Toledo. ENGR-392 Mechanical Engineering Internship 1-3 honrs Opportunity in which a mec~anical e~g!neering. stu~en! works closely with an industrial advisor. Spec1f1c attention is given to solving a particular problem(s) in that in~ustry o.r firm. f;. f~culty . advisor assists in supervising and approvmg the mternsh1p, mcludmg assessing the number of credit hours. A final report (approximately seven pages per credit hour) describing the experience-i~cluding t.he problem and solution-is requ!red: C~nnot be ~sed to .satls~y elective credit requirements. Prereqws1te: 1w11or or semor engmeenng status and permission offaculty advisor. ENGR-394 Topics in Electrical Engineering 3 ~ours Selected topics in electrical engineering at the 300 or 400 lev~l; likely candidates are extensions of present courses such as electroptlcs, solid-state devices, microprocessor applications_, an!enna. theory, or others presented by the faculty or requested by engmeenng students. Prerequisite: permission ofinstructor. ENGR-395 Topics in Mechanical Engineering 3 hours Selected topics in mechanical engineering at the 300 or 400 level; likely candidates are extensions of presen.t courses s~ch as advance~ dynamics, 3-D kinematics, thennodynam1cs III, contmuum mechamcs or others. Prereq(tisite: permission of instructor. ENGR-398 Independent Study in Engineering 1-3 hours Opportunity to perform independent .rese~rch or study i~ the various branches of engineering and allied fields of appllcat10n. ~ formal proposal for study must be approve~ by the faculty ad;r1sor before registering for this course. Three credit hours of engmeermg electives can be satisfied by three hours of independent study. Prerequisite: a junior or senior engineering major and permission of advisor. ENGR-399 Project Design 1-3 hours An elective course for students to get academic credit for extracur– ricular design work related to their ministry or design competitions. Cannot be used to satisfy engineering elective requirements. Prerequi– site: permission ofthe instructor. ENGR-411 Finite Difference Methods In Engineering 3 hours Finite-difference approximations for derivat.ives and d!fferentia~ equations; consistency, stability, and truncat10n error; mtroduc~10n to grid generation; applications of finite-difference methods to ~ngmeer ing problems. Prerequisite: ENGR-250 Numerical Methods Ill Engineering. ENGR-412 CMOS VLSI Design-Sp 3 hours Fundamentals of CMOS VLSI design; circuit analysis, modeling, mask layout simulation, and design verification; theoretical concepts and CAD to;ls used together for circuit design and design verification. VHDL used to verify and document designs. Three lectures and one two-hour laboratory per week. Corequisite: ENGR-312 Electronics II. (Fee: $15) , (even years) ENGR-416 Computer Architecture and Advanced Microprocessors-Sp 3 hours Introduction to computer architecture and a brief survey of advanced microprocessor architectures. A microprocessor is develop~d in lecture, designed, and implemented using the DIGLOG Logic , . simulator. Architectural concepts including RISC vs. CISC, P1pel111e and Vector Processing, I/O; Memory hierarchy and multiprocessors are developed. Prerequisite: ENGR-316 Microprocessors. (odd years) ENGR-421 Electrical Design-A 4 hours Design of electronic instruments t? me~t specific requir~ments. The top-down design method, cost, engmeenng analyses, project management, electronic design tools, prototype methods, and important electronic considerations .are emJ?hasized, Student.s prel?are a senior design project proposal which outlines the work wl11ch will constitute the capstone project in ENGR-461 and ENGR-462. Students design and build prototype electronic subsyste!ns using various analog and digital integrated circuits to integrate mto a working instrument in ENGR-422. Prerequisite: E!'fGR-312 Electron– ics II; ENGR-316 Microprocessors; ENGR-318 Lmear Systems; ENGR-322 Electronics Laborat01y II. (Fee: $15) ENGR-422 Electrical Design Laboratory-W 3 hours Design laboratory for the electrical design course; th~ top-down . design method is used to design, build, and test a working electromc instrnment to meet specific requirements within a given time frm~e and budget; final report required. Prerequisite: ENGR-421 Electncal Design. (Fee: $30) ENGR-425 Mechanical Design-A 3 hours Design of mechanical components to.achieve a stated o?jective: load, deformation, reliability, failure theories, and cost analysis. Students prepare a senior design project proposal w~ich outlines the work which will constitute the capstone project m ENGR-461 and ENGR- 462. Prerequisite: ENGR-341 Properties ofEngineering Materials; ENGR-374 Kinematics and Design ofMachines; ENGR-382 Mechanical Engineering Laborat01y II. (Fee: $25) ENGR-427 Digital Signal Prncessing-Sp . 3 ~10urs Introduction to digital signal processing, review of contmu~us tlme– linear systems, application of Fourier series, spec.tral ana~ys1s, sampling theory, sampled spectrums, theory of discrete-time systems, Tealization of discrete-time systems, fre9uency response . of discrete-time systems, design of FIR and IIR filters, and properties of the Fast Fourier Transform. Design project. Prerequisite: ENGR- 318 Linear Systems; ENGR-221 FORTRAN or ENGR-280 "C" Programming. (even years) ENGR-432 Communications Theory-W 4 hours Introduction to communications theory, modulation techniques, and detection techniques. Probability and random processes are developed to facilitate noise analysis. Three lectures and one two-hour labora– tory per week, Design project required. Prerequisite: ENGR-303 Circuits II; ENGR-318 Linear Systems. (Fee: $20) ENGR-435 Power Systems-W 3 hours Principles of electrical power generation, transmissio~, and distribution, three-phase circuits, power system analysis, load flow, fault currents, system protection, and stability. Prerequisite: ENGR- 333 Electromagnetics. (Fee: $10) (even years)
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