1998-1999 Academic Catalog
School of Social Sciences and Professional Studies education progra111. Corequisite: EDEC-330 Instructional Programs for Early Childhood; EDEC-326 Early Childhood Field Experience; EDEC-335 Issues in Early Childhood Administration; EDSP-432 Co111111unication and Collaboration Skills for Special Education. EDEC-326 Early Childhood Field Experience 1 hour Provides an observation and participation experience focusing on classroom routines and instruction in a kindergarten or other preschool classroom. Designed to give a practical field-based aspect to all of the courses in the early childhood block. Students will teach a series of interdisciplinary foreign language and culture lessons as a part of this field experience. Prerequisite: admission to the teacher education progra111. Corequisite: EDEC-324 Early Childhood Education; EDEC-330 Instrnctional Progra111s for Early Childhood; EDEC-335 Issues in Early Childhood Administration; EDSP-432 Communication and Collaboration Skills for Special Education. EDEC-330 Instructional Programs for Early Childhood 4 hours Looks at ongoing developments in the education of young children, their influence on the development of appropriate instructional programs, the selection of developmentally appropriate instructional activities and curriculum for young children. Practical methods for creating learning environments appropriate to the stages of child development will be examined with particular emphasis on preschool and kindergarten. Play is considered an important vehicle for the child's social, emotional, cognitive, and spiritual development. Prerequisite: admission to the teacher education program. Corequisite: EDEC-324 Early Childhood Education; EDEC-326 Early Childhood Field Experience; EDEC-335 Issues in Early Childhood Administration; EDSP-432 Communication and Collaboration Skills for Special Education. EDEC-335 Issues in Early Childhood Administration 5 hours Examines issues in early childhood programs important to both teachers and administrators including family and community health, the law, community resources, and licensing. Also looks at a range of practical administrative skills including models for leadership and for developing and maintaining personal and community working relationships. Looks at a team approach to family centered assessment and procurement of services. Prerequisite: admission to the teacher education program. Corequisite: EDEC-324 Early Childhood Education; EDEC-326 Early Childhood Field Experience; EDEC-330 Instructional Programs for Ij:arly Childhood; EDSP-432 Communication and Collaboration Skills for Special Education. EDEC-350 Reading in the Content Area for Early Childhood 3 hours Introduction to the dimensions, strategies, and programs for learning and teaching the reading process, including the nature of the reading process, assessment techniques, and instructional strategies to increase comprehension of the textual material of the various disciplines taught in the elementary grades. Corequisite: EDEC-430 Reading and Language Arts lvfethodsfor Early Childhood. EDEC-353 Introduction to the Reading Process 4 hours Overview of philosophies of reading and approaches to reading and current issues in reading instruction. Includes a focus on literacy, how it develops in different ways for young learners and the experiences .that support it and the way literacy is influenced by cultural and ethnic background. Emphasis is given to the importance of providing reading instrnction in meaningful contexts designed to meet the needs of learners. Prerequisite: EDUC-JOO The Education Profession. EDEC-420 Teaching Reading: Phonics 3 hours Introduction to the rationale, skills, instructional strategies, assessment strategies, teaching aids, resource materials, and appropriate technologies for the teaching of phonics. Emphasis given to the place of phonics in the overall reading program for young children. Clinical experience and field experience provide theory– driven application. Corequisite: EDEC-430 Reading and Language Arts Methods.for Early Childhood. EDEC-430 Reading and Language Arts Methods for Early Childhood 6 hom·s Introduction to the objectives, skills, instructional strategies, teaching aids, resource materials, and assessment techniques for teaching reading and the language alts to the early childhood age individual. Builds upon the techniques of using a phonics based approach to reading instruction and inttoduces whole-language approaches to reading instruction. Clinical experience and field experience provide theory-driven application. Prerequisite: admission to the teacher education program. Corequisite: EDEC-420 Teaching Reading Phonics; EDEC-350 Reading in the Content Area for Early Childhood; EDEC-433 Early Childhood Clinical Experience I; EDSP- 401 Principles ofInclusion. · EDEC-433 Early Childhood Clinical Experience I 3 hours Students spend 16-17 full consecutive days in an early childhood classroom including 13-15 days of teaching. The implementation of reading and language arts objectives, skills, strategies of instruction, teaching aids, and resource materials is practiced in a supervised setting. Emphasis given to using strategies for adapting instruction for inclusion students. Provides theory-driven application to instruction in corequisite courses. Students formally supervised and evaluated at least three times by college supervisors, with ongoing informal evaluation and two written evaluations by cooperating teachers. Corequisite: EDEC-430 Reading and Language Arts Methods for Early Childhood. EDEC-440 Early Childhood Curriculum and Instruction: Mathematics 5 hours introduction to the objectives, skills, instructional strategies, teaching aids, and resource materials for teaching mathematics to the young child, based on the 1989 NCTM Standards, Grades K-4. Clinical experience and field experience provide theory-driven application. Prerequisite: successful completion ofthe Methods.I block ofcourses. Corequisite: EDEC- 441 Early Childhood Curriculum and Instruction: Science; EDEC-442 Early Childhood Curriculum and Instruction: Social Studies; EDEC-444 Early Childhood Clinical Experience II. · EDEC-441 Early Childhood Curriculum and Instruction: Science 4 hours Examines science curricula for the young child with particular emphasis on the Ohio Model and the integration of science with other disciplines. Instructional methodologies which emphasize an inquiry approach and other models for teaching of thinking, student interaction and the use of instructional technologies will be modeled and practiced with attention given to a hands-on approach to instruction. Unit planning is introduced and students write and teach a unit plan as a part of their clinical experience. Prerequisite: successful completion ofthe Methods I block ofcourses. Corequisite: EDEC-440 Early Childhood Curriculum and Instruction: Mathematics; EDEC- 442 Early Childhood Curriculum and Instruction: Social Studies; EDEC-444 Early Childhood Clinical Experience II. EDEC-442 Early Childhood Curriculum and Instruction: Social Studies 4 hours Examines social studies curricula for the young child with particular emphasis on the Ohio Model and the integration of social studies with other disciplines. Instructional methodologies which emphasize the teaching of thinking, student interaction, and the use of instructional technologies will be modeled and practiced with attention given to cooperative learning and models for teaching thinking. Students are introduced to peer coaching and self coaching in order to promote reflective teaching. Unit planning is introduced and students write and teach a unit plan as a part of their clinical experience. Evaluation based on Praxis criteria. Prerequisite: successful completion. ofthe Methods I block of courses. Corequisite: EDEC-440 Early Childhood Curriculum and Instruction: Mathematics; EDEC- 441 Early Childhood Curriculum and Instruction: Science; EDEC-444 Early Childhood Clinical Experience. EDEC-444 Early Childhood Clinical Experience II 3 hours Students spend 17 days in an early childhood classroom including 13-15 days teaching content in mathematics, social studies and/or science. Clinical field experience provides theory-driven application to instruction with an emphasis on reflective teaching and collegial teamwork. Grade level placement will be made to give the student a grade level different from that of their Early Childhood Clinical Experience I placement. Students formally supervised and evaluated at least three times by college supervisors, with ongoing informal evaluation and two formal written evaluations by cooperating teachers. Evaluation based on Praxis criteria. Prerequisite· Methods I. Corequisite: EDEC-440 Early Childhood Curriculum and Instrnction: Mathematics; EDEC-441 Early Childhood Curriculum and Instrnction: Science; EDEC-442 Early Childhood Curriculum and Instruction: Social Studies. ·
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