2001-2002 Academic Catalog
School of Engineering, Nursing, and Science 01 Course Descriptions ENGR-101 Introduction to Engineering Design-A 3 hours Introduction to the basic concepts and skills necessary for effective functioning as a Christian engineer; participation in group activities; design problems introducing the profession and hist01y of engineer– ing; introduction to ethical and moral issues in the application of engineering principles. Introduction to computer applications. Term project introduces Christian heritage in science and engineering. Two lectures per week. Corequisite: ENGR-102 Introduction to Engineer– ing Design Lab. (Fee: $25) ENGR-102 Introduction to Engineering Design Lab-A 0 hours Introduction to electrical and mechanical engineering laboratory for students enrolledinENGR-101 Introduction to EngineeringDesign. Students conduct experiments inprobability, c01mnercial computational software packages, strength ofmaterials and instrnmentation, soldering, VLSI design, product disassembly, and other related areas. Team design project required. Weeldy 90-minute lab. Corequisite: ENGR- 101 Introduction to Engineering Design. ENGR-171 Introduction to Engineering Graphics-A,W,Sp 3 hours Introduction to using a microcomputer system and co111111ercial software to create engineering drawings; basic techniques of drawing, editing, dimensioning, multiple views, sectioning, multiview projec– tions, pictorial views, two- and three-dimensionalmodeling. Introduction to solidmodeling. (Fee: $20) ENGR-191 Digital Logic Design-W,Sp 4 hours Introduction to the fundamentals of digital logic design, number systems, Boolean Algebra, Karnaugh maps, computer simulation tools, combinational network design, flip flops, counters, state machines, sequential networks; circuits are designed in class and are built and evaluated in the laborat01y. Three lectures and one two– hour laborato1y per week. (Fee: $20) ENGR-196 Competition Project-Sp 0 hours Engineering Freshmen on an Engineering Department Intercolle– giate Design Competition may use this course to provide on their transcript a record of their participation throughout the year. The name of the competition will be designated. ENGR-221 FORTRAN Programming-Sp 2 hours Introduction to computer programming techniques using FOR– TRAN 77, application to science and engineering problems. Prerequi– site.familiarity with algebraic expressions. ENGR-250 Numerical Methods in Engineering-Sp 4 hours Introduction to the computational methods for solving transcenden– tal equations, ordinaiy differential equations, integration, and linear algebra; introduction to finite-difference, approximations, and least– squares curve fits. Prerequisite: MATH-388 Advanced Calculus I; MATH-387 Differential Equations. Corequisite: ENGR-221 FORTRANProgramming or instructor's permission. Sophomore Dy11a111ics studellls compete for the prize by building the lightest-weight stmct11re to catch a baseball dropped .fi·om the seco11d floor while a packed crowd watches intently. Electrical a11d 111echa11ical engi11eering students in the vibmtions course conduct m1 experi111e11t 011 a model (Jf a 11111ltisto1y b11ildi11g. Dr. Lany Zavodney, chair111a11 of the Depart111e11t of E11gi11eeri11g, observes the de111011stratio11. ENGR-274 Mechanics 1-Statics-A,W 4 hours Inh·oduction to the analysis of forces in isolated and connected rigid– body systems; vector analysis, forces, moments, resultants, two- and three-dimensional equilibrium, centroids, moment ofinertia, friction, trusses, frames, and machines. Design project required. Prerequisite: ENGR-171 Introduction to Engineering Graphics; PHYS-271 General Physics I; MATH-282 Analytical Geo111et1J' and Calculus II. (Fee: $10) ENGR-275 Mechanics II-Dynamics-W 5 hours Introduction to the kinematic and kinetic analysis of particles, systems of particles, and rigid bodies; position, velocity, acceleration, frames of reference; Newton's laws, work, energy, impulse, momen– tum; conservative and non-conservative systems; vibration of single– degree-of-freedom systems. Design project required. Prerequisite: ENGR-274 Mechanics I. (Fee: $10) ENGR-276 Mechanics III-Strength of Materials-Sp 4 hours Introduction to the theoretical and experimental analysis ofdeformable bodies to applied loads; n01mal and shearing stress and strain, energy, torsion, flexure, deflection, combined stress, failure theories, and columns. Three lectures and one two-hour laborat01y per week. Design project required. Prerequisite: ENGR-274 Mechanics I. (Fee: $5) ENGR-280 "C" Programming-Sp 3 hours Introduction to the "C" programming language; algorithms, data strnctures, unique capabilities, application to science and engineering problems. ENGR-290 Engineering Economy-Sp 2 hours Introduction to the time value of money and equivalence, discounted cash flow analysis, break-even and payback analysis, economic analysis ofengineering alternatives for justification ofmechanical designs, machine procurement and assembly processes; issues in corporate accounting practices; depreciation and inflation accounting, cost conh·ol and budgeting; overhead cost and their application; cost estimation; sources and use of funds; make or buy decisions. ENGR-296 Competition Project-Sp 0 hours Engineering Sophomores on an Engineering Depaiiment Intercolle– giate Design Competition may use this course to provide on their transcript a record of their participation throughout the year. The name of the competition will be designated.
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