2005-2006 Academic Catalog
206 Social Sciences and History School of Social Sciences and Professional Studies shaped the contemporary Middle Eastern states. Crosslisted as GEO, HIST, INTL, or POLS. (even years) GEO-3230 History and Politics of Western Europe –Sp 3 hours This course will cover the development of Western European history and politics from approximately the year 1900 to the present. Concentration will be on the great European powers, but will include the smaller states. The political, economic, and social histories of the nations of Europe will be covered, as well as several macro-European issues. Crosslisted as GEO, HIST, INTL, or POLS. (odd years) GEO-3240 History and Politics of Eastern Europe– Sp 3 hours This overview course will cover the geography, history, politics, and international relations of Eastern Europe from prehistory to the present. While special attention will be given to the religious and ethnic conflict, the course will also cover the region’s social histories, economic, gender, and class issues. Crosslisted as GEO, HIST, INTL, or POLS. (even years) GEO-3250 3 hours History and Politics of Central & South Asia –Fa This overview course will cover geography, history, politics, and international relations of Central and South Asia to the present. While special attention will be given to religious and ethnic conflict, the course will also cover the region’s social histories, economic, gender, and class issues. Crosslisted as GEP, HIST, INTL, or POLS. (odd years) GEO-3510 3 hours World Regional Geography–Western Hemisphere –Fa Spatial survey of various regions in the western hemisphere with an emphasis on the cultural, economic, and political developments in relation to the geographical environment. GEO-3520 3 hours World Regional Geography – Eastern Hemisphere –Sp Survey of various regions in the eastern hemisphere with an emphasis on the cultural, economic, and political developments in relation to the geographical environment. GEO-3540 History and Politics of Africa –Sp 3 hours This course will begin with the landing of the Ark on Ararat, discuss the origins of the Hamatic, Semetic, and the Japethitic peoples of Africa, and trace their histories to the modern day. The problems of slavery, colonialism, socialism, Islam, de- colonization, corruption, poverty, AIDS, tropical diseases, and women’s issues. This class should not be taken by freshmen. Crosslisted as GEO, HIST, INTL, or POLS. Prerequisite: permis- sion of instructor (even years). History HIST-1110 United States History I –Fa 3 hours HIST-1120 United States History II –Sp 3 hours Analysis of the development of the United States from the colonial period to the present. Attention is given to the dominant Christian influences that have tended to mold the philosophy and ideology of our cultural, social, and political development. HIST-2000 Introduction toHistory –Fa 2 hours An introduction to the field of history as it pertains to both the academic and the public historian. Emphasis will be given to historical inquiry, source evaluation, analysis and synthesis, research methodology, formal historical writing, and career opportunities. Introduction to History should be taken in the sophomore year. HIST-2010History of Civilization I –Fa 3 hours HIST-2020History of Civilization II –Sp 3 hours This survey of human history begins at the advent of civilized life in the ancient Near East and continues into the twentieth century. It presents the religious, social, political, and intellectual development of mankind from a Christian interpretive point of view. HIST-3000 Introduction toHistoriography –Fa 3 hours Introduction to the history of historical writing, methods of research, and the philosophy of history. Required of history majors. Should be taken in the junior year. CRJU-3390Criminal Evidence –Sp 3 hours Focuses on the evidence process applicable to criminal case preparation and presentation in court. Emphasis on types of evidence, tests of admissibility, objections, weight of evidence, witness competency and credibility, defenses, suppressions, order of evidence presentation at trial, and rules of evidence. Prerequisite: CRJU-1310 Introduction to Criminal Justice. CRJU-3400 Criminal Procedure –Sp 3 hours Pertains to procedural law, which governs the enforcement of substantive criminal law. Emphasis on legal authority of law enforcement personnel and rights of the accused person with a review of pertinent U.S. Supreme Court decisions. Consider- ation is given to various procedural stages from criminal charges through post-conviction appeal. Prerequisite: CRJU- 1310 Introduction to Criminal Justice . CRJU-3410 3 hours Civil Liability for Criminal Justice Personnel –Sp Focuses on civil liability issues with a review of pertinent U.S. Supreme Court decisions. Emphasis on federal civil liability, tort liability and damages, acts of negligent employment, qualified immunity, seizures and civil liability, special duty to protect, liability for policy or custom, and preventive measures. Prerequi- site: CRJU-1310 Introduction to Criminal Justice. CRJU-4200 Police Administration –Fa 3 hours Focuses on contemporary policing issues and related admin- istrative matters from the perspective of executive leadership. Emphasis on management of organizational resources regard- ing basic line and staff functions. Consideration is given to contemporary issues of community-oriented policing and federal legislative mandates. Case study is utilized. Prerequisite: CRJU- 1310 Introduction to Criminal Justice. CRJU-4330 3 hours Contemporary Issues in Criminal Justice –Sp Analysis of key issues influencing the criminal justice system. CRJU-4600 Research Issues in Criminal Justice –Fa 3 hours This is a capstone course for criminal justice majors. The class will usually focus on a significant issue in contemporary criminal justice. Major papers will be presented by individual students on sub-categories of the primary topic. Additionally, the class will prepare a project that will be presented in a public forum. Prerequisite: senior status as a CRJU major. (fee: $100) CRJU-4800 International & Domestic Terrorism –Sp 3 hours In-depth study of terrorism, focusing worldwide and domesti- cally. An intensive examination of ongoing international conflicts, narco-terrorism, eco-terrorism, cyber-terrorism, weapons of mass destruction, geographical trouble spots, enemies of the United States, terrorism-counter-terrorism theory & options, terrorism history, law, civil liberties, and Homeland Security. Geography GEO-3080 History of Russia and the Soviet Union –Fa 3 hours The course will cover not only Soviet history but also major events of Russian history up to the Bolshevik Revolution. Soviet history will be studied in detail, with attention given to the development of non-Russian peoples in the empire. The political, economic, social, and foreign policy aspects of Soviet history will all be covered, emphasizing Perestroika and the Soviet collapse. Crosslisted as GEO, HIST, INTL, or POLS GEO-3200 History and Politics of Latin America –Fa 3 hours Analysis of the major historical, political, geographical, social, and diplomatic developments that have shaped contemporary Latin America. Crosslisted as GEO, HIST, INTL, or POLS. (even years) GEO-3210 History and Politics of Asia –Sp 3 hours Study of the historical, political, geographical, social, and diplomatic developments of Asia from the 18th century to the present. Crosslisted as GEO, HIST, INTL, or POLS. (odd years) GEO-3220 History and Politics of the Middle East –Sp 3 hours Analysis of the major historical, political, geographical, and social forces, such as religion and nationalism, that have
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