2001-2002 Academic Catalog

Students for Religious Freedom, seeks to inform and involve the student body and churches regarding religious persecution. Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE), is an organization that provides our students the opportunity to make a difference, develop leadership, teamwork, and communication skills through learning, practicing and teaching the principles of free enterprise. Tau Beta Alpha, Cedarville University Engineering Honor Society, recognizes junior and senior engineering majors for outstanding scholastic achievement combined with a strong Christian character. Tau Delta Kappa, provides an opportunity for fellowship, exchange of ideas, and support of students involved in the honors program. The International Student Organization, provides opportunities for international students to meet their distinctive needs and plan ways to share their unique contributions. Theta Rho Epsilon, is a men's organization that seeks to develop character and friendships through social and service opportunities. Timalathians, is an organization devoted to promote critical thinking through philosophical and theological inquiry into issues central to the Christian worldview and our contemporary culture. U99.5 FM, is the student-operated radio station of Cedarville University serving the student body with information and entertain– ment. Christian Ministries The Division of Christian Ministries coordinates all univer– sity-sponsored student ministries. Cedarville views individual ministry involvement to be a vital and necessary part of each student's education and personal growth. The mindset and motivation for Christian ministries at Cedarville is reflected in the University's stated purpose and objectives. Cedarville strives to shatter the mindset of isolating Chris– tianity to a Sunday church experience. Students are taught that biblical Christianity demonstrates a servant's heart in all arenas oflife. All are challenged to consider how their academic disciplines, athletic interests, or hobbies can be used to demonstrate their faith. Cedarville endeavors to stretch students' vision ofministiy, and develop a constant aware– ness of God's call upon their lives, -a call to meet the needs of the individuals He providentially brings into their lives. Directed by the vice president for Christian ministries and coordinated through 12 additional full-time staffmembers and several part-time staffmembers, the division ofChristian ministries provides training and assistance to the hundreds of students who volunteer for any of the more than 150 different ministries each quarter. CedarvilleUniversityFellowship The Cedarville University Fellowship conducts services on campus Sunday and Wednesday evenings throughout the school year. Seven students elected each year by the student body direct the Fellowship under the leadership of the vice president for Christian ministries. The Fellowship strives to meet the needs of students who are not able to travel regularly to area local churches. It also provides minist1y opportunities for students in leadership: speaking, providing special music, ushering, and more. Services are planned to meet the needs of the University students. Community Ministries Cedarville University is located in a region known as the Miami Valley, an area encompassing the cities of Columbus, Dayton, and Cincinnati as well as the hundreds of smaller communities outside these major metropolitan areas. Ministry teams seek to serve individuals and churches of this area by providing assistance in specialized areas, by meeting indi– vidual needs, and ultimately by demonstrating the love of Christ. Approximately 80 teams serve the local communities and churches each week. AWANA Several churches in the area surrounding Cedarville invite students to work as leaders in their AWANA programs. Students work with all age groups. Correctional Ministries Students ministering in this area seek to demonstrate a consistent witness of the Gospel's transforming power in a person's life. There are many opportunities to share the hope of the gospel through listening, Bible sh1dy, and directing recreational activities. Counseling and Crisis Pregnancy Ministries As volunteers in local Crisis Pregnancy Centers, students provide information, support, and counsel on the sanctity of human life to women who are contemplating abortion. Evangelism and Urban OutreachMinistries These evangelistic teams use innovative methods of communicating the Gospel to nonbelievers at college cam– puses, gospel missions, and area cities. Shari11g the Good News of' the Gospel is vital to the spiritual deve/op111e11t of' Cedarville st11de11ts.