2005-2006 Academic Catalog

146 Music and Art School of Humanities, Fine Arts, and Bible Conducting CDMU-2600 Introduction toConducting –Fa 2 hours The basic technique of the conductor’s art: score reading, conducting patterns, interpreting, cueing, rehearsal procedures, and stylistic conceptualization. Prerequisite: THMU-1210 Music Theory I or permission of instructor. CDMU-3610Choral Conducting –Sp 2 hours Concentrated focus upon the choral conductor’s stylistic gestures and verbal communication as they impact ensemble intonation, diction, tone, blend, and balance. This course emphasizes diagnostic listening, problem solving, observation of professional conductors, the conducting of larger choral/ instrumental works, and student rehearsal of various music department choral ensembles. CDMU-3620 Instrumental Conducting –Sp 2 hours Designed to take the student beyond basic conducting tech- niques and present the special characteristics of instrumental conducting. The student will develop skills in rehearsal tech- nique and score analysis while learning to conceptualize musical fundamentals such as tone, intonation, balance, rhythmic ensemble, and interpretation. Prerequisite: CDMU- 2600 Introduction to Conducting . CDMU-3630 Choral Methods –Fa 2 hours Further development of conducting skills with special emphasis placed upon the organization of a comprehensive school choral curriculum. Rehearsal strategies and vocal techniques are discussed and practiced as they apply to choirs of all levels and voicings. Prerequisite: CDMU-2600 Introducion to Conducting or permission of the instructor. CDMU-4990 Independent Study inConducting 1-3 hours Independent and intensive study in a particular area of conduct- ing for individual students who demonstrate special interests and ability. Prerequisite: CDMU-3620 Instrumental Conducting; CDMU-3630 Choral Methods; or equivalent. Ensembles PFMU-3100 Piano Ensemble –Fa,Sp 0-1 hours The Piano Ensemble is an organization of advanced pianists, that meets weekly to perform duet and duo piano literature. The Ensemble performs publicly on a regular basis. PFMU-3210 Jubilate –Fa,Sp 0-1 hours Ministry team of 40 select voices; open to all students by audition. Repertoire is selected from a wide spectrum of musical styles in evangelical traditions. Meets twice a week. Annual tour Spring Semester. Dreamcoat and on to the staged oratorios of today. Class time is heavily devoted to aural and score analysis, with the occasional solos from major oratorio works. (odd years) CLMU-2130 Opera Literature –Fa 2 hours Designed to acquaint the student with the world of opera literature from the earliest opera Euridice written in 1600 to the present 21 st century operas. Representative works will be discussed from the Baroque, Seria, Buffa, Bel Canto, Romantic, Verismo, English, and Contemporary American styles. (odd years) CLMU-2140 Opera Workshop –Sp 1 hour The coaching, staging, and performance of operatic literature in scenes, recitals or full-scale productions. (odd years) CLMU-2200 Music Literature: Special Topics 1-2 hours A survey of the history and literature for the specified instrument. CLMU-2210 Brass Literature –Fa 1 hour A survey of brass literature covering all historical periods but emphasizing the chamber music genre. (even years) CLMU-2220 Percussion Literature –Sp 1 hour A survey of literature for percussion with special emphasis on the 20 th century. Total percussion will be considered. (even years) CLMU-2230 String Literature –Sp 1 hour A survey of string literature covering all historical periods but emphasizing the chamber music genre. (even years) CLMU-2240 Woodwind Literature –Fa 1 hour The study of the history and literature of the woodwind instruments (flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon). (odd years) CLMU-2300 Keyboard Literature –Sp 2 hours A survey of music for the piano and its precursors, covering the period from 1600 to the present, with a focus on the works which have come to form the core of the repertoire. (odd years) CLMU-2310 Collaborative Piano –Fa,Sp 1 hour Supervised piano accompanying experience. The student is assigned to work with one vocalist or instrumentalist for the semester and will prepare music for studio lessons as well as public performances. CLMU-2750 Performance Seminar –Fa,Sp 0 hours A once-per-semester seminar, that may take the form of a lecture, masterclass, or recital. CLMU-2760 Performance Portfolio –Fa,Sp 0 hours The student will assemble and present materials, which demonstrate performance achievement and professional awareness. The portfolio may include documentation of performances, masterclass, and repertoire. CLMU-2800 Intro to Music Composition –Sp 2 hours Designed to introduce the student to the foundational concepts of musical composition. Students will gain facility with the tools of composition and will begin composing in various styles. CLMU-2850 Composition Seminar –Fa,Sp 0 hours A once-per-semester seminar designed to expose students to aspects of the compositional art that are not part of general class material. The seminar may take the form of a lecture, masterclass, or recital. CLMU-2860 Composition Portfolio –Fa 0 hours Designed as an opportunity for students to receive guidance and feedback on preparing, assembling, and presenting a composition portfolio. The portfolio may include documentation of performances, masterclasses, and completed compositions. CLMU-3110 Choral Repertoire –Fa 2 hours This course exposes the student to exemplary repertoire for choirs of all levels and voicings. Most class sessions are devoted to sight-reading and discussing a large number of choral pieces as well as evaluative listening to recordings. Open to all music majors, minors, and to all CU ensemble members. For music majors, it is recommended that this course be taken concurrently with CDMU-3630 Choral Methods. The Men’s Glee Club is one of the many musical groups that performs regularly on campus and also travels throughout the country.