1999-2000 Academic Catalog
The minor in psychology is designed to provide students majoring in disciplines outside the Department of Psychology with a basic understanding of psychology. Course requirements involve 24 hours including: PYCH-160Genera1Psychology ................................................ 5 PYCH-264PsychologyofAbnormalBehavior ........................ 5 Electives in psychology ......................................................... 14 PYCH-100 Orientation to Psychology-W 1 hour Acquaints the psychology major with various areas and issues in the field of psychology. Included will be its specialties, gra~uate school information, vocational opportunities, and legal and ethical matters. Should be taken during the freshman year. PYCH-160 General Psychology-A,W,Sp,Su 5 hours Designed to provide a survey of modem scientific psychology. The course content centers on such topics as the foundations of psychol– ogy, developm7nt .over the. lif~ span, how v.;e experienc~ the world,. learning and thmking, mottvat10n and emot10n, personality, and social behavior. (Fee: $5) PYCH-260 Human Development: Life Span-Sp . 4 hours An analysis of the physiological, social, and psychologic~l develop– ment of the individual from conception through the total hfe span. Prerequisite: PYCH-160 General Psychology. Students who have taken Adolescent Development are not eligiblefor this course. PYCH-261 Psychological Statistics-A,Sp . . 5 hours Designed to provide an elementary. coverage of descriptive and sampling statistics commonly used m psychology. I~clud~s pr~blems ofmeasurement measures of central tendency and dispersion, hnear correlation, prediction, and simple tests of significance. Prerequisite: GSCJ-180 Introduction to Mathematics; PYCH-160 General Psychology. PYCH-264 Psychology of Abnormal Behavior-W . 5 hours Focus upon etiology, symptomatology, and prognosis of psycho– logical disturbance. Prerequisite: PYCH-160 GeneralPsychology. PYCH-270 Child Development-A,W,Su 4 hours A study of the physiological, psychological, and spiritual growth of the child from conception to the preadolescent level. Developmental research on family systems theory, the d~~mic of role.sand relationships within families and co~umtles, ~nd the m~uence of cultural practice and beliefs on family systems is emphasized. Prerequisite: PYCH-160 GeneralPsychology. PYCH-275 The Parent and the Child-W 4 hours Designed to explore the basic value requisit7s f?r effective family living. Basic concepts such as love, commumcatton, and parental modeling will be stressed. PYCH-280 Addictions-A 5 hours This course examines a variety of addictions including alcohol, drugs, food, sex, gambling, computer games/internet, and codep~ndence. The course will focus on symptoms, causes, treatment~, ~nd impact o~ society. Students will be challenged to develop a biblical perspective. PYCH-285 Psychology of Adjustment-W . . . 5 hours The systematic process of appl~in~ psycholog~cal prm?iples to everyday issues of human life. Biblical perspectives are mtegrated . into problem-solving paradigms for the development of a psychologi– cally healthy personality. PYCH-301 Death and Dying-W 4 hours An analysis of contemporary thought conce!Uing thanatology, .the study of death and dying, and a stu~y of biblical con~ent .that bnngs balance to these views. The content mcludes an exammation of . cultural attitudes about death and dying, facing death in a technologi– cal age, being a survivor, and the personal and social choices oflast rites. Prerequisite: PYCH-160 General Psychology. Professor of Psychology Dr. Robert Abbas is a lic~nsed psychologist and experienced counselor. He teaches and researches zn the area of human growth and development. PYCH-330 Health Psychology-W . ~~ours Designed to investigate the research and theory of many disc1plmes to understand how psychology and health are ii;terconnected. The focus is on the major topics and problem areas m health psychology. Prerequisite: PYCH-160 General Psychology. (Fee: $25) (even years) PYCH-361 History and Systems of Psychology-A . .4 ~ours Major trends in the development of psychology from its beginnmg to the present. Emphasis is placed upon contemporary theory. Prerequisite: PYCH-160 General Psychology. PYCH-363 Psychological and Educational Measurement-W 5 hours Emphasis on measurement theory and its ap:J?lications incl~ding concepts of validity, reliability, test. constru~tl?n and selection. Prerequisite: PYCH-261 Psychologzcal Statzstzcs. (Fee: $20) PYCH-364 Industrial/Organizational Psychol~g~ 4 hours Psychology applied to the work-w~rld., Emphasis is o°: methodol– ogy and activities of industriaVorgamzat10nal psychol~g1~ts. Prerequisite: PYCH-160 General Psychology orpermzsszon of instructor. (odd years) PYCH-365 Psychology of Learning-A 4 hours Concepts and theories of learning with emphasis placed on personal applications of accepted procedures. Prerequisite: PYCH-160 GeneralPsychology. PYCH-366 Fundamentals of Counseling-A,Sp 5 hours An introductory course emphasizing the underlyin~ philosophi~s.' current theories, and accepted procedures of counselmg. Prerequzszte: PYCH-160 GeneralPsychology. PYCH-367 Group Dynamics-A 5 ho~rs Group processes in a variety of group settings are the focus as this course explores the interaction of individuals and groups. Each student participates in a growth group as part of the course. Prerequisite: PYCH-160 General Psychology. PYCH-369 Social Psychology-A 5 hours The study of the behavior of individuals as it is influe.n?ed by past and/or present interactions with social factors. Prerequzszte: PYCH- 160 General Psychology. PYCH-370 Adolescent Development-A,Sp 4 hours Recent research dealing with adolescents will be emphasized. Emphasis is placed on the interaction of cultural, s?cial, and personal family variables. Spiritual vaiiables are integrated mto the develop- mental process. Prerequisite: PYCH-160 General Psychology. (odd years) PYCH-371 Adult Development and Aging-A 4 hours The study of physical, psychological, social, and spiritual develop– ment and experience in the adult years. Prerequisite: PYCH-160 GeneralPsychology. (even years)
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