2001-2002 Academic Catalog
1 Student Life At Cedarville we seek to maintain a culture which reflects the values of the Kingdom ofHeaven and the spirit of Jesus Christ. Cedarville's student life program is designed to support this kind of environment and to contribute to each student's growth intellectually, spiritually, socially and physically. In each of these areas we recognize the relevancy and authority of the Bible and accept it as our final authority for faith and practice. Core values which shape our culture include love for God, love for neighbors, excellence in effort, and integrity in conduct. In order to enhance students' educational experience, the University provides a wide range of social, cultural, and recreational opportunities. We also provide a comprehensive program to support leadership and character development, and a variety of Christian service opportunities. Out-of-class opportunities like these enrich the student's education and provide an outlet for the academic pressures common to university life. Because the University recognizes the importance of provid– ing our students with a high level of support, we provide a full range of student services including campus activities, career services, counseling, intramural sports and a strong orientation program for new students. Life-style Commitment At Cedarville we recognize and value the Bible as an authori– tative guide for how we should live. We believe that our behavior should manifest qualities which honor Christ, and which demonstrate obedience to the Bible. Consequently, all members of the University family agree to live according to the University's life-style commitment. Faculty, staff, and adminis– trators reaffirm this commitment annually when they sign their contracts. Students affirm their agreement to live by this commitment as a part of the application process and upon registering for classes. Some aspects of this agreement reflect our biblical convictions; others reflect what we call "institu– tional preferences." Specifically, we agree to avoid acts of sexual immorality, and we agree not to use alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, or nonmedical drugs. In all things we seek to serve Christ and to avoid personal attih1des of dishonesty, selfishness, disrespect, racism, unethical conduct, and irreverence. A discipline system exists to correct those who violate the lifestyle agreement. Discipline can range from a small fine to immediate dismissal based on the severity of the offense. In all cases, our desire is to restore the individual to a correct relationship with Christ. Immediate dismissal often occurs in situations involving sexual immorality, theft, or a violation of the University's alcohol or drug standards. The University's standards of conduct are listed in the Cedarville University StudentHandbook (www.cedarville.edu/studenthandbook) , along with information about how students can request a hearing involving a disciplinary incident, or what steps they can take to seek readmittance to the University following a dismissal. Career Services The Career Services Office seeks to assist students in determining their God-given skills and interests in preparation to have their lives "read as a living Gospel before men" in ministries or professions. Assessment tools are available to help students translate abilities, values, and aspirations into a plan of action for sound career/ministry decisions. Career Services provides materials for exploring such topics as job-search techniques, resume writing, interviewing, and gaining admission to graduate school. Interest invent01y tests and a computer-assisted career development program are available to help sh1dents in determining majors and occupations. The office maintains a career libra1y, and a home page on the Internet (http://www.cedarville.edu/dept/cpp/ index.htm) with links to the ve1y latest in network-based job search programs, guides to major employers, and directories for graduate schools. Special events, such as Career Links Days and the Christian School Recruitment Conference, are held each year to provide an opportunity for prospective employers to meet with students. Potential employers also visit the University for individual on-campus recruiting days. Video conferencing now enhances the employer/student interview process, providing access to many employers who can't visit the campus Through the Web-based resume program, students who register with the office are placed in a job-match data base program that enables Career Services to provide resumes to employers and publish them on the Internet. The office maintains credential files for all education majors and provides registered seniors and alumni with a reference/credential service. Existing employment opportunities are listed in semimonthly job bulletins. The Career Services Office endeavors to assist students in solidifying career goals by providing opporhmities for professionals to interact with students on interviewing techniques, networking, and general job-searching skills. Availability ofcomputerized tools for skills, interests, and values assessment, and skilled personnel to help counsel/ coach students through the various disciplines of the job search, contribute to the established leadership of this office among its peers across the count1y. Career Services AdvisoryBoard The Career Services Advis01y board consists of leaders and professionals from nonprofit and for-profit sectors, other college career offices, and graduate school programs. Through annual meetings, these placement and hiring experts advise Cedarville University and evaluate its plans for further strengthening the career and ministry placement services offered to Cedarville sh1dents and graduates. AnthonyA flen, Southeastern Baptist Seminm)' Frank Breeden, Gospel A1usic Association Jeffi·ey A. Carter, The University of'Dayton Marinus Hazen, Cedan 1ille University Jim Leightenheimer, Ceda111ifle University Carol Rivetti, WestCom , Inc Marcefla Sampson, Central State University, Emeritus Jenn(fer Sheehan, Rocking Horse Center Dean Suris, The Horace Mann Companies Thad Winston, The State Far111 lns11ra11ce Companies Myron L. Youngman, The Ka(fa Group, Incorporated
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