2000-2001 Academic Catalog

18 Student Life Involvement in campus organizations provides additional opportunities for learning and social interaction. Student organizations include: Advisor.y ~is a~ ~lected group ofyoung men who serve the campus fellowship 111 spmtual leadership. Alpha ~eta Phi is t~e local chapter of the national organization, Alp~a. Psi. Omega, which recognizes students for outstanding theatre parttc1pat10n and promotes interest in theatt·e activities. Alpha Chi, a society for men, endeavors to cultivate Christian personality and leadership in its members. Alpha Delta Omega is an organization for women designed to encourage th~ development of its membership primarily through personal services to students and others. Alph~ Psi o.mega consists of students interested in psychology and behav10ral sciences. .Amateur.Radio C~ub provides assistance and training for students 111terested 111 promot111g the use of amateur radio for Christian ministry. AS~E, a student .chapter ~fthe Am~rican Society ofMechanical Engmeers, promotmg practical expenence and professional development. Ass?ciation of Information Technology Professionals (AITP) providesManagement Information Systems, Computer Information S);'stems, and Computer Sciencemajors with opportunities to network with AITP ~embers and learn about information systems careers through sem111ars and computer-related activities. Bara (~rt Clu.b), open to any student who enjoys art but may not necessanly b~ 111 the Art program, seeks to encourage the artistic en~e~".ors of its members through special guest artists and other acttvtt1es. Beta Rho Delta (German Club) promotes the use of the German language and increases the knowledge and appreciation of German culture to advance awareness of missions. c,z, a campus spirit organization, seeks to promote enthusiasm and pnde in university traditions and events. Ca.mpus Activities Board (CAB) is a group of selected junior and semor student volunteers who work with the Campus Activities Office in planning and providing a variety of events and activities. Cedars editorial staff is comprised of students who publish the campus semi-monthly newspaper. Ce~arville University Republican Club is an organization dedicated to the development of Christian leaders in the political arena. Chi D~lta E'.psilon provides fellowship and seeks to stimulate profess10nal 111terests and to encourage professional growth among future teachers. Chi Delta Nu encourages students going into youth ministry through prayer and fellowship. Chi Si~ma Iota, the University's chapter of Collegiate Secretaries International, promotes interest in the secretarial field and encour– ages continuing education. .Chi Thet~ Pi provides ad;.rice and relevant experiences for students mterested 111 the health-science professions. Christian Nurses Association promotes spiritual and professional development for nurses and service for the community. Commuter Cros.sroads repres.e~ts the needs of off-campus ~tudent~ a,nd provides opportumttes for fellowship and social 111teract10n. Delta Chi (Secondary Ed) is a source of information and fellow– ship for secondary education students, providing opportunities to develop contacts in the field of education. D~lt~.Omega.Epsilo.n is a men's organization whose projects and actlV!tle~ p1:ov1de. social and ~ervi~e benefits \or the University. Delta P~ Sigma ts a womens social and service organization whose purpose ts to seek fulfillment in the lives of its members both spiritually and professionally: Earth Stewardship Organization is for students interested in prom.oting civil service, enjoyment, and stewardship of God's creat10n. Emergency Medical Service is an organization of trained students who provide prompt and professional prehospital care and transpor– tation to Cedarville students in need. Epsilon Alpha Pi is a professional organization for social work majors, .which seeks to promote professional development, political and social awareness, and community outreach. Ep~ilon Om.ega is a local chapt~r of Phi Alpha Honor Society, the Nat10nal Soctal Work Honor Society, committed to promoting a high standard of education for social workers. Homes for L.I.F.E. is a student organization committed to demonstrating Christ's love in truth and deed by working with local housing organizations to eliminate poverty housing. IEEE, a branch of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, exists to promote technical and professional growth among electrical engineering students. Kappa Epsilon Alpha provides insights into the world of business and promotes free enterprise through S.I.F.E., a Students In Free Enterprise program. The LITERATI is a student organization that seeks to foster an appre?iation ofand. to encourage active participation in the arts, e~pecially the re~~mg and studying of literature, and their profes– s10nal opportumttes. M~NC is the University's student chapter of Music Educators Nat10nal Conference for music majors and others involved in pursuing amusic teaching program: Miracle staff is a group of students responsible for the publication of the university yearbook. Mu Kappa is a fellowship organization serving missionary kids and international students. Officers Christian Fellowship exists to promote spiritual growth and camaraderie among Air Force and Army ROTC cadets. Phi Epsilon Beta is a women's organization promoting spiritual and social growth within its members. Phi Gamma Psi promotes social interaction and enhances spiritual growth among women at the University. Pi Delta is a v?lunteer, honorary, coeducational student group whose purpose ts to provide tours for campus visitors. Sigma Phi Lambda is a men's organization that seeks to further t~e cause of Christ through various activities and service opportuni– ties. Society ~or Huma~ Resources Management is an organization for students mterested 111 human resources and labor relations. Soc.iety for Technical Communicators promotes the purposes and services of technical communication systems. ~ociety ?f Automo~iv~ Eni;:ineers proyides. its members opportuni– ties to gam broader 111s1ght 111to the engmeermg profession. Spanish Club provides opportunities to practice language skills and learn about cultures through extracurricular activities. Student Govemment Association is the elected representative assembly ofthe student body. Students for Religious Freedom seeks to inform and involve the studentbodyand churches regarding religious persecution. Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE) is an organization that provides our students the opportu?itJ:to m~ke a difference, develop leadership, team;york, and ~o~umcatton skills through learning, practicing and teachmg the pnnc1ples offree enterprise. Tau B.eta ~1p~ia, Cedarv~lle Uni;.rersi~y Engineering Honor Society, recogm~es JU~10r and sen10r ~ngme~nng majors for outstanding scholastic achievement comb111ed with a stt·ong Christian character. T~u Delta Kappa provides an opportunity for fellowship, exchange of ideas, and support of students involved in the honors program. The Inter~ational Student Organization provides opportunities for international students to meet their distinctive needs and plan ways to share their unique contributions. Theta Rho Ep~ilon i~ a men's organization that seeks to develop ch.aracter ~nd ~nendsh1ps. thr.ough social and service opp01iunities. T1malathrnns ts an orgamzat10ndevoted to promote critical thinking throughphilosophical and theological inquiry into issues centt·al to the Christianworldviewand our contemporaryculture. Undergraduate Alumni Association works with the Alumni Association to coordinate activities and represent the student body with the Alumni Association. U99.5 FM is the student-operated radio station of Cedarville University serving the student body with information and entertain– ment.