1999-2000 Academic Catalog
Popular Christian music artist, Larnelle Harris, provided an uplifting concert of praise and worship during the 1998 Homecoming Weekend. Music Theory THMU-121 Theory I-A 3 hours Introduction to the basic materials and concepts of music. A foundational study ofthe essential building blocks ofmusic including rhythm, chord analysis, and harmony. Competency equivalency required of all music majors, minors, and elementary education majors. Open to all students. (Fee: $15) THMU-122 TheoryU-W 3 hours Study of fundamental harmonies and tone relations used in musical composition: elementary written and keyboard harmony, melody writing and analysis. Prerequisite: THMU-121 The01y I or passing grade on placement examinations. (Fee: $15) THMU-123 Theory III-Sp 3 hours Study of the principles of diatonic harmony, including two-, three-, and four-part writing, analysis, keyboard harmony, and creative work. Prerequisite: THMU-122 The01y II. (Fee: $15) THMU-131 Aural Skills I-A 2 hours Basic technique of dictation, sight singing, and rhythmic reading. Corequisite: THMU-121 Theory I Open to all students. (Fee: $15) THMU-132 Aural Skills H-W 2 hours Singing and writing ofmajor and minor scales, intervals, triads, tonal and rhythn1ic groups, tonal melodies and canons. Prerequisite: THMU-131 Aural Skills I or passing grade on placement examina– tions. Corequisite: THMU-122 The01yII (Fee: $15) THMU-133 Aural Skins HI-Sp 2 hours Singing and writing of chromatic scales, tonal and rhythmic groups, more difficult tonal melodies, and two-part work. Prerequisite: THMU-132 Aural Sldlls II. Corequisite: THMU-123 The01y III .!LJl_ft"HJl''-'-""""Theory IV-A 3 hours Comprehensive review of Theory I, II, and III. Part writing, analysis, and creative work. Prerequisite: THMU-123 Themy III. THMU-225 Theory V-W 3 hours Critical study and analysis of the chromatic harmony and formal strncture of 18th and 19th century music. Creative work in traditional compositional forms. Prerequisite: THMU-224 The01y IV THMU-226 TheoryVI-Sp 3 hours Survey of contrapuntal techniques and analytical study of 20th century compositional techniques, including impressionistic, serial, neoclassical, and electronic practices; creative work in contemporary styles. Prerequisite: THMU-225 The01y V (Fee: $20) THMU-234 Aural Skills IV-A 1 hour Melodic, harmonic, and rhythmic dictation, singing and en-or detection. Melodic structural devices, chord identification, syncopa– tion and sub triplets. Prerequisite: THMU-133 Aural Skills III Corequisite: THMU-224 Theory IV THMU-235 Aural Skills V-W 1 hour Melodic, harmonic and rhythmic dictation, singing and error detection. Modulation identification; phrase, key, cadence and harmonic relationships; super triplets, and more difficult rhythms. Prerequisite: THMU-234 Aural Sid/ls IV Corequisite: THMU-225 Theory V THMU-251 Music Engraving I-A 3 hours The first of a two-part series in music copying using the FINALE software program. Provides complete hands-on training using FINALE speedy-entry method for notation. Requires at least two hours lab each week. (Fee: $25) THMU-252MusicEngravingH-W 2 hours The second of a two-part series in music copying using the FINALE software program. Provides hands-on training using FINALE speedy– entry and hyper-scribe methods for notation. Application is made to transfeITing notation to sequencing programs for playback purposes. Requires at least two hours lab each week. (Fee: $25) THMU-253 Music Sequencing-Sp 2 hours In-depth training in the principles ofmusic sequencing with computers and synthesizers. Students will learn to blend the power of today's music technology with their knowledge of music theory, partwriting, and orchestration to produce musical compositions in various styles. (Fee: $25) THMU-310 Counterpoint-Sp 3 hours Survey of polyphonic music of the 18th century including analysis and experimental writing of species counterpoint, canon, two-part inventions, fugal expositions, and trio sonata movements. Prerequi– site: THMU-225 Themy V THMU-314 Functional Keyboard Skills-A 2 hours Development of skills in harmonization at sight, transposition, playing by ear, and other keyboard harmony skills specifically designed to meet the piano proficiency requirements. Prerequisite: permission ofthe instructor. THMU-411 Form and Analysis-W 3 hours Study of the structure of music approached through analysis of representative works. Prerequisite: THMU-222 The01y VI. THMU-413 Orchestration-A 3 hours Designed to develop skills in scoring music for various instrnmental groups. Prerequisite: THMU-226 Theory VI. THMU-414 Choral Arranging-W 3 hours Study of arranging for the choral medium. Includes principles of arranging for children, youth, and adult choirs. Special attention given to arranging for large and small choral ensembles as accompanied by a variety ofmedia including congregation, live instruments, MIDI, video enhanced and audio sound tracks. Students learn to write chord charts for use in church and commercial venues. Class presentation of student arrangements in a concert setting is provided. Prerequisite: CHMU-350 Church Music Administration; THMU-251 Music Engraving I; CHMU-353,354 Church Music Methods and Materials UI THMU-499 Independent Study in Composition and Arranging-A,W,Sp,Su 1-4 hours Independent and intensive study in a particular area of music theory for individual students who demonstrate special interests and ability. Repeatable up to four credits.
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