1998-1999 Academic Catalog

School of Social Sciences and Professional Studies MIS-221 FORTRAN Programming 4 hours Problem solving is emphasized; algorithms and technique~ useful in practical business and scientific application are introduced 111 programming arithmetic, logic, and data handling functions. MIS-222 Stmctured Programming-A 4. hours Structured programming concepts are developed through program– ming assignments in a high level language. The program development process, top down design, stepwise refinement, as well as the analysis of algorithms and data structures will be used ~o develop sound problem-solving techniques. Intended to be the first program– ming course for MIS majors. (Fee: $10) MIS-223 Microcomputer Applications-A 3 hours A study of the use of electronic spreadsheet and database manage– ment software in business applications. Prerequisite: MIS-220 Comp/I/er /J1for111atio11 Systems or permission of instructor. MIS-226 Modern Programming Tools-W 4 hours A study of data structures and advanced software products cuffently available on CedarNet, which make effective us~ of those data structures. The student will study concepts and acqmre tools · needed for later software development courses. Tools may include Visual Basic, application and code generators, and 4 GLs. Prereqlfi– site: MIS-222 Structured Progra111111i11g. (Fee: $10) MIS-325 COBOL Programming-Sp 4 hours Introduces the basic program structure of a high level programming language as business-oriented pro~rams are prepared and e.x~cuted. Advanced topics are developed with stress upon more efficient programming techniques, documentation, and struc~ured program– ming. Prerequisite: MIS-222 Structltred Progra111111mg. (Fee: $10) MIS-326 Systems Analysis-A 4 hours Provides an understanding of the duties of the systems analyst together with an understanding of the specific methods and tech– niques for conducting a systems project from !ts preliminary . investigation through its systems implementation and evaluatton. Prerequisite: MIS-222 Structured Progm111111i11g. MIS-327 Systems Design-A,W 4 hours Advanced study of structured systems development. Emphasis on strategies and techniques of structured analy.sis ai~d structure~ d~sign for producing logical methodologies for dealmg with complexity 111 the development of information systems. Prerequisite: M!S-326 Systems Analysis. MIS-328 Database Development-Sp 4 hours Introduction to application program development in a database environment with an emphasis on loading, modifying, and querying the database using a host language (COBOL). Discussion and application of data struct~res, !ndexe~ and direct file organi~ations, and models of data includ111g hierarchical, network, and relat10nal. Prerequisite: MIS-226 Modern Programming Tools. (Fee: $10) MIS-329 Operating Systems Software Concepts .4 hours A survey of technical topics related to computer sy~tems with emphasis on the relationships between hardware architecture, systems software, and applications software. MIS-330 Data Structures 4 hours A vaifoty of data types and structures such as arrays, sets, records, stack queues, linked lists, trees and graphs will be discussed and demonstrated through programming exercises in a high level language. Applications to searching and sorting algorithms will be investigated. Prerequisite: MIS-222 Strnctured Programming. (Fee: $10) MIS-340 Data Communications and Networking-W 4 hours A study of the basic concepts of data and voice co.mmunications and current networking technology. Discussion of phys1cal-layer. considerations, higher-layer implications, and network operatn~g systems. The concepts will be applied through a !rnnds-on pr~J~ct of network design, implementation, and documentation. Prereq111s1te: any computer course other than MIS-100. MIS-420 Programming Languages-Sp 4 hours Advanced programming concepts using one or more structt~red , languages (selected from Pascal, ADA, Modula 2, C). Theone~ of program design and implementation. Some discussion of co~p1ler construction. Prerequisite: MIS-222 Structured Progra111111111g. (Fee: $10) MIS-421 Software Development-W 3 hours Application of computer programming and systen_i development concepts, principles and practices to a comprehensive system. development project. A team approach is used to. analyze, des1g_n, and document realistic systems of moderate complexity. Use of project management methods, project schedulii~g a?d control ~echni9,ue,s, formal presentations, and group dynamics 111 the solut10n of mforma– tion systems problems. Development of database to support th~ . system. Prerequisite: MIS-328 Database Development. Prereq111s1te or Corequisite: MIS-327 Systems Design. Marketing MRKT-360 Principles of Marketing-A,W,Sp 4 hours Survey of the marketing function in the business environment; product, price, promotion, and distribution as well as consumers, organizations, service, nonprofit, and international markets. Prerequi– site: junior status or permission of instructor. MRKT-361 Sales Management-W 4 hours Principles employed in the administration and strategy of a sales force. Factors involved in the organization of the sales force: recruiting and selection, training, compensation, motivating, and controlling. Prerequisite: MGMT-350 Principles of Organization and Management; MRKT-360 Principles o.(Marketing. MRKT-363 Marketing Research-W 4 hours Role of market research in marketing development. Decision making in an atmosphere of uncertainty. Determination of hypotheses. Planl1ing research designs: survey, o?servatio~al, ex_perimental, ~nd simulation. Execution of survey design: quest10nnatre construct10n, sample design, interviewing, tabulation, analysis, interpretation ?f results, and presentation. Prerequisite: MRKT-360 Principles o.f Marketing; BUS-212 Statistics II. MRKT-365 Consumer Behavior-A 4 hours Introduction to the psychological, sociological, cultural, and · economic determinants of consumer behavior. Emphasis on explora– tion of various concepts and theories for the purp?se of b~ilding: understanding and providing an exposure to a vanety of viewpomts. Prerequisite: MRKT-360 Principles ofMarketing. MRKT-366 Principles of Advertising-A 4 hours Advertising as a tool in marketing management. Decision making relative to market analysis. Media selection, budgeting, production and layout, and measurement of effectiveness. Prerequisite: MRKT- 360 Principles o.fMarketing or permission o.f instructor. MRKT-367 Industrial Marketing 4 hours A study of the industrial mai·ke~ sector which in~ludes bu.ying behavior, applied demand analysis, and segmentatlon techmques. Designed to provide the student with decision-making capabilities for use in the industrial setting. Prerequisite: MRKT-360 Principles o.f Marketing. MRKT-368 Nonprofit Marketing-Sp 4 hours Designed to acquaint the student with ski.Us, abilit.ies,. and attitu~es necessary to effectively implement marketrng practice m nonprofl! organizations. Prerequisite: MRKT-360 Principles ofMarketing or permission of instructor. (alternate years) MRKT-460 Marketing Management-W 4 hours The marketing function relative to product development, promotion, pricing, physical distribution, and the deter~ination of marketing . objectives of the marketing system and available markets. Prereqw– site: MGMT-350 Principles of Organization and Management; MRKT-360 Principles o.f'Marketing. MRKT-461 Marketing Strategy-Sp 4 hours Computer simulation will be used to acquaint the senior marketing student in a realistic fashion to a variety of marketing situations and allow "hands-on" solutions to be implemented and tested. Prerequi– site: senior status and sixteen hours ofmarketing including MRKT- 360 Principles ofMarketing. MRKT-462 International Marketing-Sp 4 hours An intensive investigation of the problems, regulations, and challenges facing U.S. manufacturers seeking to expand their markets to countries abroad. Prerequisite: MRKT-360 Principles ofMarketing.