2003-2004 Academic Catalog
39 Biblical Education School of Humanities, Fine Arts, and Bible One-Year Bible Program The one-year Bible program is designed to provide the student with greater Bible knowledge through intensive study of the Scriptures in a single academic year. The curriculum involves surveys of the entire Bible and the major Christian doctrines as well as specific book studies, practical theology courses, and electives chosen by the student. Whether the student is a university freshman desiring a good foundation of biblical knowl- edge in seeking the will of God, a student from an academic program not offered by a Christian college or university, or an individual just desiring personal enrichment through formal Bible study, the one-year Bible program will equip that individual with greater spiritual understanding so that he or she will become a more effective member of the body of Christ. The course requirements for the one-year Bible program involve 34 semester hours including: General Education ................................................................... 16 BEGE-1710 Christian Life and Thought .......................... 3 BEGE-1720 Spiritual Formation ...................................... 3 BEGE-2730 Old Testament Literature ............................ 3 BEGE-2740 New Testament Literature ........................... 3 BEGE-3750 Christian Worldview Development .............. 2 BEGE-3760 Christian Worldview Integration ................... 2 BENT-XXXX New Testament Electives ................................... 6 BEOT-XXXX Old Testament Electives .................................... 3 BEPH-XXXX Philosophy Elective ............................................ 3 Other Bible Electives ................................................................ 6 Minors The Bible minor , a part of the General Education Requirement, involves 16 semester hours of course work including: BEGE-1710 Christian Life and Thought ................................... 3 BEGE-1720 Spiritual Formation ............................................... 3 BEGE-2730 Old Testament Literature ..................................... 3 BEGE-2740 New Testament Literature .................................... 3 BEGE-3750 Christian Worldview Development ....................... 2 BEGE-3760 Christian Worldview Integration ........................... 2 The Christian education minor involves 16 semester hours of course work for the student who wishes to become better equipped to serve in the educational function of the local church. These courses include: BECE-2400 Interpreting and Teaching the Bible ..................... 6 BECE-3680 Children’s Ministries ............................................. 4 or BECE-3700 Campus Ministries ........................................ 4 or BECE-3720 Adult Ministries ............................................. 4 Any courses with BECE or BEPT designators ......................... 6 The Greek minor provides the student with two years of study in Koine Greek, the original language of the New Testament. Designed to prepare students for advanced Greek language study at the seminary level, this minor is required for preseminary majors. Course requirements include 16 semester hours of elementary and intermediate Greek. The missions minor for the student interested in crosscultural ministries involves 17 semester hours including: BEPH-2260 Religion and Culture ............................................ 3 BEPT-2420 Missions Survey ................................................... 3 BEPT-3450 Contemporary World Missions ............................. 3 BEPT-3460 Missionary Process .............................................. 2 At least 6 hours (selected from): BEPT-2400 Personal Evangelism .......................................... 3 BEPT-3410 Discipleship ........................................................ 3 BEPT-3510 Introduction to Urban Ministry ............................. 3 BEPT-4900 Independent Study in Practical Theology ........... 3 BETH-3400 Current Religious Movements ............................ 3 The philosophy and religion minor involves 15 semester hours of course work in philosophy and religion for the student who seeks a greater understanding of the nature and history of philosophical thinking and its impact on the religious life. The preseminary minor is designed to help the student prepare for graduate theological education and consists of 17-21 semester hours including: BEBL-2510 Elementary Greek ................................................. 5 and BEBL-2520 Elementary Greek ...................................... 5 or BEBL-2610 Elementary Hebrew ......................................... 3 and BEBL-2620 Elementary Hebrew .................................... 3 BEPH-3250 Philosophy of Religion .......................................... 3 BEST-2910 Theological Research ........................................... 2 At least two courses (selected from): BEPH-2240 Logic .................................................................... 3 BEST-4310 Hermeneutics ....................................................... 3 BETH-3330 Christian Evidences and Apologetics ................... 3 BETH-4320 Contemporary Theology ....................................... 3 The women’s ministry minor involves 20 semester hours for students interested in developing the practical and skill-oriented facets for ministering to women in the local church and mission settings. Course requirements are: BECE-3000 Women and Ministry ............................................ 3 BECE-3500 Women’s Communication for Ministry .................. 3 BECE-3510 Small Group Ministry ............................................ 3 BEPT-2400 Personal Evangelism ............................................ 3 BEPT-3410 Discipleship .......................................................... 3 BEPT-3430 Pastoral Counseling ............................................. 2 Select one of the following courses: COM-3150 Women in America .............................................. 3 SOC-3750 Social Movements ................................................ 3 The youth ministry minor involves 15 semester hours of coursework for the student who wishes to become better equipped to serve in youth ministries. These courses include: BECE-2200 Introduction to Youth Ministry ............................... 2 BECE-2400 Interpreting and Teaching the Bible ..................... 6 BECE-3700 Campus Ministries ............................................... 4 Any courses with BECE or BEPT designators ......................... 3
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