1998-1999 Academic Catalog
School of Social Sciences and Professional Studies EDSE-317 Principles of Teaching Clinical 4 hours Implementation of the objectives, skills, instructional strategies, teaching aids, resource materials, and critical thinking methodologies in a field experience setting teaching in the prospective teacher's discipline area. Corequisite: EDSE-302 Teaching Thinking Skills and EDSE-316 Principles ofTeaching. EDSE-470 Student Teaching and Seminar (Adolescent/Young Adult) . 12-16 hours Teaching experience in a secondary education setting (either middle school or high school setting) under the cooperative supervision of the cooperating school teacher and the College supervisor. Applicants must be approved by the College and the cooperating school system. Special Education EDSP-202 Teaching Exceptional Children 3 hours Explores the implications of P.L. 94-142 and P.L. 101-476 with an emphasis on the definitions and characteristics of exceptionalities under these laws and various philosophies regarding the education of exceptional children. Strategies of inclusion are discussed and observed. Includes an introduction to assessment of exceptionalities and the use of assistive technologies for enabling instruction. Corequisite: EDU-200 Introduction to Teaching; EDSP-206 Special Education Field Experience, or permission ofinstructor. EDS.f-206 Special Education Field Experience 1 hour A field-based experience in special education where the student observes and participates with the exceptional education teacher in assisting exceptional learners in either an inclusion or self-contained special education setting. Prerequisite: EDU-100 The Education Profession. Corequisite: EDU-200 Introduction to Teaching. EDSP-223 Survey of Mental Retardation/Developmental Disabilities 3 hours Overview of the theories, research, and practices related to the education of individuals with mental retardation or developmental disabilities. Emphasis on causal factors, assessment, and management. Prerequisite: EDU-JOO The Education Profession, or consent of instrnctorfor non-education majors. EDSP-224 Survey of Behavior Handicaps 3 hours Overview of the theories, research, and practices related to the education of individuals with an emotional and/or behavior handicap. Emphasis on causal factors, assessment, and management. Prerequisite: EDU-JOO The Education Profession, or consent of instructorfor non-education majors. EDSP-225 Survey of Learning Disabilities 3 hours Overview of the theories, research, and practices related to the , education of individuals with learning disabilities. Emphasis on causal factors, assessment, and management. Prereqiiisite: EDU-100 The Education Profession, or consent ofinstructorfor non-education majors. EDSP-380 Diagnostic and Prescriptive Reading 3-5 hours Experience in the use of unbiased formal and informal testing to diagnose various types of developmental and remedial reading problems. Emphasis upon individual assessment techniques in identification, testing, and the causation of reading difficulties. Includes practical experience in techniques for tutoring pupils with reading problems including the use of assistive technologies as well as the development of instructional strategies necessary for diagnostic teaching: Course must be taken for 5 credits unless taken with EDSP- 455 Special Education Clinical Experience (secondary). Prerequisite: EDEC-430 Reading and Language Arts Methods for Early Childhood. EDSP-401 Principles of Inclusion 1 hour Examination of the theories, research, and practices of adapting and modifying curriculum, instmction, and the learning environment to help students identified with special needs be successful in the regular education setting. Corequisite: EDEC-430 Methods o.f'Reading and Language Arts for Early Childhood, or EDMC-430 Teaching Reading Through Middle Childhood Literature. EDSP-421 Career and Occupational Training 2 hours Includes the role of occupational training in the curriculum, the relationship with the world of work, problems of organizing and administering, methods and techniques used in developing occupational interests and abilities at various age levels. Working with students on the transition from one level of education to the next. EDSP-431 Communication and Collaboration Skills for Early Childhood Educators 2 hours Techniques of collaboration and consultation needed to enhance communication with exceptional individuals, parents, educational team members, and other professionals. Practice in the techniques of IEP writing and communicating the content of the IEP to various groups of people. Prerequisite: admission to the teacher education program. Corequisite: EDEC-324 Early Childhood Education. EDSP-432 Communication and Collaboration Skills for Special Education · 2 hours Techniques of collaboration, consultation needed to enhance communication with exceptional individuals, parents, educational team members, and other professionals. EDSP-433 Behavior and Instructional Management 2 hours Leaming theory, motivation, and behavioral approaches to management of the social and academic environment of learners with mild-moder'ate educational needs. Emphasis on the techniques, strategies and skills needed to create an appropriate educational environment for such individuals. EDSP-435 Assessment of Exceptional Children 3 hours Study in the administration and interpretation of formal and informal educational assessment instruments used for the placement of studetlts with mild-moderate needs and the development of appropriate educational goals and objectives, and the assessment of those goals/objectives. Emphasis on the ability to communicate the results of various type of assessment to exceptional individuals, parents, and other professionals. EDSP-444 Special Education Clinical Experience (Early Childhood) 3 hours Intr?duction to the objectives, skills, instructional strategies, teachmg aids, and resource materials for teaching reading and the la~guage arts to students with mild-moderate needs at the early childhood level. Work with a special education teacher in an inclusion classroom and/or self-contained setting. EDSP-449 Special Education Clinical Experience (Middle Childhood) 3 hours Introduction to the objectives, skills, instructional strategies, teaching aids, and resource materials for teaching mathematics, science, and social studies to students with mild-moderate needs at the middle childhood level. Work with a special education teacher in an inclusion classroom and/or self-contained setting. EDSP-450 Adaptive Curriculum and Instruction 4 hours Introduction to the curriculum, intervention strategies, types of instructional materials, and educational technology used with students with mild-moderate educational needs. EDSP-455 Special Education Clinical Experience (Adolescent/Young Adult) 2 hours Introduction to the objectives, skills, instmctional strategies, teaching aids, and resource materials for assisting adolescent/young adult. students with mild-moderate educational needs. Emphasis on tutonng, development of remedial reading skills, and preparation for work or other post-high school options. Work with a special education teacher in an inclusion classroom and/or self-contained setting. EDSP-470 Student Teaching and Colloquium (Special Education) 12-16 hours Directed teaching in area schools with students experiencing mild– moderate learning difficulties. Student teacher will work in an inclusion and/or self-contained special education setting under the observation of an experienced special education teacher and College faculty member. Weekly seminar attendance is also required. The student must also register for one of the following colloquia: (1) Colloquium in Mild-Moderate Disabilities (2) Colloquium in Learning Disabilities (3) Colloquium in Mental Retardation/Developmental Disabilities (4) Colloquium in Behavior Handicaps ·
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