1999-2000 Academic Catalog

Registration dates for each session are listed in the college academic calendar. Early registration periods may be desig– nated for currently enrolled students. During early registration, the College allows students to register for courses for the upcoming academic term. Students are asked to register for courses by academic classification and are strongly encour– aged to take advantage of this early registration opportunity, versus registering after the start of an academic term. Students who have registered early for a term and do not return the following quarter must notify the Academic Services Office of this change in status. Registration materials are distributed through intracampus. mail prior to the respective registration periods. These maten– als include the appropriate registration form, instructions, and a class schedule for the quarter. Additionally, registration information, including available course offerings and sections, are available on the campus-wide computer network. Prior to submitting a registration form, each student meets with an academic advisor to discuss career direction, course options, and class schedules. While selecting courses, students and advisors should discuss alternative courses as a contingency for course closings or cancellations. Although each student has an academic advisor to help with scheduling, the student is ultimately responsible for the chosen class schedule and course of study. Students should become very familiar with the course requirements oftheir chosen major. To signify approval of the course selection for the upcoming quarter, the academic advisor approves the registration form, along with the student. The registrar will only accept forms with the proper signatures. Once the advising process is complete, students bring their completed registration forms to the Academic Services Office or designated registration station for input. Course selections are then checked against available openings and a final course schedule is confirmed. To complete registration, students must make financial arrangements for payment ofthe amount due listed on their billing invoice (see the financial section of the catalog for information concerning costs and payment plans). Adding andWithdrawing from a Course It is the student's responsibility to verify the accuracy of his/ her class registration at the beginning of each quarter. All registrations must be finalized by the end of the second week of the quarter. No classes may be added after this time without approval from the course instructor, chair of the department which offers the course, and the dean of the respective school. In the absence of the dean, the academic vice-president may approve a late registration. A late registration fee of$50.00 will be charged to process a registration or add a class after the deadline. Changes in a student's course schedule must be made through the drop/add process. Forms for course changes are available in the Academic Services Office. The fmm is to be signed by both the course instructor and the student's academic advisor. The student is required to make up any work missed due to late entrance. Changes in a schedule caused by cancellation of courses will not result in financial penalty. Failure to properly drop a class will result in a grade of"Z." When a course is dropped, the action is recorded as follows: Week Course Is Dropped: Before the end of the first calendar week Second full calendar week through fourth calendarweek After the fourth week and before the week of final examinations Week offinal examinations Action: No record on transcript "W" (withdrawn) "WP"or"WF" (Withdrawn Passing or Withdrawn Failing) "WF" (WithdrawnFailing) Course changes are complete when the Academic Services Office receives the completed drop/add form. The effective date of the course change is the date the Academic Services Office receives the completed form. Refund information is listed in the financial information section of the catalog. Auditing Auditing involves attending and participating in a course without earning credit. A course may be changed from credit to audit before the end of the first week of the quarter. Courses may be changed from audit to credit, with permission of the instructor, before the end of the first week of the quarter. A student may not test out of a course already audited. Registra– tion to audit a class will not be processed until the first day of the quarter to accommodate students requiring regular registration status. Beautiful warm sunshine provides an ideal seting to study for an upcoming exam.