2004-2005 Academic Catalog

Science and Mathematics School of Engineering, Nursing, and Science 183 CS-4810. Prerequisite: CS-4810 Software Engineering. (Fee: $50) CS-4880 Topics in Computer Science 1-3 hours Study of topics of interest from the field of computer science, such as compiler theory, artificial intelligence, parallel computing, robotics, advanced algorithms, and numeric methods. Prerequisite: permission of instructor. (Fee: $20/hour) CS-4900 Independent Study in Computer Science 1-3 hours Independent research in the various branches of computer science and allied fields of application. Submission and approval of a research proposal must precede registration. Prerequisites: major in computer science; permission of the research instructor. (Fee: $5/hour) Mathematics MATH-1710 Calculus I –Fa,Sp 5 hours First course of a two-course sequence covering basic concepts of analytic geometry and single variable calculus. Includes limits, transcendental functions, derivatives, applications of the derivative, single variable integration with introduction to numeric integration techniques, applications of integration including some solutions of differential equations, and additional integration techniques . Prerequisite: GMTH-1030 Precalculus or equivalent; or permission of instructor. MATH-1720 Calculus II –Fa,Sp 5 hours The second course of a two-course sequence covering the basic concepts of analytic geometry and single variable calculus. Includes sequences, series, expansion of functions into Taylor and power series, conic sections, plane curves, parametric equations, polar coordinates, vectors and geometry in three-space, vectors, and vector calculus. Prerequisite: MATH- 1710 Calculus I or equivalent or permission of instructor. MATH-1990 3 hours Beautiful Math Structures & Thinking –Fa This course introduces freshmen math majors to interesting mathematical ideas and applications beyond the usual scope of standard math courses. Topics include and introduction to propositional logic, function theory, and infinite sets. Other topics will be chosen from elementary number theory, modular arithmetic, error-correcting codes, Fibonacci numbers and the golden ratio, fractals, discrete dynamical systems and chaos, Euler and Hamilton Circuits, democracy and impossibility theorems, game theory, the Platonic solids, n-dimensional space, and other topics up to the discretion of the instructor. MATH-2210 Logic and Methods of Proof –Fa,Sp 3 hours Introduction to formal mathematical logic; emphasis on preparing students for the abstraction of upper-division courses. Special attention is given to the development of students’ skills with a variety of methods of proof, using examples from numerous areas. Prerequisites: MATH-1720 Calculus II; MATH- 1990 Beautiful Math Structures and Thinking; or permission of instructor. MATH-2510 Discrete Math for Computer Science –Sp 3 hours An introduction to mathematical foundations of computer science, including propositional and predicate calculus, methods of proof, sets and relations, recurrences, graphs and trees, and program correctness and proofs. This course does not satisfy any requirements for the B.A. or B.S. in mathematics or the B.A. in integrated mathematics education. Prerequisite: MATH-1710 Calculus I. MATH-2710 Calculus III –Sp 3 hours Introduction to differential and integral calculus of several variables, multiple integrals, vector analysis, line integrals, and surface integrals. Prerequisite: MATH-1720 Calculus II or equivalent or permission of instructor. MATH-2740Differential Equations – Fa 3 hours Study of the standard techniques employed in the solution of differential equations with emphasis on those arising from physical problems. Prerequisite: MATH-1720 Calculus II or equivalent. MATH-2800 LaTeX for Techincal Documents – Fa 1 hour In this course students will be introduced to the typesetting language of LaTeX through the use of tutorials, example documents, and homework assignments. They will learn to easily prepare professional-looking thesies, conference papers, and journal papers. They will also learn how to create professional-looking presentations, homework, quizzes, examinations, syllabi, resumes, and curriculum vitae. Prerequisites: MATH-1720 Calculus II; ENG-1400 Composition. MATH-3050 3 hours Algebraic Structures for Secondary Education Majors –Fa An introduction to the basic ideas of number theory, abstract algebra, and linear algebra. Factorization of integers, congruence modulo m , Fermat’s Theorem, groups, rings, integral domains, fields, vector spaces, systems of linear equations, determinants and inverses, linear transformations, eigenvalues, and eigenvectors. Does not count towards B.A. or B.S. majors in mathematics. Prerequisites: MATH-2210 Logic and Methods of Proof; MATH-1720 Calculus II. MATH-3110 Probability & Statistics I – Fa 3 hours Probability models, random variables, probability distributions, estimation, and hypothesis tests are studied from theoretical and practical viewpoints. Prerequisite: MATH-1720 Calculus II. MATH-3240 Introduction to Operations Research – Fa 3 hours Formulation and analysis of mathematical models for the optimal solution of decision making problems under certainty. Linear programming; the simplex method, duality and sensitivity analysis. This course applies probabilistic analysis to such nondeterministic models as queueing models, elements of Students spend time in the classroom performing experiments and recording applicable data.