1999-2000 Academic Catalog

HIST-322 The Middle East: History and Politics-Sp 4 hours Analysis ofthe major historical, political, geographical, and social forces, such as religion and nationalism, that have shaped the contemporary Middle Eastern states. May be counted as either history, political science, or geography credit. (even years) HIST-375 Social Movements-Sp 4 hours Study of the influence of ideas and institutions upon social movements in America. HIST-400,401,402 Research in History 5 hours HIST-400 Research in American History-Sp HIST-401 Research in European History-Su HIST-402 Research in Asian History-W All majors are required to take either HIST-400, HIST-401, or HIST-402. Each student will prepare a formal monograph. Prerequisite: major or minor in history. HIST-405 Great Power Diplomacy in the Modern World-W 4 hours Examination of international relations in the era of nationalism, colonialism, revolution, and ideological conflict. Emphasis is given to the origins and development of contemporary world crises. (Serves as an elective for history/political science majors.) (odd years) HIST-411 Interpretations in American History-A 5 hours Study of selected historical problems in America. Emphasis placed on new interpretations and their impact. (even years) HIST-468 History of Ancient Political Thought-A 3 hours Study of early political thought with special attention to Plato, Aristotle, and Augustine. Stress is on reading and analyzing primary documents. (even years) HIST-469 History of Modern Political Thought-A 3 hours Historical development of political thought from Locke to the present. An examination of representative contemporary ideas on the nature of the state: anarchism, libertarianism, philosophical conservatism, 20th century liberalism, socialism, fascism, nazism, and communism. (odd years) Professor Donald Hanna offers instruction and guidance to a Cedarville College Public Safety officer. Political Science POLS-261 American National Government-A 5 hours Introductory study of the development and structure of the Constitution and the operation of our national political institutions. POLS-262 American State and Local Government-W 5 hours The organization and function of states and their political subdivi- sions form the basis of study in this course. POLS-264 Problems in American Politics-W 5 hours Analysis of key issues affecting various levels of government such as abortion, social welfare, terrorism, and nuclear war. POLS-321 Historical and Political Development of East Asia– Sp 4 hours See course description for HIST-321 Historical and Political Development of East Asia. (odd years) POLS-322 The Middle East: History and Politics-Sp 4 hours See course description for HIST-322 The Middle East: History and Politics. (even years) POLS-361 The American Presidency-Sp 4 hours Overview of the office of the American president, the various responsibilities that he holds, the contrasting theories held in regard to the execution ofhis office, and the increasingly important influence his actions have upon the nation and the rest of the world. (odd years) POLS-362 The Supreme Court-W 4 hours Introductory course to the United States Supreme Couti as an institution of lasting permanence within the American governmental structure. POLS-363 The Legislative Process-Sp 4 hours In-depth analysis of the real mechanisms that undergird the role of the Congress of the United States as shown by the current literature and exemplified by present members. (even years) POLS-365 International Relations-W 5 hours Survey of contemporary world affairs in relationship to the struggle for power within the nation-state system. Divisive and cohesive factors among nations are stressed. POLS-367 Research Methodology-A 3 hours In the presentation of the scientific method of research, particular emphasis will be placed upon hypothesis formation, questionnaire design and administration, sampling, interviewing, and data collection. POLS-368 Data Analysis-W 5 hours The basic concepts of descriptive and inferential statistics are presented for the purpose of analysis of data sets. Among the concepts emphasized are levels of analysis, measures of central tendency and dispersion, probability, hypothesis testing, simple tests of significance correlation, and linear regression. The course will utilize a major statistical software program to familiarize the students with the power of the computer in data analysis. Prerequi– site: POLS-367 Research Methodology. POLS-369 Public Policy-A 4 hours See course description for PUAD-369 Public Policy. POLS-405 Great Power Diplomacy in the Modern World-W 4 hours Examination of international relations in the era of nationalism, colonialism, revolution, and ideological conflict. Emphasis is given to the origins and development of contemporary world crises. (Serves as an elective for history/political science majors.) (odd years) POLS-459 Political Science Seminar I-A 2 hours The collection and analysis of data, from a normative and/or empirical perspective, pertaining to a political topic chosen in conjunction with a professor who directs the research project. POLS-460 Political Science Seminar II-W 3 hours The completion of data analysis, the preparation of the research rep01i, and the oral defense of the research project under the guidance ofthe research director. Prerequisite: POLS-459 Political Science Seminar I. POLS-461 Political Dynamics-A 3 hours Analysis of public opinion, interest groups, political parties, voting behavior; a study of the fonnation of political attitudes and their