1998-1999 Academic Catalog
School of Humanities, Fine Arts, and Bible Minors Course requirements for the minor in broadcasting involve 25 quarter hours including: COM-232 Theories of Mass Media .......................................... 5 COM-331 Communication in the Infonnation Age ................... 3 MMT-271 Introduction to Interactive Multimedia ................... 3 RTV-101 Introduction to Broadcasting ....:............................... 3 RTV-102 Audio Control Techniques ....................................... 2 RTV-202Writing for ElectronicMedia ..................................... 3 RTV-341 Issues and Ethics in Electronic Media ...................... 3 RTV-402SeminarinReligiousBroadcasting ............................ 3 Course requirements for the minor in general communication arts involve 25 quarter hours including: COM-200 Persuasive Theory ................................................... 5 COM-222 Research in Communication .................................... 4 COM-310 Advanced Public Speaking ...................................... 5 COM-324Interpersona1Communication .................................. 3 COM-331 Communication in the Information Age ................... 3 COM-411 History of Public Address ....................................... 5 Course requirements for the minor in organizational communications involve 24 quarter hours including: COM-200 Persuasive Theory ................................................... 5 COM-223 Group Discussion .................................................... 3 COM-3230rganizationa1Communication ................................ 3 COM-325Interviewing ............................................................. 3 COM-331 Communication in the Information Age ................... 3 COM-4060rganizationa1Leadership ....................................... 3 MGMT-350 Principles of Organization and Management ........ 4 Course requirements for the minor in theatre arts involve 28 quarter hours including: COM-123 Voice andDiction .................................................... 3 COM-141 Introduction to Dramatic Art ................................... 4 COM-240Stagecraft ................................................................. 2 COM-241 Fundamentals ofOralinterpretation ........................ 5 COM-243 Principles ofActing ................................................. 3 COM-343 Principles ofPlay Directing ...................................... 4 COM-346 Advanced Acting .................................................... 3 COM-413DramaticLiterature ................................................... 4 interested in theatre arts have several opportunities to pe1for111 throughout the year. Course Descriptions Broadcasting RTV-101 Introduction to Broadcasting-A 3 hours Introduction to the beginning, growth, and regulation of broadcast– ing. The structure of broadcasting, current criticism of the media, and the use of broadcasting by Christians are also discussed. Corequisite (broadcast majors): RTV-102 Audio Control Techniques. RTV-102 Audio Contrnl Techniques-A 2 hours Instruction and training are offered in the operation of electronic equipment used in broadcasting. Emphasis is upon radio, with some television. The course is open to non-majors. Corequisite (broadcast majors): RTV-101 Introduction to Broadcasting. (Fee: $30) RTV-103 Program Production-W 3 hours Roles of director and sound engineer are emphasized in this course, which is designed to introduce the student to the techniques of working with the other members of a production staff while develop– ing various types of programs for broadcast. Prerequisite: RTV-102 Audio Control Techniques. (Fee: $30) RTV-104 Broadcast Announcing-Sp 4 hours Examines all types of announcing and applies each to use in both radio and television programs. Emphasis is on the use of the voice as a tool for communication of ideas on a one-to-one basis. (Fee: $30) RTV-151 Sportscasting-W 2 hours Study of methods of sportscasting coupled with practice, which concentrates on coverage of major sports including basketball, football, and baseball. Interviewing techniques and news formats for sportscasting will also be covered. Open to all students. Credit/no credit. (odd years) RTV-201 Academic Research in Mediated Communication-A 2 hours Introduction to research and paper writing in the field of media study. The course deals with library research tools used in academic research of the field, leading_ the student through the developmental stages of a research paper, including proposal, working bibliography, and paper outline.
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