1998-1999 Academic Catalog

School of Humanities, Fine Arts, and Bible COM-461 Communication Ethics-Sp 3 hours Journaling life experience, discussing American moral traditions, and pe1forming biblical narratives are the activities by which students realize the ethical basis for communication and the communication basis for ethics. (even years) COM-464 Special Topics-A,W,Sp,Su 3-5 hours Topics of important interest are examined on an as-needed basis. Repeatable to six credit hours. COM-471 through COM-476 Independent Study in Speech 1-4 hours Taken to secure an in-depth background in one of the areas of speech communication. Repeatable to a total of eight credit hours in the field. Prerequisite: permission ofinstrnctor. COM-471 Speech COM-472 Special Topics COM-473 Oral Interpretation COM-475 Drama COM-476 Forensics COM-481 Internship in Communications-A,W,Sp,Su · .5-15 hours Students are placed with professional organizations to gain experience in actual career situations. Internships depend upon availability. COM-482 Senior Project I - Research (Fee: $25) 3 hours COM-483 Senior Project II - Research Students select a topic of interest and prepare a major research paper, which discusses their findings, or complete a major project. Taken for two quarters and overseen by an individual faculty mentor. Capstone course. Prerequisite: COM-205 Communication The01y; COM-222 Research in Communications; senior stati1s. (Fee: $25) COM-484 Senior Project - Recital I (Fee: $25) 3 hours COM-485 Senior Project - Recital II 3 hours Students desiring to fulfill their senior project requirement with a recital must declare that to their advisor before the end of the sophomore year. The required courses should be completed by spring of the junior year. A platform examination, required of all who wish to present a recital, is included in COM-241 Fundamentals of Oral Interpretation. Students who do not meet required performance levels may request a second platform examination during the spring quarter of their junior year. All students who wish to transfer college credit for this course must complete a platform examination the quarter they enter the major. Entrance and continuation in the program are determined by faculty. Capstone course. Prerequisite: COM-123 Voice and Diction; COM-241 Fundamentals of Oral Interpretation; COM-243 Principles ofActing. (Fee: $25) Multimedia Productions MMT-102 Audio Control Techniques-A 2 hours See course description for RTV-102 Audio Control Techniques. (Fee: $30) MMT-271 Introduction to Interactive Multimedia-Sp 3 hours The merging of computers and audio and video media has created the field of interactive multimedia. Provides an overview of the techno– logical changes, which have created this electronic marriage of media and its applications, focusing on institutional and educational uses. MMT-275 Preproduction Planning for Multimedia-A 3 hours Examines the preproduction phase of multimedia program develop– ment. Topics covered include the steps in planning, the development of a program design and specifications, and the development of prototypes of the .production. Emphasis is placed on the contribution of research on learning theory and production design variables to understanding of the effectiveness of a multimedia program. Prerequi– site: MMT-271 Introduction to Interactive Multimedia. (Fee: $30) MMT-310 Advanced Audio Production-A 4 hours A lecture/laboratory class designed for students with a strong commitment to production. The course seeks to develop critical judgment in audio production while sharpening audio production skills. Prerequisite: RTV-103 Program Production (waived for MMT majors). (Fee: $30) MMT-341 Issues and Ethics in Electronic Media-W 3 hours Examines ethical issues in the wide range of electronic media. After the establishment of a biblical, ethical base, current criticisms of the role and pe1formance of electronic media are evaluated. Topics include. program content, advertising, privacy, and intellectual property. MMT-365 Advanced Clinic: Computer Graphics-W 2 hours Introduction to the use of computers for the production of electronic graphics. Includes the use of paint, digitizing, and 2-D animation programs. Corequisite: MMT-371 Graphic Design for Interactive Multimedia. (Fee: $30) MMT-367 Advanced Clinic: 3D Graphics and Animation-Sp 2 hours Advanced use of the computer for electronic graphics for multimedia production. The emphasis is on three-dimensional modeling, rendering, and animation. (Fee: $30) MMT-371 Graphic Design for Interactive Multimedia-W 3 hours Introduction to computer graphics for multimedia, this course applies principles of visual communication to multimedia screen design. Prerequisite: ART-110 Introduction to Art or COM-322 Visual Communication. Corequisite (multimedia major): MMT-365 Advanced Clinic: Computer Graphics. MMT-375 Authoring for Interactive Multimedia-Sp 4 hours Covers the development of interactive multimedia programming for educational and training applications. Topics include research on the effectiveness of the interactive media, the team approach to planning for interactive projects, and the use of authoring software for control of various media by the computer. Prerequisite: MMT-275 Preproduction Planning for Multimedia. (Fee: $30) MMT-401 Mass Media Law and Regulation-A 4 hours Development of First Amendment protections and present legal requirements for media are studied. Emphasis is placed upon court decisions that help define First Amendment freedoms for those in electronic media, as well as regulations imposed upon the broadcaster. MMT-481 Multimedia Intemship 5-15 hours Students are placed with professional organizations to gain experience in actual career situations. Internships depend upon availability, Prerequisite: senior status and permission of advisor. MMT-482 Senior Project I - Multimedia-A (Fee: $30) 3 hours MMT-483 Senior Project II - Multimedia~W 3 hours Students select one of three options: 1) a paper reporting on the student's original research that investigated a topic in multimedia, 2) a multimedia production, which involves a quarter of research using standard methodological approaches to the production project and a quarter in production, or 3 a multimedia performance. A proposal detailing the student's plan for the senior project should be submitted and approved by the project advisor prior to registration for the class. Capstone course. Prerequisite: MMT-371 Graphic Design or COM- 222 Research in Communication for option 1; senior status and approval by the project advisor/or all options.