2004-2005 Academic Catalog

47 Biblical Education School of Humanities, Fine Arts, and Bible characteristics and contemporary sociological factors. Students are equipped to utilize creative, interactive strategies for teaching the Bible and to develop effective age-appropriate ministry programs. Course consists of three weekly class sessions but does not include the teaching lab. No prerequisites . BECE-3700 Campus Ministries –Sp 4 hours Principles from Scripture are examined to prepare a biblical philosophy for ministry to junior high and senior high youth in light of developmental characteristics and contemporary sociological factors. Students are equipped to utilize creative, interactive strategies for teaching the Bible and to develop effective age-appropriate ministry programs. Course consists of three weekly class sessions and a two-hour teaching lab. Prerequisites: BECE-2400 Interpreting and Teaching the Bible; Major or minor status or permission of the instructor. (Fee: $20) BECE-3705 Campus Ministries for non-majors –Sp 4 hours Principles from Scripture are examined to prepare a biblical philosophy for ministry to junior high and senior high youth in light of developmental characteristics and contemporary sociological factors. Students are equipped to utilize creative, interactive strategies for teaching the Bible and to develop effective age-appropriate ministry programs. Course consists of three weekly class sessions but does not include the teaching lab. No prerequisites. (Fee: $20) BECE-3720AdultMinistries –Fa 4 hours Principles from Scripture are examined to prepare a biblical philosophy for ministry to adults in light of developmental characteristics and contemporary sociological factors. Students are equipped to utilize creative, interactive strategies for teaching the Bible and to develop effective age-appropriate ministry programs. Course consists of three weekly class sessions and a two-hour teaching lab. Prerequisites: BECE-2400 Interpreting and Teaching the Bible; Major or minor status or permission of the instructor. BECE-3725 Adult Ministries for non-majors –Fa,Sp 3 hours Principles from Scripture are examined to prepare a biblical philosophy for ministry to adults in light of developmental characteristics and contemporary sociological factors. Students are equipped to utilize creative, interactive strategies for teaching the Bible and to develop effective age-appropriate ministry programs. Course consists of three weekly class sessions but does not include the teaching lab. No prerequisites. BECE-4100 3 hours Leadership of Christian Educational Ministries –Sp An examination of models of leadership for Christian minis- tries, emphasizing practical issues such as developing mission and vision statements, creating effective leadership teams, and the strategic planning, implementation, and oversight of minis- tries. For youth ministry and Christian education majors, this must be the final course taken from the sequence of the required BECE courses. Prerequisites: For CE and Youth Ministries majors: BECE-2400; BECE-3680; BECE-3700; BECE- 3720. No prerequisites for non-majors. BECE-4220Seminar inChristianEducation 2 hours Trends and problems of the field are analyzed and defined by individual research and group conferences. BECE-4500 Internship inChristianEducation 10-12 hours Ten weeks in a local church gaining experience in the total educational program of the church, under the supervision of Christian education faculty and the pastor and/or director of Christian education. Capstone course. Prerequisites: Bible faculty approval; successful completion of 5 of the 6 required core courses in Christian education. BECE-4750 Internship inYouthMinistries 10-12 hours This capstone course for the Youth Ministries major is a mentored and evaluated ministry experience in a full-time leadership role in ministry for a minimum of ten weeks. Prereq- uisites: 1)Approval of the faculty of the Department of Biblical Education. 2)Senior academic status. 3)Completion of the following six courses: BETH-2350 Theological Foundations of Ministry; BEST-2400 Interpreting the Bible; BECE-2410 Prin- ciples of Bible Teaching; BECE-3680, 3700, or 3720 Children’s Ministries, Campus Ministries, or Adult Ministries; BEPT-2400 Personal Evangelism or BEPT-3410 Discipleship; and one class in ministry concentration area. BECE-4900 1-3 hours Independent Study inChristianEducation –Fa,Sp,Su Students will investigate a significant topic or Scripture passage of special interest with a view toward integration of knowledge. BECE-4990Topics inChristianEducation 1-3 hours Investigation of special topics in Bible and theology, which have intrinsic worth and engage student interest. Permission of instructor required for non-majors. BibleEducation BEDU-3110Clinical Teaching inBible –Fa,Sp 1 hour Students are assigned to assist a college instructor in class- room teaching, evaluation, and related responsibilites. The student must complete 45 clock hours of clinical involvement. PhilosophyandReligion BEPH-2200 Introduction toPhilosophy –Fa,Sp 3 hours Survey of the principal issues in Western philosophy, covering such areas as epistemology, metaphysics, aesthetics, and the major systems of philosophy. BEPH-2240Logic –Fa 3 hours Study of the principles of correct and fallacious reasoning involved in traditional logic and modern logic. BEPH-2250Ethics 3 hours Study and evaluation of the major theories of goodness, obligation, and motive and the development of a consistent Christian ethical system, together with the application of ethical theories to contemporary moral problems. BEPH-2260ReligionandCulture –Fa,Sp 3 hours Introduction to religious issues, themes, and alternatives as they emerge in the historical context of Eastern and Western culture. BEPH-3240Epistemology –Fa 3 hours Study of the nature, sources, types, tests, and limits of human knowledge. Prerequisite: BEPH-2200 Introduction to Philosophy. BEPH-3250PhilosophyofReligion –Sp 3 hours Analysis of the major philosophical problems relating to religion as these have arisen in the modern intellectual environ- ment. Prerequisite: BEPH-2200 Introduction to Philosophy. BEPH-3260SymbolicLogic 3 hours Study of systems of natural deduction (including metatheoretic proofs and methods) in propositional logic, first-order logic, and modal logic with emphasis on assessing arguments in natural language. Prerequisite: BEPH-2240 Logic; or MATH-2210 Logic and Methods of Proof; or permission of instructor. BEPH-3280 Metaphysics –Sp 3 hours Study of selected topics in metaphysics, including the mind- body problem, substance, qualities and universals, identity, space and time, causation, and freedom and determinism. Prerequisite: BEPH-2200 Introduction to Philosophy. (odd years) BEPH-3310 3 hours History of Ancient andMedieval Philosophy –Fa Survey of men and movements in Greek and Christian philoso- phy from Thales to Aquinas. Selected, representative writings of the philosophers will be read. Prerequisite: BEPH-2200 Intro- duction to Philosophy. (odd years) BEPH-3320History of ModernPhilosophy –Sp 3 hours Study of the principal philosophers from Descartes through Nietzsche. The development of rationalism and empiricism with the Kantian synthesis and its results will be emphasized.