2005-2006 Academic Catalog

147 Music and Art School of Humanities, Fine Arts, and Bible PFMU-3650 Chamber Ensemble –Fa,Sp 0-1 hours The performance of representative literature in a variety of instrumental and vocal settings. Groups are normally student- formed and faculty-led and can be either homogenous (all strings, all brass, etc.) or heterogeneous. NOTE: An instructor must be designated for a group before any of its members register for this course. Prerequisites: permission of instructor; approval of the chair. PFMU-3800 Concert Chorale –Fa,Sp 0-1 hours The Concert Chorale is a group of 60 select voices. Repertoire is chosen from a wide spectrum of musical styles, including choral masterpieces, sacred classics, anthems, spirituals, and tasteful contemporary works. Numerous concerts are presented each year on campus as well as in churches, schools, and other venues. PFMU-3820Men’sGlee Club –Fa,Sp 0-1 hours The Men’s Glee Club has a membership of 50 voices, selected by audition. Literature includes traditional sacred and secular music from the Renaissance throughout the 20th century. Several concerts are presented each year on campus as well as in churches, schools, and other venues. PFMU-3830 University Jazz Singers –Fa,Sp 0-1 hours The University Jazz Singers is a chamber group made up of 12- 14 select voices, accompanied by an auditioned rhythm section of piano, bass, drums, guitar, and percussion. Repertoire is selected from representative styles and eras of American jazz, as well as from other ethnic jazz traditions. The development of improvisational skill within the literature will be emphasized among participants. Numerous concerts and festival participa- tion are planned each year. Prerequisites: sophomore classifica- tion or higher; audition only. PFMU-3840 Women’s Choir –Fa,Sp 0-1 hours The Women’s Choir consists of 50 treble voices, selected by audition. Repertoire embraces all historical periods and styles with performances on campus, in schools, churches, and civic meetings. PFMU-3880 Brass Choir –Fa,Sp 0-1 hours The Brass Choir of select instrumentation consists of 20 to 25 members. It serves the University and its constituency by performing concerts featuring the highest quality brass choir literature. Major concerts are performed each semester. PFMU-3940 University Orchestra –Fa,Sp 0-1 hours The Orchestra is composed of string, wind, brass, and percus- sion players selected by audition. The group performs challeng- ing, high quality literature in concerts on campus and has opportunities to minister in local churches. PFMU-3970SymphonicBand –Fa,Sp 0-1 hours The Symphonic Band is composed of approximately 80 members, selected by audition. Performing quality band literature, the band has appeared before state and national conference audiences and in concert under the baton of such guest conductors as Jim Curnow, George Strombeck, and George Wilson. Several concerts are presented each year on campus, in churches, and in schools. PFMU-3980 Jazz Band –Fa,Sp 0-1 hours The Jazz Band has a membership of approximately 16 musi- cians, selected by audition. The group performs Big Band music and contemporary jazz standards. The band is active in both campus and off-campus activities. General Music GMUS-1000 Music Philosophy and Aesthetics –Fa 1 hour Philosophical and scriptural foundation for the Christian concepts of musical creativity, musical worship, and steward- ship. Understanding the unique teacher-student relationship in music. A first attempt at codifying a coherent, personal, Christian philosophy of music. GMUS-1030 Recital and Program Attendance –Fa,Sp 0 hours Music majors and minors must attend a prescribed number of programs and recitals each semester. Majors must enroll each semester. For a music minor, students must enroll for two consecutive semesters. GMUS-2910 0 hours Sophmore Review - Multi-Age Music Education –Sp A requirement for the Music Education major. It is basically a mid-point review by the entire music faculty to discern and decide the future direction of the candidate. Are they ready and competent to continue as a music education major? Criteria will include music core grades, faculty observations, and perfor- mance ability. The student will prepare case studies, an integration paper, and a technology portfolio. Graphic Design GDES-1100 History of Graphic Design –Fa 1 hour Survey of graphic design from pre-history through current practice. Highlighting significant stages in its development and pivotal influences including technological advances, individual works, key movements, schools of thought, and approaches relative to their time(s) and culture(s). GDES-1150 Digital Image/Illustration –Fa 3 hours An introduction to media and professional techniques used in digital illustration. GD majors and minors only. (Fee: $50) GDES-1220 Digital Image/Photography –Fa 3 hours An introduction to digital imaging technology and professional techniques for image editing and photo manipulation. The course will provide opportunities to becoming proficient with the tools and techniques associated with Adobe Photoshop, the industry standard sofware for image editing, through classroom discussion, reading, research, and studio assignments. GD majors and minors only. (Fee: $50) GDES-2100 Typography –Fa 2 hours An introduction to the study of typography and its role in the structuring of visual language and its relationship to the disci- pline of graphic design. The course will examine the history of letterforms, their sources, and their influences and will provide opportunities for learning principles and guidelines for the effective use of type in visual communications for a variety of media and messages. Students will learn to structure intelligent, creative type solutions through classroom discussion, reading, research, and studio assignments, including editorial, promo- tional, and informational applications of typography. Prerequi- sites: ART-1230 Design I; GDES-1150 Digital Image/Illustration. Students can expand their creativity using the graphic design lab in the Tyler Digital Communication Center which is fully equipped with Macintosh computers.