1998-1999 Academic Catalog

Course Descriptions Activity Courses PE-100 through PE-212 Activity Courses 1-2 hours each Each course is designed to develop knowledge and skills in the respective activity area. Course requirements inclu~e .exa.minations covering the activity subject, skills test~, class partJc1pat10n, and . aerobics requirements. Grading options mclude le~ter grade~ or credit/ no credit. These courses may be used by non-mqiors to satisfy the physical education component of the General Education Require– ments and by majors to satisfy specific curricular requirements. A variety of activity courses is offered each quarter. PEE-124 Self Defense PEF-111and129 Personal Exercise Program PEI-143 Badminton PEI-146 Bowling (Fee: $15) PEI-154 Golf (Fee: $15) PEI-160 Racquetball PEI-177 Tennis PEI-178 Advanced Tennis PEL-142 Backpacking (Fee: $25) PEL-151 Cycling · PEL-161 Rock Climbing (Fee: $25) PER-210 Rhythmics PES-175 Water Safety Instructor (Fee: $25) (2 hours) PES-201 and PES-202 Apparatus PES-212 Tumbling PET-105 Soccer-Coed PET-182 Volleyball-Coed PET-183 Advanced Volleyball PEF-199 Physical Activity and The Christian Life-A,W,Sp 2 hours Study of the role of physical activity in the Christian life ~rom a scriptural, physiological, and psycho-socioloii;ica.l pers~ective. Emphasis is placed upon developing artd contmumg active, healthy, Christian life practices. . PES-170 Swimming I-A 1 hour Designed for nonswimmers or swimmers with minimal swimming background, introduces and develops three strokes: front crawl, back crawl, and elementary back. (Fee: $15) PES-172 Swimming II-W 1 hour Focuses on refining the front crawl, back crawl, elementary backstroke side stroke, and breast stroke. Emphasis on increased endurance ;nd conditioning level. Prerequisite: PES-170 Swimming I; American Red Cross Level IV certificate. (Fee: $15) PES-173 Swimming III-Sp 1 hour Designed for swimmers who have gained experience t~r~mgh lessons or competitive swimming. Course develops. stroke p~oficienc~ ~or all strokes including the butterfly. Includes an mtroduct1on to trammg regimeh for lifetime fitness. (Fee: $15) PES-174 Lifeguarding Today-W, Sp 3 hours Provides lifeguards and lifeguard candi~ates ~k_ills and ~ow ledge necessary to keep the patron of an aquatic facility safe m and around the water. Teaching of lifeguarding skills and knowledge needed to prevent and respond to aquatic em~rgencies, prep~·ing candidates to recognize emergencies, respond qmckly and effectively to emergen– cies, and prevent drownings and other incidents. Prerequisite: age 15; swim 500 yards continuously using front crawl, breast stroke, and side stroke; surface dive and submerge to a minimum depth of seven feet, retrieve a 10 pound object and return with it to the swface; tread water.for f\Vo minutes using legs only. (Fee: $25) Athletic Training PEA-155 Orientation to Athletic Training-A 2 hours Comprehensive overview of the athlet.ic .training profes~i?n. History of the National Athletic Trainers Assocrnt10n and the policies and procedures governing the profession. Exposes students ~o .various athletic training settings including high school, college, clmic, and professional sports. PEA-255 Basic Athletic Trnining-W 5 hours Focuses on prevention, management, and rehabilitation of sport related injuries. Relevant topics include nutrition, injury cycle, and psychological considerations of injury and recovery. (Fee: $30) PEA-356 Lower Extremity Injury Management-A 4 hours Comprehensive evaluation, management, ~nd rehabilit.a~ion of athletic injuries involving the lower extremity. Prereqws1te: PEA-255 Basic Athletic Training; PEH-316 or BI0-216 Human Anatomy (may be taken concurrently). (Fee: $20) PEA-357 Upper Extremity Injury Management-:'Y . 4 hours Comprehensive evaluation, management, ~nd rehab1ht~t!on of athletic injuries involving the upper extremity. PrerequlSlte: PEA-255 Basic Athletic Training; PEA-316 or BI0-216 Human Anatomy. (Fee: $20) PEA-365 Therapeutic Exercise for Athletic Injuries-Sp 3 hours Management of athletic injuries fr?m. the suba~ute phas~ thro~gh return to participation. Based on pnnc1ples of b10mechamcs with emphasis on strength, flexibility, proprioception, endurance, and agility. PEA-366 Modalities in Athletic Training-A 3 hours Overview of the modalities used in athletic training including cryotherapy, superficial heat, TENS, ultrasound, laser, and exercise. (Fee: $20) PEA-368 Trunk/Spine Injury Management-Sp 4 hours Comprehensive evaluation, management, and rehabilitation of . athletic injuries involving the head, trnnk, back, abdomen, and skm. Prerequisite: PEA-255 Basic Athletic Training; PEA-316 or BI0-216 Human Anatomy. (Fee: $15) PEA-455 Organization and Administration in Athletic Training-W 3 hours Management of the athletic training program and fadlity at all levels of sport. Topics include budgets, policies, design, record keeping, and legal aspects of athletic training. (odd years) PEA-456 Medical Aspects of Athletic Training-W 3 hours Focuses on medical issues related to athletic training including but not limited to pharmacology, dermatology, diabetes, and other . pathologies. (even years) PEA-499 Football Internship-A 5 hours .Students will spend at least 100 hours working with a certified. athletic trainer during preseason and regular season football. Assign– ment may be at the collegiate or high. school l~vel. Student~ a'.e . responsible for their own transportatl?n. Assig~rr,ients b.e&m 111 nud– August. Prerequisite: emergency medical techmcwn trauung.