1998-1999 Academic Catalog

School of Social Sciences and Professional Studies 201 Considers major questions of social choice and the underlying criteria for the funding and delivery of social services. Policy analysis will be a major focus. Innovative programs and models that the churches could consider will be discussed and developed. Prerequisite: SWK- 311 Social Welfare Policy 1. SWK-321 Social Work Practice I-W 5 hours Taken concurrently with an 8-hour per week field experience designed to integrate basic practice skills learned in class with field experience. Course will help the student integrate knowledge and theory with agency practice. Emphasis on the basic principles and values of practice and the skill development essential to beginning social work relationships. Foundation in the basic core of concepts, methodology, and values along with an ability to e~ami~e practices. Focuses on social work ethics, the one-to-one relat10nsh1p, and interviewing skills. Prerequisite: SWK-301 Human Behavior and the Social Environment /; admission to the Social Work Program. (Fee: $30) SWK-322 Social Work Practice II-Sp 5 hours Taken concurrently with an eight-hour per week field experience designed to teach social intervention theory· with pr~ctice ..1:he course is the second part of a four course sequence m acqumng values, skills, theory, and principles of Social Work practice. Intervention strategies for work with families and target groups are presented with an orientation toward problem solving. The course goal is to assist the student in integrating theory with practice and in gaining awareness of the professional use of self. Interviewing and professional writing skills are further developed. Prerequisite: SWK- 321 Social Work Practice I; SWK-343 Junior Seminar I; SWK-344 Junior Field Experience I. (Fee: $30) SWK-334 Junior Field Experience Orientation-A 0 hours Designed to inform and equip the student to complete all work required before entering the Junior Field Experience. The Junior Field Experience is the placement of students in social service agencies for two consecutive quarters for a total of 150 hours. In three seminars students will receive information regarding the completion of all mandatory paper work in a timely manner, learn to present themselves in a professional manner, and be an organized student. Prerequisite: admission to the Social Work Program. (Fee: $20) SWK-335 Senior Field Experience Orientation-Sp 0 hours This three-seminar course is designed to inform and equip the student to complete all work required before entering the Senior Field Experience. Placement of students in social service agencies for two consecutive quatters for a total of 450 hours. In three seminars students will receive information regarding the completion of all mandatory paper work, presenting themselves in a profes– sional manner, and maximizing supervision as an entry level generalist practitioner. Prerequisite: SWK-344 Junior Field Experience I. (Fee: $20) SWK-343,345 Junior Seminar I, 11-W,Sp 1 hour each This course is designed to provide students the opportunity to discuss issues related to field experience, explore varied aspects of their particular agencies, and to provide support and feedback from their peers and instruction for professional growth and development. Seminar class will meet one hour per week. Prerequisite for SWK- 343: SWK-334 Junior Field Experience Orientation. Prerequisite for SWK-345: SWK-343 Junior Seminar I. SWK-344,346 Junior Field Experience I, 11-W,Sp 2 hours each Junior Field Experience is the placement of students in social service agencies for two consecutive quarters. The student will receive experience working with clients and agency staff under the supervision of qualified instructors. Seminar class will meet one hour per week. Students will receive input from peers and faculty. Prerequisite for SWK-344: SWK-334 Junior Field Experience Orientation. Prerequisite for SWK-346: SWK-344 Junior Field E\perience 1. SWK-363 Social Work Research Methods-A 3 hours Designed to survey the basic process of research methods as practiced in the social sciences. Underlying principles of science and logic are emphasized and special attention is directed toward the recognition of common sources of error and bias in the implementa– tion and interpretation of research studies as it affects the outcomes of research utilization. Students will be better prepared to recognize the impact of special population variables (age, race, gender, etc.) on the research process. Prerequisite: SWK-322 Social Work Practice II; admission to the Social Work Program. SWK-368 Data Analysis-W 5 hours See course description for POLS-368 Data Analysis. Social work majors are required to take this section of Data Analysis taught by a social work program faculty with the social work designator. Prerequisite: SWK-363 Social Work Research Methods. SWK-421 Social Work Practice HI-A 5 hours This course is the third part of a four-course sequence in acquiring values, skills, theory, and principles of generalist social work practice. Intervention strategies for work with individuals, families, and target groups are presented. The course goal is to assist the student in integrating theory with practice. Prerequisite: SWK-322 Social Work Practice 11. (Fee $30) SWK-422 Social Work Practice IV-W 5 hours Designed to complete the undergraduate program and thus equip the student for beginning professional social work practice. Focus is on competency in social work practice in multiple macro settings as a generalist in problem solving and social change. Prerequisite: SWK-421 Social Work Practice III. (Fee $30) SWK-436 Career and. Licensure Orientation-Sp 0 hours In three seminars, the student will receive information regarding the licensure exam (LCAT), and the job search process including interviewing, the resume, cover letter, and job opportunities. Prerequisite: SWK-452 Senior Seminar Il. (Fee $20) SWK-451,452 Senior Seminar I, 11-A,W 2 hours each A seminar is held two hours weekly in which students submit their own practice record for critical study and offer criticism to their peers. Emphasis is placed on.the integration of students' ~ocial work theoretical knowledge and skills as they enter the profess10n. A student must complete a minimum of 225 hours in the field. Prerequisite for SWK-451: SWK-335 Senior Field Experience Orientation. Prerequisite for SWK-452: SWK-451 Senior Seminar 1. SWK-456,457 Senior Field .Experience I,II-A,W 5 hours each Offers students the opportunity to practice social work 24 hours per week under professional supervision. Emphasis on integrating students' theoretical knowledge and skills. Students submit their own practice record for critical study and offer criticism to peers. Requires a minimum of 450 hours in the field. Prerequisite for SWK-456: SWK-335 Senior Field Experience Orientation. Prerequi– site for SWK-457: SWK-456 Senior Field Experience 1. Students are able to de111011strate God~; love and mercy while interacting with local chi/dre11 of all ages.