1998-1999 Academic Catalog

Mathematics Biological Science BI0-114 Introduction to Biology-A 5 hours Strncture and function of plant and animal cells with emphasis on central concepts. This is the first biology course for majors; open to others with high school biology and chemistry background. Four lectures and one two-hour laboratory per week. (Fee: $35) BI0-115 General Zoology-W 5 hours Survey of the animal kingdom and of zoological principles with an introduction to anatomy, physiology, and classification. Three lectures and two two-hour laboratories per week. Prerequisite: BI0- 114 lntroductfon to Biology. (Fee: $35) BI0-116 Introduction to Cell Biology 5 hours Foundational knowledge of cell biology including membrane and organelle function, basic metabolism, transport of metabolites, and cell signaling. Three or four lectures and one three- or four-hour laboratory, totaling seven hours each week. Prerequisite: BI0-114 Introduction to Biology. BI0-134 General Botany-,-A 5 hours Survey of the vascular plants, bryophytes, algae, and fungi with an introduction to their anatomy, physiology, taxonomy, and economic importance. Three, lectures and two two-hour laboratories per week. Prereq11isite: BI0-114 Introduction to Biology. (Fee: $35) BI0-200 General Ecology-Sp 5 hours Study of the interrelationships between living organisms and envi– ronment with emphasis upon environmental physiology, ecosystem and community ecology, and environmental stewardship. Laborato– ries feature field studies of representative aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. Three (or four) lectures and one three-hour (or four– hour) laboratory, totaling seven contact hours per week. Prerequisite: B/0~115 General Zoology; BJ0-134 General Botany. (Fee: $35) BI0-218 Pathophysiology-Sp 5 hours Analysis of the adaptations and alterations in human bodily function. Prereq11isite: BI0-217 Human Anatomy and Physiology. BI0-238 Introductory Microbiology-W 5 hours Study of bacteria, fungi, and virnses and their relationship to man's economy and hygiene. Basic laboratory techniques are stressed. Three lectures and three two-hour laboratories per week. Prerequisite: BIO– ll4111trod11ction to Biology; CHEM-151 General Chemistry. '(Fee: $35) BI0-300 Environmental Physiology 5 hours Study of physiological mechanisms and adaptations by which plants, animals, and humans regulate life processes in response to light, temperature, moisture, and chemical substances in their environment. Three lectures and one three-hour laboratory per week; contact hours include one four-day weekend trip into the "north woods." Prerequisite: BI0-115 General Zoology; BI0-134 General Botany; CHEM-152 General Chemisfly 11. (Fee $35) BI0-306 Genetics-A 5 hours Study of the principles of heredity and their application to plant, animal, and human life. Four lectures and one three-hour laboratory per week. Prerequisite: BI0-114 Introduction to Biology; GSCl-185 Precalculus. (Fee: $35) BI0-312 Invertebrate Zoology-Sp 5 hours Survey of representative invertebrates to include taxonomic, morphological, and evolutionary relationships. Three lectures and two three-hour laboratories per week. Prerequisite: BI0-115 General Zoology. (Fee: $35) (even years) BI0-313 Vertebrate Zoology-Sp 5 hours Study of the various ve1tebrate groups with emphasis upon vertebrate taxonomy and anatomy. Three lectures and two three-hour laboratories per week. Prerequisite: BI0-115 General Zoology. (Fee: $35) BI0-316,317 Human Structure and Function I, II-W,Sp 5 hours each quarter Study of structure and function of the human body with emphasis on body systems. Four lectures and one three-hour laboratory per week. Prerequisite: BIO-I I 5 General Zoology. (Fee: $35) BI0-334 Plant Taxonomy and Ecology-Sp 5 hours Field botany students learn to identify vascular plant species, collect and preserve specimens, and associate them with their respective taxonomic families and biotic communities. Two lectures and two' three-hour laboratories per week; some extended field trips. Prerequisite: BJ0-134 General Botany. (Fee: $35) BI0-336 Plant Physiology-W 5 hours Study of the unique physiological processes of plant life such as plant and soil-water relationships, mineral nutrition, photosynthesis, and mechanisms that enable plants to coordinate their growth and development in response to environmental stimuli. Four lectures and one three-hour laboratory per week. Prerequisite: BI0-134 General Botany; CHEM-357 Organic Che111ist1y I. (Fee: $35) (odd years) BI0-340A Topics in Environmental Biology 5 hours each Each course emphasizes Christian stewardship of natural resources as its integrative theme. Students should register under BI0-340A Topics on Environmental Biology. Selected course titles will appear on the transcript when the work is completed. Choice can be made from four course sequences, which, if completed in addition to requirements for the biology major, will earn certification in one of the following areas designed to prepare students for employment or graduate study: (l) Interpretive Naturalist, (2) Water Resource Analyst, (3) Land Resource Analyst, and (4) Environmental Analyst. Includes a selection of five-hour courses taught at AuSable Institute by faculty of various evangelical Christian colleges: BIOA/GEOL/GEOG-301 Land Resources BIOA-302 Limnology (Water Resources) BIOA/GEOG-303 Natural Resources Practicum BIOA-311 Field Botany BIOA-312 Insect Biology and Ecology BIOA-321 Animal Ecology BIOA-322 Aquatic Biology BIOA-342 Fish Biology and Ecology BIOA/GE0-471 Conservation Biology BIOA-482 Restoration Ecology CHEM-332 Environmental Chemistry BI0-400 Independent Study in Biology 1-4 hours Independent experimental study involving a particular biological phenomenon. Submission and approval of a research proposal must precede registration. Prerequisite: major in biology and permission of advisor. (Fee: $5/hour) BI0-405 Environmental Biology Internship 4-10 hours Opportunity to participate in an internship experience, arranged in conjunction with local or state agencies. Provides experience in activities such as nature interpretation, plant and animal cataloging, habitat restoration, ecological studies, and administration of environ– mentally related projects of community concern. Prerequisite: BI0- 200 General Ecology; CHEM-357 Organic Chemist1y. BI0-407 Molecular Biology of the Cell-W 5 hours Study of the cell with special emphasis on molecular organization and function. Four lectures and one three-hour laboratory per week. Prerequisite: BJ0-114 Introduction to Biology; CHEM-357 Organic Chemistry; BI0-306 Genetics. (Fee: $35) (even years) BI0-411 Vertebrate Embryology-W 5 hours Study of the initiation and development of tissues and organs with emphasis on embryonic development of vertebrates, including the human. Three lectures and two three-hour laboratories per week. Prerequisite: BJ0-115 General Zoology. (Fee: $30) (odd years) BI0-432 Immunology 5 hours Study of the human immune system including descriptions of basic immunological phenomena, biochemistry of antibodies and antigens, the cellular and genetic components of the immune response, and immunopathology. Four lectures and one three-hour laborat01y per week. Prerequisite: BIO-I14 Introduction to Biology; BI0-238 lntroductol)' Microbiology. (Fee: $35) BI0-436 Radiation Biology-A 5 hours The effects of ionizing radiation on biological systems and methods of using radioisotopes. Introductory material on radiation physics and dosimetry is included. The laboratory exercises introduce the student to basic instrnmentation and techniques in safely handling radioiso– topes. The course may be applied to either a biology or a chemistry major. Three lectures and two two-hour laboratories per week. Prerequisite: one year ofchemisfly; one course in biology; one course in mathematics. (Fee: $35) (odd years) BI0-450 Topics in Biology 2-5 hours Topics of special interest by the biology faculty from the areas of modern biology.