1998-1999 Academic Catalog
Music Conducting CDMU-260 .Introduction to Conducting-A 3 hours The basic technique of the conductor's art: score reading, conducting patterns, interpreting, cueing, rehearsal procedures, and stylistic conceptualization. Prerequisite: THMU-121 The01y I, or pemdssion of instrnctor. CDMU-362 Instrumental Conducting-W 3 hours Designed to take the student beyond basic conducting techniques and present the special characteristics of instrumental conducting. The student will develop skills in rehearsal technique and score analysis while learning to conceptualize musical fundamentals such as tone, intonation, balance, rhythmic ensemble, and interpretation. Prerequisite: CDMU-260 Introduction to Conducting. CDMU-363 Choral Methods and Repertoire-Sp 3 hours Continued development of conducting skills emphasizing score reading, diagnostic listening and the refinement of choral intonation, resonance, diction, blend and balance. Rehearsal procedures will be discussed and practiced with music department petforming groups. Stylistic features will be discussed through the examination of selected repertoire appropriate for school and church ensembles. Prerequisite: CDMU-260 Introduction to Conducting. CDMU-499 Independent Study in Conducting-A,W,Sp 1-4 hours Independent and intensive study in a particular area of conducting for individual students who demonstrate special interests and ability. Prerequisite: CDMU-362 or 363 or equivalent. General Music GMUS-100 Introduction to Music Philosophy-A 1 hour Philosophical and scriptural foundation for the Christian concepts of musical creativity, musical worship, and stewardship. Understanding the unique teacher-student relationship in music. A first attempt at codifying a coherent, personal, Christian philosophy of music. GMUS-103 Program and Recital Attendance-A,W,Sp 0 hours Music majors and minors must attend a prescribed number of attist series programs, general recitals, student recitals, and faculty recitals each quarter. Majors must enroll each quarter. For a music minor students must enroll for three consecutive quarters. GMUS-400 Music Seminar-A,W,Sp 2-5 hours For music majors. Some typical topics: 16th century counterpoint, folk music, intermediate composition practices. Prerequisite: permission ofthe music department. Ensembles PFMU-210 Piano Ensemble-A,W,Sp 0-1 hours The Piano Ensemble is an organization of advanced pianists which meets weekly to perform duet and duo piano literature. The . Ensemble performs publicly on a regular basis. PFMU-380 Concert Chorale-A,W,Sp 0-1 hours The Concert Chorale is a group of 60 select voices. Repertoire is chosen from a wide spectrum of musical styles including choral masterpieces, sacred classics, anthems, sphituals, and tasteful contemporary works. Numerous concerts are presented each year on campus as well as in churches, schools, and other venues. PFMU-382 Men's Glee Club-A,W,Sp 0-1 hours The Men's Glee Club has a membership of 50 voices, selected by audition. Literature includes traditional sacred and secular music from the Renaissance throughout the 20th century. Several concerts are presented each year on campus as well as in churches, schools, and other venues. PFMU-384 Women's Choir-A,W,Sp 0-1 hours The Women's Choir consists of 50 treble voices, selected by audition. Repertoire embraces all historical periods and styles with performances on campus, in schools, churches, and civic meetings. During the Autumn Quarter, the Concert Chorale, Men's Glee Club, Women's Choir, and Jubilate combine for the purpose of presenting an oratorio or other large-scale production. Orchestral accompaniment is typically involved. Recent repertoire has included Handel's Messiah, Mendelssohn's Elijah, Honegger's King David, and Rutter's Gloria. PFMU-388 Brass Choir-A,W,Sp 0-1 hours The Brass Choir of select instrumentation consists of 20 to 25 members. It serves the College and its constituency by petforming concerts featuring the highest quality brass choir literature. Major concerts are performed each quarter. PFMU-394 Orchestra-A,W,Sp 0-1 hours The Orchestra is composed of string, wind, brass, and percussion players selected by audition. The group performs challenging, high quality literature in concerts on campus and has opportunities to minister in local churches. PFMU-397 Symphonic Band-A,W,Sp 0-1 hours The Symphonic Band is composed of approximately 80 members, selected by audition. Performing quality band literature, the band appeared before state and national conference audiences and in concert under the baton of such guest conductors as Jim Curnow, George Strombeck, and George Wilson. Several concerts are presented each year on campus, in churches and schools. PFMU-398LabBand-A,W,Sp 0-1 hours The Lab Band has a membership of approximately 16 musicians, selected by audition. The group performs Big Band music that spans the 30, 40, and up to present-day arrangements. The band is active in both campus and off-campus activities. History and Literature ,HLMU-231 Introduction to Music Literature-A 4 hours Study of music by genre and chronology. Focuses upon art traditions in music. Students become familiar with a wide variety of music literature and learn to listen analytically. Serves as the introductory music history course for sophomore music majors. HLMU-235 American Music-W 4 hours Survey of musical development in America from early colonial times to the present. Attention will be given to attempts to create an individual "American" musical style. Emphasis also will be given to the principle stylistic trends and the predominant musical attitudes in America since World War I. HLMU-331 Music History I-Medieval and Renaissance-A 3 hours Study of western civilization music traced from its primitive sources with special attention given to medieval and Renaissance music. HLMU-332 Music History II-Baroque and Classical-W 3 hours Study of the music of western civilization traced from 1580 through the eat'ly works of Beethoven with special attention given to the major musical forms in vocal and instrumental music as demonstrated in the works of Monteverdi, Schuetz, Lully, Corelli, Vivaldi, Rameau, J. S. Bach, Handel, Gluck, Haydn, and Mozart. HLMU-333 Music History III-Romantic and Modern-Sp 3 hours Study of the music of western civilization traced from the time of Beethoven to the present. HLMU-336 Black American Music-Sp 3 hours History of the musical activities of black Americans in the United States. Consideration will be given to the social, political, and economic forces in the development of Negro Music. Prerequisite: HLMU-231 Introduction to Music Literature; HLMU-235 American Music. HLMU-499 Independent Study in Music History-A,W,Sp,Su 1-4 hours Independent and intensive study in a particular area of music history for individual students who demonstrate special interests and ability. Prerequisite: HLMU-331,332,333 Music History I, II, III.
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