2003-2004 Academic Catalog

194 Social Sciences and History School of Social Sciences and Professional Studies Course Descriptions Departmental Courses GSS-1000 Foundations of Social Science –Fa,Sp 3 hours Designed to provide the student with a knowledge of basic concepts in sociology, economics, and political science from a Christian-theistic perspective. General Education Requirement. GSS-3670 Research Methodology –Sp 3 hours In the study of the scientific method of research, particular emphasis will be placed upon hypothesis formation, question- naire design and administration, sampling design, threats to validity, interviewing, and data collection. A research project will be designed. Prerequisite: GSS-3680 Data Analysis. GSS-3680 Data Analysis –Fa 3 hours The basic concepts of descriptive and inferential statistics are presented for the purpose of analysis of data sets. Among the concepts emphasized are levels of analysis, measures of central tendency and dispersion, probability, hypothesis testing, simple tests of significance correlation, and linear regression. The course will utilize a major statistical software program to familiarize the students with the power of the computer in data analysis. GSS-3810,3820 1 hour each Clinical Teaching in the Social Sciences —Fa,Sp Practical, on-campus, one credit hour experience in which a student is assigned to assist a college instructor in the prepara- tion of tests and quizzes, grading, research, and other teaching responsibilities. A student will be expected to participate for 30 clock hours for each semester hour of credit. A student may arrange to do either of the following with the director of this experience in his or her discipline: 1. One 30-hour experience for two different semesters. 2. A 60-hour experience for one semester. Prerequisite: admission to the teacher education program . GSS-4990 Social Science/History Internship 3-12 hours Majors who participate in government service, historical research, public administration, international studies, criminal justice, or other approved activities related to the social sciences may earn up to 12 hours of credit. CRJU-4440 - SWK-4440 Special Topics 1-3 hours Investigation of specific topics in Social Science and History which have intrinsic worth and engage student interest. ANTH-4940 through SWK-4950 1-3 hours Independent Study in Social Science Provides the means whereby gifted and interested students may explore, in a more in-depth and intensive manner, general information acquired in the major courses. Further, independent study provides a logical way to complete required hours not obtained in normal sequencing. In all instances, the prior approval of the professor shall be required in those limited instances in which such permission is granted. Prerequisite: permission of the instructor. ANTH-4940Anthropology CRJU-4440 Special Topics CRJU-4960 Criminal Justice GEO-4920Geography HIST-4900History INTL-4980 International Studies POLS-4930 Political Science PUAD-4970PublicAdministration SOC-4910Sociology SWK-4440 Special Topics SWK-4950 Social Work Anthropology ANTH-1800CulturalAnthropology –Fa,Sp 3 hours Analysis of the concept and its importance for the study of man; an examination of various cultures of the world as they relate to technological, economic, social, political, and religious aspects of these cultures. Criminal Justice CRJU-1310 Introduction to Criminal Justice –Fa 3 hours Introduction to the discipline and institutions of criminal justice in the United States. Law enforcement, the courts, and corrections will be recognized in an open systems sense as interacting and interdependent institutions. On occasion, timely issues will be considered as they relate to criminal justice agencies. CRJU-2200 Criminology –Fa 3 hours See course description for SOC-2200 Criminology. CRJU-2310 Juvenile Delinquency –Sp 3 hours Study and assessment of causal theory and problems of correction and prevention of delinquency. CRJU-2840 Concepts of Chemical Dependency –Sp 3 hours Designed to investigate the concept of chemical dependency. Course emphasis is on the various drugs of abuse, and methods of assessment, intervention, and treatment. Prerequi- site: PYCH-1600 General Psychology; SOC-2300 Principles of Sociology; or permission of instructor. CRJU-3300 Corrections –Sp 3 hours In-depth consideration of probation, penology, and community supervision sectors of the field of criminal justice. CRJU-3320 Criminal Investigation –Fa 3 hours Focuses on criminal investigative methods, identification procedures, crime scene search, categories of physical evidence, evidence collection and preservation, sources of information, interviews, and interrogations. Prerequisite: CRJU-1310 Introduction to Criminal Justice. CRJU-3330 Constitutional Law for Criminal Justice –Sp 3 hours Provides an intensive examination of the leading Supreme Court decisions relative to the 4th, 5th, 6th, and 8th Amendments in their application to criminal justice personnel and law enforce- ment agencies. CRJU-3350 Criminal Law –Sp 3 hours Focuses on the general classification of criminal offenses, rules of construction, burden and degree of proof, jurisdiction and venue, limitations to criminal prosecution, requirements for criminal liability, culpable mental states, defenses to criminal liability, and elements of criminal offenses. Prerequisite: CRJU- 1310 Introduction to Criminal Justice. CRJU-3390 Criminal Evidence –Sp 3 hours Focuses on the evidence process applicable to criminal case preparation and presentation in court. Emphasis on types of evidence, tests of admissibility, objections, weight of evidence, witness competency and credibility, defenses, suppressions, order of evidence presentation at trial, and rules of evidence. Prerequi- site: CRJU-1310 Introduction to Criminal Justice. CRJU-3400 Criminal Procedure –Sp 3 hours Pertains to procedural law, which governs the enforcement of substantive criminal law. Emphasis on legal authority of law enforcement personnel and rights of the accused person with a review of pertinent U.S. Supreme Court decisions. Consider- ation is given to various procedural stages from criminal charges through post-conviction appeal. Prerequisite: CRJU- 1310 Introduction to Criminal Justice . CRJU-3410 3 hours Civil Liability for Criminal Justice Personnel –Sp Focuses on civil liability issues with a review of pertinent U.S. Supreme Court decisions. Emphasis on federal civil liability, tort liability and damages, acts of negligent employment, qualified