1999-2000 Academic Catalog

PYCH-372 Psychology of Personality-A 4 hours Contemporary theories of the development, organization, and dynamics of personality. Prerequisite: PYCH-160 General Psychol– ogy or permission ofinstructor. PYCH-373 Psychological Research-A,W 5 hours An introduction to methods utilized in psychological research; emphasis upon experimental methodology and research design. Prerequisite: PYCH-261 Psychological Statistics. (Fee: $5) PYCH-375 Psychological Testing-W 4 hours A survey of instruments frequently utilized in psychology. Assessments include intellectual personality and vocational interest inventories. Students have opportunities for self assessment and are introduced to report writing and ethical principles of psychological testing. Prerequisite: PYCH-160 General Psychology; PYCH-261 PsychologicalStatistics. PYCH-376 Cognitive Psychology-Sp 4 hours A survey of research and theory in the study of sensation, percep– tion, and thinking in human beings. PYCH-390 Physiological Psychology-Sp 5 hours Explores the physiological, biological, and anatomical mechanisms responsible for behavior. Prerequisite: PYCH-160 General Psychology. PYCH-431 Seminar in Health Psychology-Sp 4 hours An in-depth exploration of contemporary issues in health psychol– ogy. The seminar focuses on initiating change and solving problems through the application of biblical and psychological principles. The seminar is organized around senior projects. Prerequisite: PYCH-330 Health Psychology. PYCH-440 Counseling Skills-Sp 5 hours Emphasis is on assisting individuals in ways of dealing with solving or transcending their problem situations. The methods and skills of helping others are investigated. Prerequisite: PYCH-366 The Fundamentals ofCounseling. PYCH-460 Independent Study in Psychology-A,W,Sp,Su 1-4 hours Independent research caITied out by the advanced psychology student in an area of interest and usefulness to the student. Prerequi– site: 12 quarter hours ofpsychology andpermission ofinstructor. PYCH-462 Seminar in Gerontology-Sp 4 hours An in-depth exploration of contemporary issues in gerontology for advanced students. Focuses on initiating change and solving problems through the application of biblical and psychological principles. The seminar is organized around senior projects. Prerequisite: PYCH-371 Adult Development andAging. PYCH-463 Seminar in Industrial/Organizational Psychology-Sp hours An in-depth exploration of contemporaiy issues in the work-world for advanced students. The seminar focuses on initiating change and solving problems through the application of biblical and psychological principles. The seminar is organized around senior projects. PYCH-464 Literature Seminar-A,W,Sp,Su 4 hours Rep01is and discussions of research literature in psychology. Required of all psychology majors during their senior year. Prerequi– site: major or minor in psychology or permission PYCH-465 PYCH-469 Special hours Various topics to be offered as interest demands. Available to students with special interests in psychology. Prerequisite: major or minor in psychology andpermission ofinstructor. PYCH-470 Seminar on Behavioral Problems in Children 4 hours An in-depth analysis of the effects of genetic, family, and environ– mental factors on the developmental patterns of children. A special emphasis will be placed on behavioral disorders of dysfunctional families. PYCH-499 Psychology Internship-A,W,Sp,Su 7-16 hours Junior and senior psychology majors may, with approval of the department, eng~ge in psychological activity at a clinic, hospital, or other mental health institution. One member of the psychology department will supervise the student's internship. The department will determine the number of credit hours that will be given for individual work experience. Capstone course. Students are taught to investigate all psychological concepts in the light of' scriptural truth.