1998-1999 Academic Catalog
Psychology Minor The minor in psychology is designed to provide students majoring in disciplines outside the Department of Psychology with a basic understanding of psychology. Course requirements involve 24 hours including: PYCH-160Genera1Psychology ................................................ 5 PYCH-264 Psychology ofAbnormal Behavior ........................ 5 Electives in psychology ......................................................... 14 Course Descriptions PYCH-100 Orientation to Psychology-W 1 honr Acquaints the psychology maf?r wit.h v.ario~s ~reas and issues in the field of psychology. Included will be its specialties, gra?uate school information, vocational opportunities, and legal and ethical matters. Should be taken during the freshman year. PYCH-160 General Psychology.:..--A,W,Sp,Su 5 hours Designed to provide a survey of ~1odern scientific J?Sychology. The course content centers on such topics as the foundat10ns of psychol– ogy, development over the life span, how we experienc~ the world'. learning and thinking, motivation and emotion, personality, and social behavior. (Fee: $5) PYCH-260 Human Development: Life Span-Sp . 4 hours An analysis of the physiological, s<;>cial, and psycholog1c.al develop– ment of the individual from concept10n through the total life span. Prerequisite: PYCH-160 General Psyclw!OfD" St11de1~ts who have taken Adolescent Development are not eligible for tlus course. PYCH-261 Psychological Statistics-A,Sp . . 5 hours Designed to provide an elementary.coverage of descnpt1ve and sampling statistics commonly used m psychology. I~1clud~s pr~blems of measurement, measures of central tendency and d1spers10n, lmear correlation, prediction, and simple tests of significance. Prerequisite: GSCl-180 lntrod11ction to Mathematics; PYCH-160 General Psychology. PYCH-264 Psychology of Abnormal Behavior-W. 5 hours Focus upon etiology, symptomatology, and prognosis of psycho– logical disturbance. Prerequisite: PYCH-160 General Psychology. PYCH-270 Child Development-A,W,Su 4 hours A study of the physiological, psychological, and spiritual growth of the child from conception to the preadolescent level. Developmental research on family systems theory, the dy~~mic of role.sand relationships within families and co?lmumtles, ~nd the m~uence of cultural practice and beliefs on family systems 1s emphasized. Prerequisite: PYCH-160 General Psychology. PYCH-275 The Parent and the Child-W 4 hours Designed to explore the basic value requisit~s f?r effective family living. Basic concepts such as love, commumcat10n, and parental modeling will be stressed. PYCH-280 Addictions-A 5 hours This course examines a variety of addictions including alcohol, drugs, food, sex, gambling, computer games/internet, and codep~ndence. The course will focus on symptoms, causes, treatment~, ~nd impact O? society. Students will be challenged to develop a b1bhcal perspective. PYCH-285 Psychology of Adjustment-W . . . 4 hours The systematic process o~ appl~in~ psycholog~cal pnn~1ples to everyday issues of human hfe. B1bhcal perspectives are mtegrated . into problem-solving paradigms for the development of a psycholog1- cally healthy personality. PYCH-301 Death and Dying-W 4 hours An analysis of contemporary thought co~ce~ning thanatology, .the study of death and dying, and a stu~y of biblical con~ent .that bnngs balance to these views. The content includes an exammat1on of . cultural attitudes about death and dying, facing death in a technologi– cal age, being a survivor, and the personal and social choices of last rites. Prerequisite: PYCH-160 General Psychology. Students and professors frequently wor£ together 011 research projects. PYCH-330 Health Psychology-W . . ~~ours Designed to investigate the research and theo~·y of many d1sc1plmes to understand how psychology and health are mterconnected. The focus is on the major topics and problem areas in health psychology. Prereq11isite: PYCH-160 General Psychology. (Fee: $25) (even years) PYCH-361 History and Systems of Psychology-A . .4 ~ours Major trends in the development of psychology from its begmmng to the present. Emphasis is placed upon contemporary theo1y. Prerequisite: PYCH-160 General Psychology. PYCH-363 Psychological and Educational Measurement-W 5 hours Emphasis on measurement the01y and its applications incl~ding concepts of validity, reliability, test. constru~ti.on. and select10n. Prerequisite: PYCH-261 Psychological Stat1st1cs. (Fee: $20) PYCH-364 Industrial/Organizational Psychology 4 hours Psychology applied to the work-world. Emphasis is o~ methodol~ ogy and activities of industrial/organizational psychol<;>gt~ts. Prerequisite: PYCH-160 General Psychology orpemusswn of instructor. (odd years) PYCH-365 Psychology of Leaming-A . 4 hourn Concepts and theories of learning with emp~a.s1s placed on personal applications of accepted procedures. Prerequ1S1te: PYCH-160 General Psychology. PYCH-366 Fundamentals of Counseling-A,Sp 5 hourn An introductory course emphasizing the underl)'in~ philosophi~s: current theories, and accepted procedures of counselmg. Prereq111s1te: PYCH-160 General Psychology. PYCH-367 Group Dynamics-A 5 ho~rs Group processes in a variety of group settings are the focus as this course explores the interaction of individuals and groups. Each student participates in a growth group as part of the course. Prerequisite: PYCH-160 General Psychology. PYCH-369 Social Psychology-A 5 hours The study of the behavior of individuals as it is influenced by past and/or present interactions with social factors. Prereq11isite: PYCH- 160 General Psychology. PYCH-370 Adolescent Development-A,Sp 4 hours Recent research dealing with adolescents will be emphasized. Emphasis is placed on the interaction o~ cultural, s.ocrnl, and personal family variables. Spiritual variables are mtegrated mto the develop- mental process. Prerequisite: PYCH-160 General Psychology. (odd years) PYCH-371 Adult Development and Aging-A 4 hours The study of physical, psychological, social, and spiritual develop– ment and experience in the adult years. Prerequisite: PYCH-160 General Psychology. (even years)
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