1998-1999 Academic Catalog

Academic Progress, Warning, and Suspension To satisfy the minimum graduation requirements, a student must earn a cumulative grade point average of 2.0. The minimum cumulative grade point average needed to maintain good academic standing is also 2.0. The College recognizes that some students may have . difficulty earning and/or maintaining the minimum cumulative grade point average required for good standing and for graduation. To assist them, an academic progress chart outlines the minimum cumulative grade point averages needed according to the credit hours earned. Some academic programs have stricter academic progress requirements than those listed above. Students should c?~ck academic department sections of the catalog for the specific grade point requirements of their major~. . . Students who are not in good academic standmg will be notified by the academic vice president of their standing. First– quarter freshmen who do not meet the 1.0 avera~e usually .will not be academically suspended in order to provide some time for them to make the adjustment to college life. Any student who does not meet the mi~imum c~mul~tive grade point average required for academic probat10n will be. suspended for at least one quarter. Any stu.dent on ac.adem1c probation for two successive quarters who 1s not makmg satisfactory academic progress is subject to academic suspen– sion. The academic vice president may make exceptions to the academic progress guidelines when appropriate. However, a student receiving veterans benefits who is on academic probation for two successive quarters without mak~n~ sat~sfac­ tory progress will be reported to the Veter~ns Admm~stration. The veterans benefits for such a student will be termmated unless the student is making progress toward meeting the minimum academic requirements for graduation. Faculty members and other counselors are .ava~lable to . discuss student progress. The student expenencmg academic difficulty should utilize these personnel, as well as re~ources available in the Academic Assistance Center to help fmd solutions to academic problems. Students on academic warning or probation may be required to take a special study skills course as a condition f~r continu– ing at the College. Academic warning may preclude mvol~e­ ment in certain college activities. Students facing academic warning or probation should consult with the coaches, . advisors or directors of their activities to learn of academic require1~ents or restrictions that may apply to t~ose activities. A student must maintain satisfactory academic progress to receive financial aid. Students receiving aid should check the financial aid section of the catalog to obtain the acadeinic progress requirements that pertain to their particular aid programs. Credit Attempted 0-30 31-60 61-90 91-135 136-170 171+ Academic Progress Chart Minimum Cumulative GPA for Academic Probation 1.00 1.30 1.50 1.70 Minimum Cumulative GPA for Academic Warning 1.50 1.65 1.80 1.90 1.90 1.95 A student suspended for academic reasons may apply for readmission during any quarter in the regular academic year following the quarter of suspension. Repeating Courses While adjusting to academic life at Cedarville, some new students earn grades they consider to be unsatisfactory. Consequently, any student which earns an unsatisfa.ctory grade as a freshman (student with fewer than 46 credits) may repeat the course before the end of their sophomore year (student with 46 to 95 credits). Under this freshman repeat policy, the cumulative grade point average will be recalculated using the second grade instead of the first. A similar policy applies to a transfer student. Under the transfer repeat policy, courses taken during the first quarter may be repeated within the succeedin~ three regular quart~rs. The cumulative grade point average will be recalculated usmg the second grade instead of the first. Under these repeat policies, any course may be repeated. Although the first grade is no longer calculated into the cumulative grade point average, the course and grade information does remain on the student's transcript. In all other cases when a student repeats a course, both grades are calculated into the cumulative grade point average. Credit hours for a repeated course may count only once toward the credits needed for graduation. Students gain valuable educational and spiritual insight fi'om faculty during s111al/-gro11p h(f'ormal discussion sessions.