2001-2002 Academic Catalog
al E Purpose Our Lord Jesus Christ commissioned His followers to "go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them...and teaching them to observe all that I c01mnanded you...." (Matt. 28:19). The Apostle Paul is an example of how the early believers embraced this mission and carried it forward. "We proclaim him (Christ)," Paul declared, "admonishing every man and teaching every man with all wisdom, so that we may present every man complete in Christ" (Col. 1:28). Indeed, over the centuries there is an unbroken chain ofmen and women who have found life doing the same. So it is the mission of the Department ofBiblical Education at Cedarville University to stand firmly in that line of those who have faithfully carried f01ward Christ's commission. With Peter we are convinced that it is Christ alone who has "the words of eternal life" (Jn. 6:68). As a department, we are privileged to carry out this commis– sion on two levels. First, we are engaged in training men and women professionally and academically. Professionally, we want to prepare graduates for full-time ministry in the church, men and women with a theologically informed philosophy of ministry accompanied by the skills and experience needed to achrnlize it in the church. Majors that particularly facilitate this are Christian Education, Youth Ministries, Pastoral Sh1dies, World Missions, and International Sh1dies-Missiology. Academically, we want to inspire men and women to use their minds for the glory of God. We want to raise up a generation of scholars whose desire is to bring every thought into submission to Christ for the glory of God. Majors geared toward this purpose are Comprehensive Bible, Preseminary Bible, and Philosophy. Second, we have the instih1tion-wide opporhmity of influencing each student through the required Bible minor. On this level we endeavor to aid sh1dents from all disciplines in developing a distinctively God-centered world and life view. We believe it to be crucially important that all those who will be appointing the pastors and missionaries of the future, doing the work of the ministry, and serving God through their vocations know how to handle the word of truth accurately. To this end, we commit ourselves to facilitating the development in eve1y shldent of a biblically based, theologi– cally sound, philosophically defensible, and life transforming view oflife under God. Personal Requirements Sh1dents planning to pursue careers in vocational ministries should possess an intense desire to shldy the Scriphires and seek to gain as much practical experience in ministries as possible, even before entering the University. Biblical educa– tion majors find the opporhmities provided by the Christian ministries program to be excellent avenues for applying truths learned in the classroom and developing skills useful for effective ministty. Department Requirements To graduate with a major from the Department ofBiblical Education, sh1dents must earn a cumulative average of2.0 or above and a C- or above in all courses included in the major with the exception ofGreek. Faculty Chris Miller, Chairman: Professor of Bible. Education: B.A., Tennessee Temple University, 1976; Th.M., Grace Theological Seminary, 1981; Ph.D., Dallas Theological Seminary, 1993; graduate sh1dy, Institute of Holy Land Studies, (Jerusalem, Israel), 1992. At Cedarville since 1991. James Bjornstad, Professor of Philosophy. Education: B.A., Notiheastern Bible College, 1967; Th.B., Northeastern Bible College, 1967; M.R.E., New York Theological Seminaiy, 1969; all work completed for Ph.D. except disse1iation, New York University. At Cedarville since 1995. Richard Blumenstock, Associate Professor of Bible. Education: B.A., Cedarville College, 1963; Th.M., Dallas Theological Seminaiy, 1967; D.Min., Western Conservative Baptist Seminaiy, 1993. At Cedarville since 1990. Jeffrey Cook, Assistant Professor of Bible. Education: B.A., Cedarville College, 1981; M.A., Grace Theological Seminary, 1983; M.Div., Tyndale Theological Seminaiy (the Netherlands), 1991; D.Min., Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, 1997. At Cedarville since 1998. Greg Couser, Associate Professor of Bible and Greek. Education: 8.S., Liberty University, 1981; M.Div., Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary, 1985; M.A., Liberty University, 1988; Ph.D., University ofAberdeen (Scotland), 1993. At Cedarville since 1994. Thomas Cragoe, Associate Professor of Bible. Education: A.B., Wheaton College, 1979; Th.M., Dallas Theological Seminaiy, 1983; Th. D., Dallas Theological Seminary, 1987. At Cedarville since 2001. Paul Dixon, President; Professor of Bible. Education: B.A., Tennessee Temple University, 1961; M.Div., Temple Baptist Theological Semina1y, 1964; D.D., Tennessee Temple University, 1978; LL.D., Liberty University, 1984; Ed.D., The University of Cincinnati, 1986. At Cedarville since 1978. Scott Dixon, Assistant Professor of Bible. Education: B.A., Cedarville College, 1984; Th.M., Dallas Theological Seminaiy, 1989; Ph.D. Michigan State University, 2001. At Cedarville since 1997. David Drullinger, Professor of Bible. Education: B.S., Western Baptist College, 1967; B.D., San Francisco Baptist Seminary, 1971; Th.M., Western Conservative Baptist Seminaiy, 1975; D.Min., Western Conservative Baptist Seminary, 1980. At Cedarville since 1989. Amy-Hope Dyson, Assistant Professor of Philosophy. Education: A.A., Southeastern Bible College, 1994; B.A., Auburn University, 1996; M.A., The Ohio State University, 2000. At Cedarville since 2001. Daniel Estes, Associate Academic Vice President; Professor of Bible. Education: B.A., Cedarville College, 1974; Th.M., Dallas Theological Seminaiy, 1978; Ph.D., Cambridge University (England), 1988. At Cedarville since 1984. Don Grigorenko, Assistant Professor of Bible. Education: B.S., The Ohio State University, 1977; Grad Certificate, Multnomah School ofthe Bible; Th.M., Dallas Theological Seminary, 1986; all work completed for Ph.D. except dissertation, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. At Cedarville since 2001. David Hoffeditz, Assistant Professor of Bible and Greek. Educa– tion: B.A., Cedarville College, 1992; Th.M., Dallas Theological Seminary, 1996; all work completed for Ph.D. except dissertation, University ofAberdeen (Scotland). At Cedarville since 2000. Michael Holt, Assistant Professor of Bible, Education: B.A., Moody Bible Institute, 1977; Th.M., Dallas Theological Seminary, 1983. At Cedarville Since 2001. Thomas Hutchison, Associate Professor of Christian Education. Education: B.A., Cedarville College, 1980; M.Div., Grand Rapids Baptist Seminaiy, 1985; Ph.D., Marquette University, 1997. At Cedarville since 1995.
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