2001-2002 Academic Catalog
School of Engineering, Nursing, and Science 77 GMTH-190 Calculus for Business and Social Science--A,W,Sp 5 hours Introduction to the concepts of differential and integral calculus for students of business and the social sciences. Numerous applications from these areas will be considered. Does not apply toward major in mathematics. GSCI-160 Principles of Earth and Space Science--Sp,Su 5 hours Survey of the sciences of geology, oceanography, meteorology, and astronomy. Will be studied from both evolutionary and creationist perspectives. About half the course will deal with the basic funda– mentals ofgeology, considering the main rock types and geological activities of the earth. Also includes a brief overview of the processes and composition of the oceans and the atmosphere and a consider– ation of the science of astronomy and the origin of the universe. Labs will include activities in each of these subjects. Field h·ips will be taken to learn about the local geology. Four lectures and one two– hour laboratory per week. (Fee: $50) GSCI-161 Principles of Physical Science--W,Su 5 hours Introductory study of the sciences of physics and chemistry with emphasis on basic concepts and principles as well as the development of foundational laws pertaining to these disciplines. Four lectures and one two-hour laboratory per week. (Fee: $50) GSCI-162 Chemistry and the Environment-A 5 hours An introduction to the foundational philosophical and chemical principles of environmental concern and their application for air/land/ water quality, energy production, waste disposal, and household chemical usage. Four lectures and one two-hour laboratmy per week. (Fee: $50) GSCI-166 Introduction to Physical Geology-A,W,Su 5 hours Introduction to the study of the earth and its processes. Minerals, fossils, and igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks will be studied. Earth processes such as volcanoes, earthquakes, weathering, streams, glaciers, plate movements, and mountain building will be examined both from evolutionary and creationist perspectives with special emphasis on how the Flood has affected these processes and features. A field trip of southwest Ohio will examine the rocks, glacial features, and fossils of the area. Four lectures and one two-hour laborato1y per week. (Fee: $50) GSCI-167 Historical Geology 5 hours The eaiih's geological history from both creationist and evolutionaiy perspectives will be studied from its early history to the present. Topics of study include plate tectonics, biological evolution and the meaning of the fossil record, and the correlation and dating of rocks. Special emphasis will be placed on how the Flood has affected the earth's original creation and form. A field trip will study local fossils and their depositional history. Four weekly lectures and one weekly two-hour laboratory. Prerequisite: GSCI-160 Principles ofEarth and Space Science, or GSCI-166 Introduction to Physical Geology. (Fee: $50) GSCI-210 Ethics of Human Reproduction-A 5 hours Course is designed to deal with several topics pertaining to human sexuality: biology of human reproduction, conception control, infanticide, abortion, sexually transmitted diseases, biblical standards of sexuality, and teaching biblical sexuality to children and teens. Prerequisite: BI0-100 Principles o,fBiology; GSS-100 Foundations of Social Science. GSCI-220 Origins 5 hours Two models for the origin of the universe, life, and man are developed. The two models, creation and evolution, are examined using available scientific evidence and predictions based on each model and compared with the scientific evidence. Does not satisfy the biological science or physical science General Education Requirement. Four lectures and one one-hour laboratmy per week. Prerequisite: BI0-100 Principles ofBiology; GSCI-160 Principles o,fEarth and Space Science or equivalent. GSCI-222 Physical Science for Teachers 5 hours Introduction to a selection of core concepts of physics and chemistry for preservice elementary education teachers. Students will develop methods oflearning science, with emphasis on inquiry, scientific method, and integrating common eve1yday objects and experiences with a view toward cultivating the excitement of studying the Creator's Creation. Four lectures with one weekly one-hour lab. Does not satisfy the physical science General Education Require– ment. (Fee: $50) GSCI-230 Introduction to Oceanography-W 5 hours Introductmy survey of the oceans and the processes that occur in and around them. Major topics discussed will include currents, coastlines, plate tectonics, marine sediments, waves, tides, composi– tion of sea water, and interaction of the ocean with the atmosphere and marine life forms and their habitats. Four lectures and two hours of laboratory exercises per week, and projects (some out of class). (Fee: $50) GSCI-240 General Meteorology-Sp 5 hours Survey of basic meteorological principles and weather systems. Topics covered will include the vertical structure of the atmosphere, cloud development and precipitation, optical effects of the atmo– sphere, wind systems, air masses, fronts, and severe weather. Labs will be used to develop basic meteorological skills such as observation of local weather, decoding and interpretation of meteorological data, and introductory weather forecasting. Four lectures and one two-hour laboratory per week. Prerequisite: high school physics; GSCI-185 Preca!culus or equivalent orpermission o,finstructor. (Fee: $50) GSCI-264 Introductory Astronomy-Sp 5 hours Designed to explore concepts, principles, and laws pertaining to a God-created universe, with some emphasis on techniques used to obtain this knowledge. Four lectures per week, laboratory by arrangement including field observations at the college observato1y. Prerequisite: high school geo111et1y; permission of instructor. (Fee: $50) Departmental Courses SCED-301 Teaching Science--A 2 hours Designed to introduce prospective secondary school science teachers to the curriculum, materials, and methods ofclassroom and laboratory science teaching. Attention will be given to the philosophical and education psychology theories that are currently influencing science education and the methods ofinstruction which arise from these theories. Students will identifyand evaluate appropriate inshi.1ctional strategies, materials, and professional resources in science education. SCED-302 Teaching Mathematics-A 2 hours Designed to introduce prospective secondaiy school mathematics teachers to the curriculum, materials, and methods of mathematics classroom teaching. SCED-321 Clinical Teaching in Science or Mathematics -A,W,Sp 2 hours Students are assigned to assist a college instructor in classroom and laborato1y teaching, evaluation, and related responsibilities. The student must complete 40 clock hours of clinical involvement in the teaching field for which certification is desired. Students desiring certification in an additional field must complete an additional one credit hour, representing 20 clock hours of experience. Prerequisite: admission to the teacher education program. GSCI-440Seminar-A,W,Sp 1 hour Students present a paper from libra1y or laboratmy research. Each student must obtain approval ofthe topic from his advisor and seminar instructor and must set the date ofpresentation before enrolling in the course. The student must also attend a minimum of 10 seminars during the senior year. Guest lecturers and faculty members may present papers at the invitation of the instructor. Required of all science and mathematics majors. Capstone course. Prerequisite: senior status and attendance ofa minimum of10 seminars during the sophomore andjunior years. BiologicalScience BI0-114 Introduction to Biology-A 5 hours Structure and function ofplant and animal cells with emphasis on central concepts. This is the first biology course for majors; open to others with high school biology and chemistry background. Four lectures and one two-hour laborat01y per week. (Fee: $50) BI0-115 General Zoology-Sp 5 hours Survey of the animal kingdom and of zoological principles with an introduction to anatomy, physiology, and classification. Three lectures and two two-hour laboratories per week. Prerequisite: BI0- 114 I11troductio11 to Biology. (Fee: $50) BI0-116 Introduction to Cell Biology-W 5 hours Foundational knowledge ofcell biology including membrane and organelle function, basic metabolism, transport ofmetabolites, and cell signaling. Three or four lectures and one three- or four-hour laboratory, totaling seven hours each week. Prerequisite: BJ0-114 Introduction to Biology. (Fee: $50)
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