2001-2002 Academic Catalog
202 Financial Information Financial Information University Financial Operating Policy The appli~ation fee, tuiti?n, roo1~1, board, and other fees are kept as low as possible to be consistent with responsible operation. The revenue rrom. stl.~dents. does not cover the total cost of operation. The Umvers1ty 1s partially supported by individuals and churches who desi~·e to share in the preparation ofyoung people for effective Christian serv:1c 7 as ~as tors, teacher~, missionaries, evangelists, and dedicated Chnstrnns tn all walks ofhfe. Some funds are received from interested businesses, industries, and foundations. Student costs as stated are subject to change upon reasonable notification by the University. Student Costs: Tuition *Regular tuition-per quarter hour ................................................. $263 Audit tuition-per quarter hour ........................................................ 132 Fees Application fee ................................................................................. 30 Board-per quarter il ~~:: ~::~ ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: j66 Car registration fee-per quarter (commuter) ...................................... 15 Car registration fee-per quarter (resident) ......................................... 20 Drop/add (course) fee ......................................................................... 5 Late payment fee .............................................................................. 20 £~~~~~~~r~~~~.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: i~ New student fee Commuting student-fall .................................................................. 60 Con_nnuting student-winter, spring ................................................. 40 Resident student-fall ....................................................................... 90 Resident student-winter, spring ..................................................... 50 Reservation deposit ........................................................................ 250 Room deposit (refundable upon withdrawal) ................................. 100 Roo1n-per quarter ........................................................................... 868 Test-out fee-per quarter hour ......................................................... 132 Insurance Due !o ii;icreasing complexities in dealing with Health Maintenance Orgamzat10ns (HMOs) and the many and varied Preferred Provider Plans (PPPs)~ medical in~u,rance is provided for all students taking 6 or more credits at no add1t10nal cost. Students taking less than 6 credi! hours may purchase the Student Health Insurance Plan. Marned students may also purchase the Student Health Insurance Plan for their spouse and dependants. For more details please contact Patterson Clinic. ' *Senior citizens may enroll in courses for credit or no credit on an ~va.il~ble space basis at no tuition charge. Senior citizens are those md1v1duals 62 years of age or older who are considered to be retired according to the Social Security Administration. Summary of Costs: Basic Expenses Estimate~ basic costs for the academic year of2001-2002 (excluding transportat10n, personal expenses, books, and laboratory fees): Tuition (based on an average of 16 quarter hours) Board (21 meals per week) Room Total Estimated Costs $12,624 2,325 2.604 $17,553 Other Expenses Other yearly expenses may be estimated as follows: books and supplies ..................................................................... $740 person~! expenses (including clothing, laundry, recreation, .and personal items) ................................................ $1,050 ~rans~orta.t10n (based oi;i area ofresidency) ........................... various Fm.anc1~l a,1d ~ay b7 ava~lable to help with college costs. Contact the Umvers1ty s Fmancrnl Aid Office for additional information concern– ing available funds and application procedures. Financial Registration Policy To ena.bl.e.t~e University to be responsible in meeting its financial respons1b1ht1es, students must make provision for the payment of the!r uni;;ersity bill at t~e ~eginning of each quaiier. A student's registration for classes 111d1cates a commitment to pay for related charges as stated in the University catalog. To help students care for this responsibility, the first two days of each quarter are set aside for financial registration. A student is not considered financially registered until arrangements for payment have been finalized with the Cashier's Office. Students w~o do.not ~ak~ financial arrangements for the payment of their umvers1ty bill will not be permitted to eat in the University cafeteria use the library, or attend classes, and may be asked to leave the ' University. Notification of the University Bill Students who register early for classes will receive an invoice based on their course schedule 10 to 15 days before the quaiier begins. A statement of the student account is generated each month that the account has activity. Invoices and account statements are directed to students at their current university residence. Students may request to have statet;11ents and invoices sent to their parents' address; however, they are still addressed to the student. Fo1ms are available in the Cashier's Office to request that invoices and statements be sent to the parents' address. Invoices and Statements Online Stud7nts .may view their student account, payment plan, most recent mvo1ce, and most recent statement online using the campus network. Students may also assign their parents a password giving them access to their student account, invoices and statements. Parents can view this information by logging ~nto the campus homepage through their own Internet service provider. Forms of Payment Students may pay ~heir university bills using cash, money orders, personal checks, certified checks, or checks drawn on a major credit card. Students can make payments at the Cashiers Office or send their pay~ent by mail. P~yments r~ceived after 4 p.m. each day in the cashiers drop box will be credited the next business day. Payment Penalties Students who fail to make acceptable payment arrangements within a reasonable period of time will be denied access to the cafeteria and library until such arrangements are made. Students who do not make financial arrangements within the first two days of the quarter will be charged a $20 late payment charge. St_udents with unpaid balances at the end of a quarter could be de1:11ed 7nro\lment 111 the next quatier, grade reports, transcripts, and/or ~mvers11{' diploma. T~ey will also be responsible for any fees mcurred 111 the collect10n of their past due account. Interest Rates An annual !nt~rest rate of 13% (1.083% per month) will be charged from the begmmng of fall quarter to the end of spring quarter on accounts of s.tudents enrolled in the current quarter. An annual mterest rate of 15% (1.25% per month) will be charged during the academic year on accounts of students no longer enrolled and on all student accounts during the summer months.
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