2001-2002 Academic Catalog

School of Humanities, Fine Arts Bible One-Year Bible Program The one-year Bible program is designed to provide the student with greater Bible knowledge through intensive study of the Scriptures in a single academic year. The curriculum involves surveys of the entire Bible and the major Christian doctrines as well as specific book studies, practical theology courses, and electives chosen by the student. Whether the student is a university freshman desiring a good foundation of biblical knowledge in seeking the will ofGod, a student from an academic program not offered by a Christian college or university, or an individual just desiting personal emichment through formal Bible study, the one-year Bible program will equip that individual with greater spiritual understanding so that he or she will become a more effective member of the body ofChrist. The course requirements for the one-year Bible program involve 51 quarter hours. The courses are typically taken in the following three-quarter sequence: Fall Quarter BEGE-171 TheChristianLife .................................................... 4 BEGE-172 Introduction to Bible Study ..................................... 4 New Testament elective ...................................................... 4-5 Bible elective ....................................................................... 4-5 Total ....................................................................................... 17 Winter Quarter BEGE-273 Old Testament Survey ............................................. 4 BEGE-274NewTestamentSurvey ........................................... 4 Old Testament elective ........................................................... 5 Bible elective .......................................................................... 5 Total ....................................................................................... 18 SpringQuarter BEGE-375GodandHistory ...................................................... 4 BEGE-376GodandtheChurch ................................................ 4 New Testament elective ...................................................... 3-4 Bible elective .......................................................................... 5 Total ....................................................................................... 16 Minors The Bible minor, a part of the General Education Require– ment, involves 24 quarter hours of coursework including: BEGE-171 TheChristianLife .................................................... 4 BEGE-172 Introduction to Bible Study ..................................... 4 BEGE-273 Old Testament Survey ............................................. 4 BEGE-274NewTestamentSurvey ........................................... 4 BEGE-375GodandHistory ...................................................... 4 BEGE-376GodandtheChurch ................................................ 4 The Christian education minor involves 23 quarter hours of coursework for the student who wishes to become better equipped to serve in the educational function of the local church. The Greek minor provides the student with two years of sh1dy in Koine Greek, the original language of the New Testament. Designed to prepare students for advanced Greek language study at the seminmy level, this minor is required for preseminaiy majors. Course requirements include 24 quarter hours ofelementmy and intermediate Greek. The missions minor for the sh1dent interested in cross– cultural ministries involves 24 quarter hours including: BEPH-226Religion and Culhire ................................................ 5 BEPT-242MissionSurvey ....................................................... 4 BEPT-345 ContemporaryWorldMissions ............................... 4 BEPT-346Missionaiy Process ................................................. 3 At least 8 hours (selectedfi'0111): BEPT-240Persona1Evangelism ............................................ 4 BEPT-341 Discipleship ......................................................... 4 BEPT-490 Independent Study in Missions .......................... 4 BETH-340 Current Religious Movements ............................ 4 The philosophy and religion minor involves 23 quarter hours of coursework in philosophy and religion for the student who seeks a greater understanding of the nahll'e and history of philosophical thinking and its impact on the religious life. The women's ministry minor involves 28-29 quarter hours for the student interested in developing the practical and skill– oriented facets for ministering to women in the local church and mission settings. Course requirements are: BECE-300Women andMinistty .............................................. 4 BECE-350Women'sCommunication ....................................... 5 BECE-351 SmallGroupMinistty ............................................... 5 BEPT-240Personal Evangelism ................................................ 4 BEPT-341 Discipleship ............................................................. 4 BEPT-343 Pastoral Counseling ................................................ 3 One of the following two courses: COM-315 Women inAmerica ............................................... 3 SOC-375 SocialMovements ................................................. 4 Course Descriptions General Education Courses Every student must take six Bible courses to meet the General Education Requirements. These 24 quarter hours constitute a minor in Bible. They will also count toward the course requirements of any biblical education major. These courses may not be taken on an out of class basis or by correspondence study. BEGE-171 The Christian Life--A,W,Sp,Su 4 hours Foundational course designed to introduce the doctrines of man, sin, and salvation. Emphasis is given to the practical application of these doctrines to evangelism and Christian discipleship. BEGE-172 Introduction to Bible Study-A,W,Sp,Su 4 hours Survey of the doctrine of Scripture considering revelation, inspira– tion, canonicity, and illumination. The development of independent Bible study skills will also be stressed. BEGE-175 Christian Life and Thought-Su 4 hours A foundational course designed to introduce the student to a Christian worldview. Attention is first given to the definition, function, formation, and evaluation ofworldview. Then Clu·istian responses and applications will be developed from a survey of biblical theology with emphasis upon the teaching about the Bible, God, man, and salvation. BEGE-273 Old Testament Survey-A,W,Sp,Su 4 hours Survey of the entire Old Testament, giving special attention to authorship, historical background, and the theme of each book. This study traces the histo1y of the Hebrew nation from its origin to the time of Jesus Christ. Prerequisite: BEGE-171 The Christian L(f'e; BEGE-172 I11trod11ctio11 to Bible Stud)'. BEGE-274 New Testament Survey-A,W,Sp,Su 4 hours Survey of the entire New Testament including the historical background of the Inter-Testament period, giving special attention to authorship, content, main events, and the unfolding of God's redemptive purpose through the Lord Jesus Christ. Prerequisite: BEGE-171 The Christian Life; BEGE-172 I11troductio11 to Bible Study.